Honours & Awards by Current and Former Faculty Members


  • New Cornerstone Investigator (新基石研究員), Tencent Foundation
    • Prof. Xuhua HE


  • ICCM Silver Medal of Mathematics
    • Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG
  • Fellow, American Mathematical Society (AMS)
    • Prof. Jun ZOU (link)
  • Chevalley Prize, American Mathematical Society (AMS)
    • Prof. Xuhua HE (link)
  • Outstanding Fellow, Faculty of Science (CUHK)
    • Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG


  • Antonio Ambrosetti Medal
    • Prof. Po Lam YUNG (link)
  • Early Career Award, Research Grant Council
    • Prof. Liu LIU
    • Prof. Chenyun LUO
    • Prof. Michael McBREEN
  • Hong Kong Mathematical Society Young Scholar Award
    • Prof. Martin Man Chun LI
    • Prof. Tieyong ZENG
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Dr. Kai Leung CHAN


  • XPLORER Prize 2020 (科學探索獎 2020), XPLORER Prize Foundation
    • Prof. Xuhua HE
  • Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2020, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
    • Prof. Martin Man Chun LI
  • Hong Kong Mathematical Society Young Scholar Award
    • Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN
    • Prof. Renjun DUAN
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Martin Man Chun LI


  • Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
    • Prof. Jun ZOU
  • Member, Academy of Science, The Royal Society of Canada
    • Prof. Juncheng WEI
  • Zhong Jia Qin Mathematics Award
    • Prof. Guohuan QIU
  • Qin Yuanxun Mathematical Award, Qin Yuanxun Mathematical Prize Foundation
    • Prof. Zhouping XIN
  • ICCM Best paper award
    • Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN
    • Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG
  • University Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
    • Dr. Chi Hin LAU
  • Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI


  • Hong Kong Mathematical Society Young Scholar Award
    • Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI
  • Distinguished Paper Award, International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians Best Paper Award
    • Prof. Luen Fai TAM
    • Prof. Zhongtao WU
    • Prof. Po Lam YUNG
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Dr. Mark Jingjing XIAO
  • ICCM Best Paper Award
    • Prof. Xuhua HE
    • Prof. Zhouping XIN
  • ICM Invited Speaker
    • Prof. Xuhua HE


  • Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN
  • Distinguished Paper Award and Silver Award, International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians Best Paper Award
    • Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN
    • Prof. Conan N. C. LEUNG
  • Hong Kong Mathematical Society Young Scholar Award
    • Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN
  • Distinguished Paper Award, International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians
    • Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI


  • Paul Erdős Award
    • Prof. Kar-Ping SHUM
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Po Lam YUNG
  • International Conference on Representations of Algebras Award (ICRA Award)
    • Prof. Yu QIU
  • Morningside Silver Medal of Mathematics
    • Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Dr. Wing Chung FONG
  • Early Career Award, Research Grant Council
    • Prof. Po Lam YUNG
  • University Education Award 2014/15
    • Prof. Thomas Kwok Keung AU
  • Invited Speaker of Current development of Mathematics conference
    • Prof. Xuhua HE


  • The China National Thousands Talents Program
    • Prof. Jun ZOU
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI
  • Fellow, American Mathematical Society (AMS)
    • Prof. Zhouping XIN


  • Fellow, American Mathematical Society (AMS)
    • Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG
    • Prof. Jiu-Kang YU
  • Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
    • Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Chi Wai LEUNG
  • Morningside Gold Medal of Mathematics
    • Prof. Xuhua HE
  • Croucher Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research
    • Prof. Martin Man Chun LI


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Kai Seng CHOU


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Thomas Kwok Keung AU
  • Natural Science Award First-class Award
    • Prof. Raymond Honfu CHAN
  • Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Thomas Kwok Keung AU


  • ICCM Chern Prize
    • Prof. Conan Nai Chung LEUNG
  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Dr. Jeff Chak Fu WONG
  • Natural Science Award First-class Award
    • Prof. Juncheng WEI
  • Research Excellence Award, CUHK
    • Prof. Juncheng WEI


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Dejun FENG


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Dr. Leung Fu CHEUNG


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Thomas Kwok Keung AU
  • Morningside Gold Medal
    • Prof. Zhouping XIN


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Chi Wai LEUNG


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Dr. Ka Lun CHEUNG​
  • Croucher Senior Research Fellowship
    • Prof. Juncheng WEI


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Thomas Kwok Keung AU​
  • The Young Researcher Award, CUHK
    • Prof. Juncheng WEI


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Luen Fai TAM


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Kung Fu NG
  • ICM invited speaker
    • Prof. Zhouping XIN
  • Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Kung Fu NG


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Hing Sun LUK
  • ICCM Chern Prize
    • Prof. Jiu Kang YU


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Luen Fai TAM


  • Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award
    • Prof. Kung Fu NG