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Sir James Mirrlees Commemorated in his Hometown with a Blue Plaque


Professor Sir James Mirrlees was the 1996 recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, and the founding master of Morningside College. He spent his childhood in the village of Minnigaff, in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. On Saturday September 24, a plaque was unveiled at the cottage where he was born, to commemorate his life and achievements. At the Wigtown Book Festival (also in Dumfries and Galloway), an annual lecture series was inaugurated in Sir James’ memory. The first lecture was delivered by his friend, (the Astronomer Royal) Professor Lord Martin Rees.


To learn more about Sir James’ background and legacy, and Lord Rees’ insightful address, you can read these articles from the Wigtown Book Festival website and Dumfries and Galloway local news (DGWGO).
