Prof. Chan Yuen-Yan, Rosanna 陳苑茵教授
Adjunct Assistant Professor (SMIEEE, MASEE)
Recent Projects
- (PI) Public Sector Trial: Semantic Image-Based Cloud Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Cloud AAC) System (2018 – 2020) (ITF)(Funded amount: HK$659,640)
- (Co-I) Driving Cultural and Educational Shift: Providing Support, Activities and Professional Development in the Pedagogy, Assessment and Evidence of Student Learning in Holistic Competencies (2017-2020) (UGC)(Funded amount: HK$8,947,836)
- (Co-I) Robot Drama Therapy for Promoting Social Competence of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2017-2019)(CUHK KTF) (Funded amount: HK$325,000)
- (Co-I) Using Social Robot to Teach Children with Autism Gestural Communication Skills (2016-2019)(QEF)(Funded amount: HK$551,900)
Completed Projects
- (PI) Semantic Image-Based Cloud Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Cloud AAC) System (2015-2016)(ITF, ITC)(HK$1,399,000)
- (co-I and CUHK Co-Supervisor) Developing, Assessing and Providing Direct Evidence of Student Learning in Generic Skills in the Context of Engineering Higher Education in Hong Kong (2015-2018)(Theme-based Projects on Teaching and Learning, UGC)(HK$4,992,555; Funding allocated to CUHK: HK$1,221,096)
- (co-I) Promoting Nonverbal Communication Skills Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders through Online Social Robotics (2015 – 2016)(KTF ICON Project, KTF, CUHK)(HK$361,760)
- (co-I) Aspiring to Become an Engineer: Engineering Education Experiences Affecting Secondary School Students' Pursuit of an Engineering Career in Hong Kong, China and the UK (2013-2015) (GRF, RGC)(HK$ 329,458)
- (co-I) Adaptation, Piloting, and Initial Assessment of Tools to Research the Impact of Engineering Education for Secondary School Students in Hong Kong (with cross cultural implications)(Jan 2011 – Feb 2012)(HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, HKU)
- (co-I) Development of Formative Assessment tools for Knowledge Building (April 1 2010 – March 31 2011)(HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, HKU)
- (PI) Design to Foster Epistemological Development: Learning about Internet Security with Zero Day Attacks (Sep 2009 – Feb 2011)(HKU Small Project Funding, HKU)
- (PI) Learning Sciences and Innovations in Undergraduate-Level Information Security Education (Jan – August 2009)(HKU Faculty Research Fund, HKU)
- (PI) Hong Kong – Xian Inter-City Collaborative Learning (Jan – December 2008) (IEEE Foundation Grant, IEEE)
Honors and Awards
- Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award, IEEE Education Society (2015)
- Major Educational Innovation Award, IEEE Region 10 (2014)
- Best Chapter Award (received as Chapter Chair), IEEE Education Society (2012)
- New Faculty Fellow, National Academy of Engineering, Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on Engineering Education (NAE CASEE) (2007)
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards (1998 Fall, 1999 Spring, 1999 Fall, 2000 Spring)
- Board of School Director Scholarships, True Light Girls’ College (1993, 1994)
Professional Activities
- Senior Member, IEEE
- Member-at-large, IEEE Education Society Board of Governors
- Committee Member, Chapters Committee, Distinguished Lecturer Program Subcommittee, IEEE Education Society
- Founding Chair, IEEE Education Society Hong Kong Chapter
- Past Chair, Educational Activities, IEEE Hong Kong Section
- Technical Program co-Chair, IEEE TALE 2012; Publication co-Chair, GCCCE 2004
- Reviewer, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Transactions on Education, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Journal of Engineering Education, International Journal on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) / Social Media Analytics / CSCL
- Y. Motohashi, E. Sato-Shimokawara, R.Y.-Y. Chan, N. Zhou* and T. Yamaguchi, “Using iBeacon to detect users’ interests from indoor physical movement behaviors,” in Proceedings of IEEE/SICE International Symposium of System Integration (SII 2017), Taipei, 2017, pp. 799-804.
- Y. Motohashi, E. Sato-Shimokawara, R.Y.-Y. Chan, N. Zhou* and T. Yamaguchi, “Modeling user interests from indoor physical movement using iBeacon,” paper presented in Asian CHI Symposium, Denver, CO, 2017.
