MATH2050B - Mathematical Analysis I - 2014/15
- 1. [Download file]
- The "exercise class" will be held on W1-2 starting from 10/9 at LT4 ,LSB .
- The first test will be held on 11/9 at LT6 , starting at 6:30 pm .
- Tutorial class T1-2 on 30th Sep will be changed to main lecture to make-up the missed class on 1st Oct .(If any student couldn't come, you can go to class M1-2 on 29/9)
- Lecture on F1-2 ,3rd Oct will be changed to 2 tutorial classes.
- Tutorial class T1-2 on 7th Oct will be changed to main lecture to make-up the missed class on 3rd Oct .
- The 2nd test is now re-scheduled to be held on 24th Oct at 6:30-8:00pm
- Please be reminded that the midterm is to be held on7/11 at6:30-8:00
- The venues of class on 21/11 will be changed to LSK_515.
- In your mind-term if you did NOT follow one of the two options as required, you should contact TA (Mr Tang) within today or tomorrow
- Make up test will be held on28/11 in Lt6 at 18:30
General Information
Professor Ng kung fu
- Office: RM 102 ,lsb
- Tel: 39437968
- Email:
Teaching Assistant
Mr chan ho yuan
- Office: Rm223c ,lsb
- Tel: 39438570
- Email:
Ms Liu Cairong
- Office: Rm222a ,lsb
- Tel: 39433575
- Email:
Mr Tang Wen
- Office: Rm222b ,lsb
- Tel: 39437963
- Email:
Mr lee man chun
- Office: Rm222a ,lsb
- Tel: 39433575
- Email:
Time and Venue
- Lecture: W3-4 ,F 2@ LSb LT4
- Tutorial: T1 T2 @ LSB LT4, H1 H2@LSB LT4
Course Description
This course is intended to provide conceptual understanding in the theory of functions of one variable. Topics include: real numbers, real valued functions, elementary set theory, limits of sequences and continuous functions.
- Introduction to Real Analysis ,5th Edition ,Bartle Sherbert
Lecture Notes
Tutorial Notes
- Exercise Class 1
- Exercise Class 2
- Exercise Class 3
- Tutorial class on 3/10
- Exercise Class 4
- Exercise Class 5
- Exercise Class 6
- Exercise Class 7
- Amendment in tutorial class T2 on 4/11/2014
- correction on tut class H1 on 13/11
- alternative proof of boundedness theorem
- Exercise Class 19/11
- Amendment in tutorial class T1 on Nov.25
- Exercise Class 26/11
- Deadline: 12 Sept at 5pm
- Dealine: 26 Sept at 5pm
- Deadline: 3 Oct at 5pm
- Deadline: 13 Oct at 5pm
- Deadline: 27 Oct at 5pm
- Deadline: 10 Nov at 5pm
- Deadline: 17 Nov at 5pm
Quizzes and Exams
Honesty in Academic Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website: thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.
Last updated: November 28, 2014 20:15:58