MATH6071 - Topics in Topology I - 2022/23
- Donaldson---Floer homology groups in Yang-Mills theory (Cambridge University Press)
- The Floer memorial volume (Birkhäuser)
- Saveliev--Invariants for homology 3-spheres (Springer)
- Saveliev--Lectures on the Topology of 3-Manifolds (Springer)
- Pinzón-Caicedo & Ruberman--Applications of Instanton Floer Homology (Notices of AMS 2022)
- Kronheimer & Mrowka--KNOTS, THREE-MANIFOLDS AND INSTANTONS (Proceedings of ICM 2018)
Useful Links
- Mrowka's Lecture notes
- Miller--Equivariant Instanton Homology
- Daemi & Miller--Instantons and rational homology spheres
Assessment Policy Last updated: January 09, 2023 16:36:16