- R. Y.-Y. Chan et al. “Making telecommunications services accessible to people with severe communication disabilities,” in Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), Seattle, WA, 2016, pp.105-112.
- R. Y.-Y. Chan et al. “iBeacon and HCI in special education: Micro-location based augmentative and alternative communication for children with intellectual disabilities,” in Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA’ 16), San Jose, CA, 2016, pp.1533-1539.
- W.C. So, M.K.Y. Wong, J.-J. Cabibihan, K.-Y. Lam, R.Y-Y. Chan & H.-H. Qian, “Using robot animation to promote gestural skills in children with autism spectrum disorders,” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, vol. 32, 2016, pp.632–646. (SSCI)
- Chan, R. Y.-Y. (2015). How We Learn across Small and Big Data: Social Epistemic Cognition and Human-Information Interactions in the Online Social World. Connected Life 2015. Oxford, UK.
- Zhong, J.*, Ding, J.*, and Chan, R.Y.Y. (2015). Large-Scale Learning Process Analytics in MOOC Online Discourses, International Workshop on Learning Analytics, Technology Adoption and Language Learning in the Big-Data Era (LATALL 2015).
- Ding, J.*, Zhong, J.*, and Chan, R.Y.Y. (2015). MOOC Learner Participation Lifecycle: What Can be Found from Large-Scale Temporal Social Network Analysis? International Workshop on Learning Analytics, Technology Adoption and Language Learning in the Big-Data Era (LATALL 2015)
- Chan, R. Y.-Y. (2014). Cloud augmentative and alternative communication for people with complex communication needs. Paper accepted for presentation at IEEE Globecom 2014.
- Chan, R.Y.-Y., Li, S.*, and Hui, D. (2014). Social epistemic cognition in online interactions. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), Toronto, ON, pp. 3289-3298.
- Chan, R. Y.-Y., Huang J.*, Hui, D. et al. (2013). Gender differences in collaborative learning over online social networks: Epistemological beliefs and behaviors. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal 5(3), 234-250.
- Chan, R. Y. Y., Jong, M. S. Y., Luk, E. T. H., & Zhang, X. (2013). Dynamic collective mobile gaming. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology (ICALT 2013) (pp. 465-466). Beijing, China.
- van Aalst, J., Chan, C. K. K., Chan, Y.-Y. (2011). Design and development of a formative assessment tool for knowledge building and collaborative learning. 9th International Conference on Computer Support Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2011), Hong Kong.
- Chan C. K. K. and Chan Y.-Y. (2011). Students’ views about collaboration and learning and online forum participation in knowledge forum, Computers & Education57, 1445–1457.
- Tan, C. and Chan, Y.-Y. (2008). Knowledge Community: A Knowledge Building System for Global Collaborative Project Learning, Proceedings of the IEEE, 96(6), 1049 - 1061. (SCI)
- Leung, C.-H. and Chan, Y.-Y. (2007). A Natural Language Processing Approach to Automatic Plagiarism Detection. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGITE Conference on Information Technology Education, (pp. 213–218), Florida, US.
- Chan, Y.-Y., and Leung, H. W. (2005) Applying Data Mining in the Identification of Students with Learning Difficulties. In Proceedings of the 9th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, (pp.397-405) Hawaii.
Learning Sciences / Engineering Education / Learning Technologies
- C.K.Y. Chan, N.C.J. Yeung, P. Kutnick, R.Y.-Y. Chan, “Students’ Perceptions of Engineers - Dimensionality and Influences on Career Aspiration in Engineering,” International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2019 (accepted) (SSCI).
- P. Kutnick, R.Y.-Y. Chan, C.K.Y. Chan et al. “Aspiring to become an engineer in Hong Kong: effects of engineering education and demographic background on secondary students’ expectation to become an engineer,” European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 43, issue 6, 2018, pp.824-841.
- C.X. Lyu, R.-Y.-Y. Chan and R.W. Yeung, “Promoting student completion in a MOOC on information theory,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2018), San Jose, CA, 2018.
- P. Kutnick, Z. Zhu, C. Chan, R.Y.-Y Chan, B.P.-Y. Lee and V.K.W. Lai, “Attitudes and aspirations regarding engineering among Chinese secondary school students: Comparisons between industrialising and postindustrial geo-engineering regions of Mainland China and Hong Kong,” Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, vol. 48, issue 4, 2017, pp.608-629. (SSCI)
- R.Y-.Y. Chan, C.K.Y. Chan and V.Y.H. Choy, “Fostering holistic competencies, global citizenship, and innovation in engineering students through community outreach to disadvantaged user groups,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2018), San Jose, CA, 2018.
