MATH3230B - Numerical Analysis - 2017/18
- Mid term: March 7, 2018(Wed) which mainly covers Chapter 1-6 of the lecture notes of cuhk.
General Information
Prof. Zeng Tieyong
- Email:
Teaching Assistant
Guo Xuyang
- Email:
Wang Xia
- Email:
Time and Venue
- Lecture: Wed 4:30pm - 6:15pm, LSB LT4; Thur 4:30pm - 5:15pm, LSB LT3
- Tutorial: Thur 5:30pm - 6:15pm, LSB LT3
Course Description
Floating-point numbers and roundoff errors, absolute and relative errors, stable and unstable computations, solutions of nonlinear equations, linear systems, interpolation, numerical differentiation, and numerical integration. Students taking this course are expected to have knowledge in advanced calculus and linear algebra.
- D. Kincaid and W. Cheney, Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing, Third Edition, QA297.K563, 2009.
- G.W. Stewart, Afternotes on Numerical Analysis, SIAM, 1996. (QA297.S785).
- G.H. Golub and C.F. van Loan, Matrix computations, Johns Hopkins University Press, MD, 1989. Call No.: QA188.G65.
- R. L. Burden, J. D. Faires and A. M. Burden Numerical Analysis, 10th Edition, 2015.
- C.F. Gerald and P.O.Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, 7th Edition, Person Addison Wesley, 2003.
Pre-class Notes
Lecture Notes
- Notes of Prof. Ferng
- Notes of Stanford (Chapter 4: Numerical Differentiation)
- Notes of CUHK
- Convergence of the Broyden Method
- Notes of Broyden
Tutorial Notes
- Tutorial 1 with solution
- Tutorial 2 with solution
- Tutorial 3 with solution
- Tutorial 4 with solution
- Tutorial 5 with solution
- Tutorial 6 with solution
- Tutorial 7 with solution
- Tutorial 8 with solution
- Tutorial 9 with solution
- Tutorial 10 with solution
- Tutorial 11 with solution
- Tutorial 11
Quizzes and Exams
Useful Links
Honesty in Academic Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website: thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.
Assessment Policy Last updated: April 26, 2018 15:26:50