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Admissions FAQs

What qualities do you look for when you consider a student for admission to the College?

We are looking for students who will enjoy being part of the Morningside College community and will contribute to making it a vibrant, pleasant, diverse, and interesting place.  Although admitted students will have impressive academic credentials, a major consideration in the admission process is the potential for intellectual and personal growth.



How will you evaluate whether students have the qualities you are looking for?

A panel of Fellows of the College will consider each applicant’s academic background and non-academic interests and pursuits, as well as his/her core values. We will examine these qualities as expressed in the written application and an interview, if arranged.



Do you accept transfer students?

Student transfers from one college to another are not common at CUHK. A student contemplating a transfer should contact the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) and the Dean of Students of his/her current college for advice.



Can I apply to more than one college?

Yes, the college affiliation preference form will allow you to rank your choices to ensure that if you are not accepted at one college, you will have the chance to join another.



Does the College offer Admission Scholarships?

Yes, Morningside offers a number of scholarships to highly qualified incoming students. 



If I fulfill the criteria for an award, am I guaranteed to receive it?

The number of awards given varies from year to year. If you fulfill the criteria for an award, you will be considered for that award alongside other students. However, fulfillment of basic criteria does not guarantee that you will receive an award. Other elements of your portfolio, including performance during a campus or online interview may also be considered.