- R.Y-.Y. Chan, C.K.Y. Chan, M. Tahernia, J. Liang and Q. Cao, “Engineering education for sustainable development and global citizenship: A course-level implementation case in Hong Kong,” in Proceedings of the 125th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (ASEE 2018), Salt Lake City, UT.
- R. Y.-Y. Chan et al. “Direct evidence of engineering students' generic skills learning: From research to practice in an undergraduate course in information engineering,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2017), Indianapolis, IN, 2017.
- R. Y.-Y. Chan “Social epistemic cognition and engineering students’ collaborative learning in emerging areas: An implementation case study in a course for social networking,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2016), Erie, PA, 2016.
- R.Y.-Y. Chan, et al. “Facebook and information security education: What can we know from social network analyses on Hong Kong engineering students?” in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE 2016), Bangkok, 2016, pp.303-307.
- Kutnick, P., Chan, Y.-Y., and Lee, P.-Y. (2014). Engineering experiences and course/career choice among Hong Kong secondary school students; engagement at cultural crossroads. America Educational Research Association Annual Convention 2014 (AERA 2014), Philadelphia, PA.
- Huang, J.*, Yu, P., Chan, R.Y.-Y., & Li, S. (2013). Gender Difference in Engineering Students’ Beliefs and Participation in Online Learning Community: A Longitudinal Social Network Analysis. Proceedings of the 17th Global Chinese Conference of Computers in Education (GCCCE 2013) (pp. 433-439). Beijing, China.
- Li, S.*, Chan, R. Y.-Y., Jong, M. S. Y., Huang, J.*, & Yu, P.* (2013). Students’ epistemic cognition in online social networks. Proceedings of the 17th Global Chinese Conference of Computers in Education (GCCCE 2013) (pp. 17-20). Beijing, China.
- Chan, Y.-Y. and Ng, W.-Y. (2012). Collaborative inquiry into foundation knowledge in computer engineering: A case study in Hong Kong. 119th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (ASEE 2012), San Antonio, TX.
- Chan Y.-Y. and Chan C. K. K. (2010). Assessing Integrative Learning among Engineering Students Using a Structure-Behavior-Function Framework, Engineering Learning Workshop, International Conference on Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010), Chicago, IL.
- Chan Y.-Y., Yu A. C. H. and Chan C. K. K. (2010). Assessing Student Collaboration and Learning in Medical Engineering from the Perspectives of Structures, Behaviors, and Functions, ASEE-IEEE 40th Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2010), S1G (6 pages), Washington DC.
- Mark, K. P., Tsang, H.-M., Chan, Y.-Y. (2010). Engineering Education Outreach in Chinese Social Context: An Ethnographical Study on IEEE-TISP Implementation with Rural Schools in Hong Kong, ASEE-IEEE 40th Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2010), T2E (6 pages), Washington DC.
- Chan, Y.-Y. (2009). Using Anomalous Data to Foster Conceptual Change in Security Awareness. International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2009), Kanazawa, Japan.
- Chan, Y.-Y., Hui, D., & Dickinson, A., R. et. al. (2010). Engineering outreach: Initiative success with science and technology gifted students in Hong Kong. IEEE Transactions on Education, 53(1), 158 - 171. (SCI, SSCI)
- Chan, Y.-Y. (2010). Expertise in engineering learning: Examining engineering students' collaborative inquiry of computer systems, International Conference on Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010), Chicago, IL.
- Chan, Y.-Y. et al. (2010). Hybrid Inquiry-based Learning, Handbook on Research on Hybrid Learning Model, (pp.203-227), Hershey, NY: IGI Global.
- Chan, Y.-Y. (2007) Teaching Queueing Theory with an Inquiry-Based Learning Approach: A Case for Applying WebQuest in a Course in Simulation and Statistical Analysis. In Proceedings of the 37th Frontiers in Education conference, (F3C-1-6), Wisconsin, US.
- Leung, C.-H. and Chan Y.-Y. (2007) Knowledge Management System for Electronic Learning of IT Skills. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGITE Conference on Information Technology Education, (pp. 53–58), Florida, US.
