Seminar Archive

Seminars 2012

Date Speaker Seminar
17 Dec., 2012 Dr. Terence Chan
University of South Australia
Entropies, Codes and Groups
13 Dec., 2012 Prof. Longbo Huang
Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
A Benes Packet Network
11 Dec., 2012 Dr. Jian Zhao
Tyndall National Institute, Ireland, U.K.
Multi-Carrier Optical Communication Systems
06 Dec., 2012 Dr. Randy Giles
Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, U.S.A.
Freedom to explore
05 Dec., 2012 Dr. Chen Change Loy
Vision Semantics Ltd.
Understanding Context and Learning from Human Feedback
28 Nov., 2012 Dr. Bruno Tuffin
Full Researcher at INRIA, France
Introduction to the Network Neutrality Debate. Description of a related model of ISP Inter-Relations: Traffic Exchange, Revenue Sharing, and Disconnection Threat
21 Nov., 2012 Professor Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad
Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Load Commitment in a Smart Home
26 Oct., 2012 Prof. En-hui YANG
University of Waterloo
Capacity Analysis in the Non-asymptotic Regime: Taylor-type Expansion, Computable Benchmarks, and Applications to LTE
17 Oct., 2012 Prof. Xiaojun Lin
Purdue University, USA
Performance Modeling and Algorithm Design for Sparsely-Connected Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming Systems with Distributed Control
16 Oct., 2012 Dr. K.K. Ramakrishnan
AT&T Labs Research, U.S.A.
Optimal Content Placement for a Large-Scale VoD System by Exploiting Viewing Behavior
12 Oct., 2012 Dr. Franklin Cheng Peng Fu
Veno Technology (Beijing) Ltd., China Unicom Group Co. Ltd.
IPv4 or IPv6: from Veno to Veno 2
08 Oct., 2012 Dr. Chao TIAN
Cornell University, USA
Multiple Descriptions, Gaussian Source Broadcast and Source-channel Separation
26 Sep., 2012 Mr. Guanglin Zhang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Capacity of Large Scale Wireless Networks with Directional Antenna and Delay Constraint
25 Sep., 2012 Mr. Chenwei Wang
University of California, Irvine
Network Interference Management via Interference Alignment
07 Sep., 2012 Dr. Lili Wei
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Compute-and-Forward Network Coding Design Over Multi-Source Multi-Relay Channels
05 Sep., 2012 Prof. Xiaojun Lin
Purdue University, USA
Achieving Both High Capacity and Low Delay via CSMA-Like Algorithms: A Virtual Multi-Channel Approach
04 Sep., 2012 Professor Chinlon Lin, Guest Chair Professor
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, and National Sun Yet-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Evolution of Telecommunications and The Great Broadband Transformation - Impact of Photonics R and D
29 Aug., 2012 Dr. Yipeng Zhou
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Analysis of Movie Replication and Benefits of Coding in P2P VoD
29 Aug., 2012 Professor Shuo-Yen Robert Li
Department of Information Engineering, CUHK
Review of recent work plus an open lecture on "Linear network coding over a network with cycles"
28 Aug., 2012 Professor Tak-Shing Peter Yum
Department of Information Engineering, CUHK
Past, Present and Future Works of Peter Yum
24 Aug., 2012 Prof. Vladimir Blinovsky
Institute of Information Transmission Problems, Russia
List Decoding: Survey
20 - 22 Aug., 2012 Dr. Cody (Yingquan) Wu, Distinguished System Architect
SandForce Inc.
Advanced Algebraic Coding Theory and Practice
20 Aug., 2012 Prof. Ning CAI
Xidian University, China
Localized Error Correction in Projective Space
15 Aug., 2012 Dr. Jinquan LUO
University of Bergen, Norway
Codes Correcting Asymmetric/Symmetric Errors of Limited Magnitude
14 Aug., 2012 Prof. Chandra Nair
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Capacity Region of the Two-Receiver MIMO Broadcast Channel with Private and Common Messages
09 Aug., 2012 Mr. Chun MENG
University of California, Irvine
Network Alignment: Treating Network as Wireless Interference Channel
08 Aug., 2012 Prof. Yuan LUO
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Code Constructions and Existence Bounds for the Relative Generalized Hamming Weight
07 Aug., 2012 Professor Chi-Kuang Sun
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
In vivo optical virtual biopsy of human skin by using multi-harmonic generation microscopy
06 Aug., 2012 Prof. Tracey Ho
California Institute of Technology, USA
On Error Correction for Networks and Deadlines
03 Aug., 2012 Prof. Xi Zhang
Texas A&M University, USA
QoS Provisioning in Intelligent Vehicular Networks
01 Aug., 2012 Professor Li CHEN
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Iterative Soft-Decision Decoding of Algebraic-Geometric Codes
24 Jul., 2012 Dr. Anil Fernando
University of Surrey, UK
Quality of Experience in Multimedia Communications
22 Jun., 2012 Mr. Pingping CHEN
Xiamen University, China
A Serial Joint Channel and Physical Network Decoding
20 Jun., 2012 Prof. Xi ZHANG
Texas A&M University, USA
QoS Provisioning in Cognitive Radio Networks
19 Jun., 2012 Prof. Chuan Heng FOH
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Optimal Solution for the Index Coding Problem Using Network Coding over GF(2)
13 Jun., 2012 Dr. Tom (Tao) YANG
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Sydney, Australia
Linear Physical-layer Network Coding for Fading Two-way Relay Channels: Design Criterion and Performances
12 Jun., 2012 Professor Lixia Zhang
Computer Science Department, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), U.S.A.
