Contact Us

Dear participants,

Learning “Calculus” is fun. Besides learning the conceptual and procedural knowledge related to each Calculus topic, we will also provide you with an online-game-based platform so you will get more hands-on experience and become familiar with real-life problem applications. As you will see below, many animations, useful cursor buttons and other items are embedded in these two exercise sets to provide you with a self-learning experience. Moreover, if two students are available you may choose to work together or individually using the game theory strategies. Through solving different types of problems in a real time mode, students can learn from each other, exchange ideas through the chat box and discuss the problems through Zoom. Typically, after you have finished these exercise sets, if you gave any incorrect answers, we also provide you with a few extra problem sets to polish your problem solving skills through a recommendation system. Please read the instructions before taking any action.

We sincerely hope you enjoy working on these exercises and have as much fun as we do!

Please visit this site from time to time. You will find the latest developments and applications of Calculus and surprises when you work on these project questions.

After first looking at/checking out the two projects below, please help us by doing two separate surveys. The surveys are located on the same websites as the exercise sets.

The survey only takes one minute!

Thank you very much!

Yours truly,

The Calculus of Project Teams







List of topics

Unit 1



There are two problem sets. Each problem set has twenty questions.

Before choosing Problem Set 1 or Problem Set 2, please read the tips below.

Please have a go and see how many questions you can answer within the specified time frame – 45 minutes.

These questions are of the following types:

  • 1. Insert answers inside the box using a MATH calculator mode
    • A mathematical expression
    • A numeric number
  • 2. Multiple choice tests
  • 3. Match the items
  • 4. Visualize the graph of the given function using the animation and the sliding bar
  • 5. Select either TRUE or FALSE for a mathematical statement
  • 6. Reorder/Reshuffle mathematical statements using a dragging button mode

Unit 2



There is only one problem set with twenty questions.

These questions are solved using a cooperation and competition learning mode. In other words, two players acting like they are playing a prisoner’s dilemma game, work together or individually to solve Calculus problems.

Or you can directly solve each problem, in a person-computer interaction mode.

There are three selected topics in this exercise set, namely, limits, graph sketching, and integration.

These questions are of the following types:

  • 1. Insert answers inside the box using a MATH calculator mode
    • A mathematical expression
    • A numeric number
  • 2. Visualize the graph of the given function using the animation and the sliding bar
The players:
The Left Group (LG) and the Right Group (RG) find all the answers independently and simultaneously in a sequential format. Your group will know how the other group answers each question.
The rules:
For each group, attempts must be submitted before the time expires. Unlimited attempts are allowed for this question.
  • Before time expires, the four possible outcomes of the payoff strategies are:
    • If both groups cooperate, but submit an incorrect answer, then both groups obtain 2 point.
    • If both groups do not cooperate, then both groups obtain 1 point.
    • If the LG cooperates, while the RG does not cooperate, LG obtains 0 points while RG obtains 4 points.
    • If the RG cooperates, while the LG does not cooperate, RG obtains 0 points while LG obtains 4 points.
  • After time expires, if you do not submit any answer then no matter which rule you chose, your score will be -1.
The outcomes:
Any group that submits the correct answer will receive 1 point, while for any group that submits an incorrect answer, then the score will be -1.
The payoffs:
If your final score is higher than that of the other group, you will get a free hint that can be used for subsequent questions. These accumulated hints can be used for any questions.

Unit 3



Continuity and Differentiability


Indefinite Integrals

Definite Integrals

Dear Students,

Our aim here is to provide you with an alternative way of learning Calculus based on questioning!

Each set is designed using different types of questioning techniques that are embedded in the Calculus problems.

These questioning types are:

  • 1. Sahin and Kulm's questioning types
  • 2. Walsh and Satters's questioning types
  • 3. Mason's questioning types

These questions are solved using a cooperation and competition learning mode. In other words, two players acting like they are playing a game, work together or individually to solve Calculus problems.

Or you can directly solve each problem.

For further information and guidelines, please visit the link below.

After looking at/checking out this site, please click the link below and help us by doing a quick one-minute survey:

Questionnaire for Calculus Game Play Students

The survey only takes one minute!

Thank you very much!

Yours truly,

The Calculus Project Teams

Lab Assignments

Please click the links below to download the lab assignment and check its suggested solutions.

Homework Assignments

Please click the links below to download the homework assignment and check its suggested solutions.

Examination Schedule

Please note that

Schedule of final examination is:

Important dates to remember \( \cdots \)
Date & Time: December 14, from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Room: Yasumoto International Academic Park LT7

Course Calendar

The Calculus Project Teams, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.