- Fleissner, S., Chan, Y.-Y., Yuen, T. H., and Ng, H. (2006). WebQuest Markup Language (WQML) for Sharable Inquiry-Based Learning. Web-Based Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3980, 383-392, Berlin, Germany: Springer. (SCI)
- Chan, Y.-Y. (2005) Creating Reusable WebQuest Objects with WebQuest Authoring Engine. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005). (pp.282-284), Taiwan.
- Chan, Y.-Y., Fu, Y. S.*, and Chan, O. L.* (2005). The Application of Knowledge Management in Educational Administration - A Case Study of a Hospital School. In Proc. of the 9th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, (pp.384-389), Hawaii.
- Chan, Y.-Y. (2005) An Analysis on the Entry Information Technology Competency of Pre-Service Teachers by Specialized Disciplines. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005. (pp.3112 – 3117), Arizona, US.
- Yang, H., Pun, S. W., and Chan, Y.-Y. (2003). Developing Authentic Web-Based Projects via an Action Research Process. In Proceedings of the 7th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, (pp. 239-242), Nanjing, China.
- Leung, C. H. and Chan, Y.-Y. (2003). Perspective on Electronic Learning: Knowledge Management and Learning Community, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education 2003 (ICCE 2003). (pp. 621-623), Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Leung, C. H, and Chan, Y.-Y. (2003). Mobile Learning: A New Paradigm in Electronic Learning. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2003), (pp. 76-80), Athens, Greece.
- Chan, Y.-Y., Leung, C. H., Wu, A. K., and Chan S.-C. (2003). MobiLP: A Mobile Learning Platform for Enhancing Lifewide Learning. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2003), (pp. 457-458), Athens, Greece.
Cryptography, Security and Privacy
- Leung, C.-M.* and Chan, Y.-Y. (2007). Network Forensic on Encrypted Peer-to-Peer VoIP Traffics and the Detection, Blocking, and Prioritization of Skype Traffics. In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE WETICE Conference, (pp. 401-408), Paris, France.
- Chan, Y.-Y. (2006). Weakest Link Attack on Single Sign-On and Its Case in SAML V.2 Web SSO. Web and Internet Communication Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3982, 507-516, Berlin, Germany: Springer. (SCI)
- Chan, Y.-Y., Fleissner, S., Liu, J. K., and Li, J. (2006). Single Sign-On and Key Establishment for Ubiquitous Smart Environments. Ubiquitous Application and Security Service, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3983, 406-415, Berlin, Germany: Springer. (SCI)
- Chan, Y.-Y. and Li, J. (2006). BGN Authentication and Its Extension to Convey Message Commitments. Applied Cryptography and Information Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3982, 365-374, Berlin, Germany: Springer.(SCI)
- Li, J. and Chan, Y.-Y. and Wang, Y. (2006). A Generic Construction of Secure Signatures without Random Oracles. Applied Cryptography and Information Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3982, 309-317, Berlin, Germany: Springer. (SCI)
- Chan, Y.-Y., and Leung, C. H. (2004). On Privacy and Anonymity in Knowledge Externalization, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Secure Knowledge Management (SKM 2004). (pp.171-175), New York, US.
- Chan, Y.-Y., Fung, K., Liu, J. K., and Wong, D. (2004). Anonymous Authenticated Key Exchange for Mobile Communications. In Proceedings of the 2nd Internal Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2004) Technical Track. (pp.143-152), Yellow Mountain, China.
- Chan, Y.-Y., Leung, C. H., and Liu, J. (2003). Evaluation on Security and Privacy of Web-Based Learning Systems. In Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2003), (pp. 308-309), Athens, Greece.
- Chan, Y.-Y. and Liu, J. (2002). Achieving Non-Transferable and Revokable Anonymity in Mobile IP. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications, (pp.367-370), Xian, China.
- Chan, Y.-Y., Wong, C., and Chan C. (2000). Anonymous Electronic Voting with Non-Transferable Passes. In Proc. of the IFIP TC11 15th Annual Working Conference on Information Security (SEC 2000), (pp.331-340), Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Chan, Y.-Y. (1999). On privacy issues of internet access via proxy servers. CQRE'99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1740, 183-191, Berlin, Germany: Springer. (SCI)
(* = supervised students)