Evolving Internet into the Future via Named Data Networking
30 May., 2012 Dr. Yuan-Hsun LO
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Optimal Conflict-avoiding Codes of Odd Length and Weight Three
28 May., 2012 Prof. Moe Win
Lab. for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
Belief condensation filtering: Framework and algorithms
25 May., 2012 Professor Bruce Hajek
Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering and in the Coordinated Science Lab., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Supermarket Game
14 May., 2012 Dr. I-Hsiang Wang
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Cooperative Interference Management in Wireless Networks
26 Apr., 2012 Professor Chengshan Xiao
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA
Globally Optimal Linear Precoders for Finite Alphabet Signals Over Vector Channels: Theory, Algorithm and Hardware Implementation
18 Apr., 2012 Prof. Zongpeng Li
University of Calgary, Canada
Network Coding in Planar Networks
16 Apr., 2012 Dr. Pan Hui
Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-labs), Germany
Social Engineering Approach to Internet Services and Applications
13 Apr., 2012 Mr. Di Niu
University of Toronto, Canada
Towards Guaranteed Cloud Services in and Uncertain World
28 Mar., 2012 Prof. Yonghui Li
University of Sydney, Australia
Duality of Channel Encoding and Decoding for Rate-1 Convolutional Codes
27 Mar., 2012 Prof. Armand M. Makowski
University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A.
Of ants, urns and stochastic approximations
22 Mar., 2012 Dr. Mayank Bakshi
Institute of Network Coding
Network-Channel Separation in Adversarial Networks
15 Mar., 2012 Dr. Sherman S.M. Chow
University of Waterloo, Canada
New Privacy-Preserving Architectures for Identity-/Attribute-Based Encryption
14 Mar., 2012 Prof. Radia Perlman
Fellow at Intel Labs and Adjunct Professor of IE Dept, CUHK
Re-examing Network Beliefs
2 Mar., 2012 Professor Andrew Chi-Chih Yao ; Dr. T. Russell Hsing; Professor Frank Kelly
Tsinghua University and CUHK ; Telcordia Technologies, Inc. ; University of Cambridge
Distinguished Lectures on Information Networks
1 Mar., 2012 Dr. Tielei Wang
Georgia Institute of Technology
Checksum-Aware Fuzzing Combined with Dynamic Taint Analysis and Symbolic Execution
27 Feb., 2012 Professor Yuguang Michael Fang
University of Florida
Small World Phenomena in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
24 Feb., 2012 Professor Don Towsley
University of Massachusetts
Randomness and Wireless Security
23 Feb., 2012 Professor Xing Li
Tshinghua University
The Challenges of the Network Architecture
22 Feb., 2012 Professor Jinhong Yuan
University of New South Wales, Australia
Lattice Network Codes Based on Eisenstein Integers for Wireless Multiple-Access Relay Networks
22 Feb., 2012 Professor Kin K. Leung
Imperial College, United Kingdom
Wireless Sensor Networks: Protocols, Optimization and Applications
21 Feb., 2012 Dr. Haitham Rashwan
Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Combined Coding and Encryption and Its Applications to Network Coding
21 Feb., 2012 Prof. Guangyue Han
University of Hong Kong
A Graph Theoretical Approach to Network Encoding Complexity
20 Jan., 2012 Prof. Xiaolin Wu
McMaster University, Canada
Temporal Psychovisual Modulation: A New Paradigm of Information Display
16 Feb., 2012 Dr. Albert Au Yeung
HK Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI)
On Understanding Social Dynamics and Assisting Social Computing on the Internet
12 Jan., 2012 Prof. Zhu Han
University of Houston, Texas
Bayesian Nonparametric Classification and Applications
11 Jan., 2012 Prof. Malathi Veeraraghavan
University of Virginia
Analysis and selection of high-speed network services for scientific data movement
9 Jan., 2012 Mr. Saeed-Ul-Hassan
UNU International Institute for Software Technology
An Introduction to Global Research Benchmarking System
4 Jan., 2012 Prof. Frederique Oggier
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
On Theory and (Little) Practice of Coding Techniques for Distributed Networked Storage Systems