
We are indebted to the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the University Grants Committee for their support in pushing the boundaries of mathematics. They contributed to the projects listed below:

Project Title PI Funding Source
Perturbative methods in mirror symmetry Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Multiscale model reduction for frictional contact problems Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Solutions of non-cutoff Boltzmann equation near local Maxwellians Prof. Renjun DUAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Dimension theory of non-conformal fractal sets and measures Prof. Dejun FENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Some fundamental questions on the generalized affine Springer fibers Prof. Xuhua HE Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Short-time existence of Ricci Flow on non-compact manifolds and its applications Prof. Man Chun LEE Research Grants Council - Early Career Scheme
Heegaard Floer theory, large-perturbation Seiberg-Witten monopoles and the Atiyah-Floer principle Prof. Yi Jen LEE Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Lagrangian correspondences and Mirror Symmetry with symmetries Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Geometric problems in mathematical general relativity Prof. Martin Man Chun LI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Numerical methods for the Schrödinger equation with a periodic potential and uncertainties Prof. Liu LIU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
A new framework for imaging with shape priors using Harmonic Beltrami Signature Prod. Ronald Lok Ming LUI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Free-Boundary Problem in Complex Fluids Prof. Chenyun LUO Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Symplectic Duality, Loops and Enumerative Geometry Prof. Michael McBREEN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Mean-field games and mean-field control of timing Prof. Xiaolu TAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Dynamical flow of liquid crystal droplets Prof. Yong YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Mathematical analysis of PML and robust finite element methods for nonlinear Helmholtz equations with highly oscillatory solutions Prof. Jun ZOU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Project Title PI Funding Source
Quantization by means of mirror symmetry Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Hybrid multiscale methods for coupled flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
The Boltzmann equation for uniform shear flow Prof. Renjun DUAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Local geometry and multifractal analysis of self-affine sets and measures Prof. Dejun FENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Total positivity for flag varieties of Kac-Moody groups Prof. Xuhua HE Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Symplectic geometry and SYZ mirror symmetry Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Singularity analysis in minimal surface theory Prof. Martin Man Chun LI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Uncertainty Quantification for Multiscale Kinetic Mixture Models with Uncertainties Prof. Liu LIU Research Grants Council -
Early Career Scheme
Geometry-guided deep neural networks for image and geometry processing Prod. Ronald Lok Ming LUI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Local and Long Time Behavior for the Motion of a Compressible Water Wave Prof. Chenyun LUO Research Grants Council -
Early Career Scheme
Geometry and Representation Theory of Symplectic Resolutions and their multiplicative analogues Prof. Michael McBREEN Research Grants Council -
Early Career Scheme
Mean-Field Optimal Control with Dynamic Population Prof. Xiaolu TAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Well-Posedness of The Contact Discontinuities for the Ideal MHD Prof. Zhouping XIN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Zeta functions of finite quotients of buildings Prof. Jiu Kang YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Pattern formation in Landau-de Gennes theory Prof. Yong YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Blind deblurring: from variational approaches to explainable deep learning Prof. Tieyong ZENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Mathematical analysis and applications of stochastic gradient type methods for large-scale systems from nonlinear ill-posed inverse problems Prof. Jun ZOU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Project Title PI Funding Source
Geometry of SYZ transforms and applications Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Learning of macroscopic parameters for multiscale problems Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Time-periodic problems on the Boltzmann equation Prof. Renjun DUAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties for nonbasic elements Prof. Xuhua HE Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Modelling and analysis of diffuse interface models for two-phase micropolar fluid flows Prof. Andrew Kei Fong LAM Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Duality and geometry of Lagrangian submanifolds Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
幾何分析 Prof. Martin Man Chun LI National Natural Science Foundation of China (優青項目)
On higher-order isoperimetric inequality Prof. Guohuan QIU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Geometric flows, quasi-local mass and the structure of manifolds Prof. Luen Fai TAM Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Non-convex Optimization for Image Recovery: Modelling, Analysis, and Understanding Prof. Tieyong ZENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Project Title PI Funding Source
Perturbative QFT and Mirror Symmetry Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Nonlinear upscaling for nonlinear multiscale problems Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Existence and Regularity of Solutions to the Boltzmann Equation Prof. Renjun DUAN National Natural Science Foundation of China and Hong Kong Research Grant Council - Joint Research Scheme
Solutions to the Boltzmann equation with small Knudsen numbers in the approximation of the compressible viscous fluid with slip boundaries Prof. Renjun DUAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Garsia entropy and Hausdorff dimension of Bernoulli convolutions Prof. Dejun FENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
On Cahn-Hilliard models with singular potentials and source terms Prof. Andrew Kei Fong LAM Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Instantons and Seiberg-Witten monopoles Prof. Yi Jen LEE Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Calabi-Yau A-model and Gukov-Witten quantization Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Geometric variational problems and nonlinear partial differential equations Prof. Martin Man Chun LI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Data-driven geometric models for image analysis and processing via data transformation Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Regularity estimates of Hessian and Curvature equations Prof. Guohuan QIU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
A Study of Grid Diagram Prof. Zhongtao WU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Vacuum Dynamics for the Full Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations Prof. Zhouping XIN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Mathematical Studies on Defect Structure in 3D Landau-de Gennes Theory Prof. Yong YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Generative Adversarial Learning Based Magnetic Resonance Image Enhancement: Modeling and Algorithm Prof. Tieyong ZENG National Natural Science Foundation of China and Hong Kong Research Grant Council - Joint Research Scheme
Novel Efficient Methods for Image Recovery Under Heavy Noise and Their Applications Prof. Tieyong ZENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
The Local Fundamental Group Prof. Lei ZHANG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Scalable and efficient methods and analyses for large-scale systems arising from Helmholtz-type equations with impedance conditions Prof. Jun ZOU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Project Title PI Funding Source
Novel Efficient Variational Methods for Imaging Segmentation and Their Applications to Angiography Imaging and Hyperspectral Imaging Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Multiscale methods for inversion in heterogeneous systems Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Dimension of invariant measures for iterated function systems Prof. Dejun FENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Mathematical studies of a phase field approach to shape optimization Prof. Andrew Kei Fong LAM Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
SYZ transformation and Mirror Symmetry Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Existence of entropy-bounded solutions to the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the presence of far field vacuum Prof. Jinkai LI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Gauge Theory in Contact and Symplectic Topology Prof. Zhongtao WU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Uniform groups and Iwasawa algebras Prof. Jiu Kang YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Some mathematical problems arising in Poisson-Nernst-Planck equation Prof. Yong YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Constructions and Analyses of Efficient Preconditioned Solvers for Some Mathematical Models in Unbounded Domains Prof. Jun ZOU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Project Title PI Funding Source
Geometry of SYZ transforms Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Space-time multiscale methods for wave simulations Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Global solutions of the Boltzmann equation with large-amplitude data Prof. Renjun DUAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
On generating iterated function systems and affine embeddings of fractals Prof. Dejun FENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Geometry of manifolds with special holonomy Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Weak and Strong Solutions to the Primitive Equations with Full or Horizontal Viscosity but No Diffusivity Prof. Jinkai LI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Mathematical models for deformation analysis and their applications Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Stability conditions on Calabi-Yau/Fukaya categories Prof. Yu QIU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Some problems on the structure of manifolds Prof. Luen Fai TAM Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
A Study of Spatial Graph Prof. Zhongtao WU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
On Some Problems for Steady Compressible Euler Systems Prof. Zhouping XIN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Some Mathematical Problems Related to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations Arising in Born-Infeld-Higgs Theory Prof. Yong YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Problems in harmonic analysis related to Carelson's operator Prof. Po Lam YUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Adaptive Finite Element Methods and Convergence Analyses for Solving Ill-posed Inverse Problems by Non-smooth Regularizations Prof. Jun ZOU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Project Title PI Funding Source
Mathematics in the Estimation of Point-spread Functions in Ground-based Astronomy through Turbulence Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Open Gromov-Witten theory and Mirror Symmetry for Toric Varieties Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Space-time Multiscale Methods for the Wave Equation in Heterogeneous media Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Germany Academic Exchange Service and Research Grant Council - Joint Research Scheme
Multiscale model reduction techniques for coupled flow and transport in porous media Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
On the Cauchy problem of Boltzmann equations in Besov spaces Prof. Renjun DUAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Induced Dirichlet forms on Self-similar sets Prof. Ka Sing LAU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
The Harnack inequalities and the Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto schemes Prof. Paul Woon Yin LEE Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Floer theoretic invariants in gauge theory and symplectic geometry Prof. Yi Jen LEE Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Geometry of Calabi-Yau manifolds Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Global questions in differential geometry on holographic principles Prof. Martin Man Chun LI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Variational Analysis with respect to a Smooth Set and Applications Prof. Kung Fu NG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Topology of DNA Prof. Zhongtao WU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Symmetric spaces and Bruhat-Tits building via Moy-Prasad theory Prof. Jiu Kang YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Restrictions of pseudodifferential operators of mixed homogeneities Prof. Po Lam YUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Mathematical and Numerical Study of Non-conforming Finite Element Methods for Maxwell’s Equations in Inhomogeneous Media and Related Inverse Problems Prof. Jun ZOU National Natural Science Foundation of China and Hong Kong Research Grant Council - Joint Research Scheme
A general framework for developing direct sampling-type methods for some severely ill-posed nonlinear inverse problems Prof. Jun ZOU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Project Title PI Funding Source
Perturbative quantum field theory and mirror symmetry Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Stability of non-trivial profiles for the Boltzmann equation with self-consistent forces Prof. Renjun DUAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Geometric and dimensional properties of fractals under projections and intersections Prof. Dejun FENG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
SYZ mirror symmetry Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Min-max constructions in geometry and applications Prof. Martin Man Chun LI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Variational models for registration problems of inconsistent shapes Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Problems in Dehn Surgery and Finite Type Invariant Prof. Zhongtao WU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
On Periodic Solutions to the One-Dimensional Compressible Euler Equations Prof. Zhouping XIN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Compensation for the failures of some critical Sobolev embeddings Prof. Po Lam YUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Project Title PI Funding Source
Flexible Two-stage Methodology for Image Segmentation Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Integrable systems, flag varieties and mirror symmetry Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Initial trace and parabolic problems with general initial data Prof. Kai Seng CHOU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Simultaneous reconstruction of metric tensors and obstacles using incomplete boundary data Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Tree structure and boundary theories on fractals Prof. Ka Sing LAU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Geometry of Special Holonomy Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Developing metric shape space for landmark-labeled surfaces using T-Maps Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Stability and Tilt-Stability of Holder-Order Local Minima Prof. Kung Fu NG Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Some problems in Kahler geometry and mathematical general relativity Prof. Luen Fai TAM Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Applications of Floer homology in low-dimensional topology Prof. Zhongtao WU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Stability and dynamical theory for solutions to the gauged O(3) sigma model Prof. Yong YU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
Efficient Mathematical Approximations and their Analyses for a Nonlinear Helmholtz-type System Prof. Jun ZOU Research Grants Council - General Research Fund