Seminar Archive

Seminars 2016

Date Speaker Seminar
09 Dec., 2016 Dr. Yanru Zhang
Wireless Networking, Signal Processing and Security Lab., University of Houston, U.S.A.
Contract Theory for Wireless Networks
07 Dec., 2016 Dr. Xuan GUANG, Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Alphabet Size Reduction for Secure Network Coding: A Graph Theoretic Approach
30 Nov., 2016 Dr. Yinfei Xu, Postdoctoral Fellow,
Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Two Results on Vector Gaussian Multi-Terminal Source Coding
23 Nov., 2016 Dr. Shiqiu Liu, Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Partially Collaborative Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage Systems
22 Nov., 2016 Prof. Richard Combes, Assistant Professor
Crowdsourcing: Low complexity, Minimax Optimal Algorithms
16 Nov., 2016 Dr. Zhiheng Zhou, Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Practical Random Network Coding for Batched Sparse Codes
07 Nov., 2016 Dr. Xiongyan Tang, Chief Technologist and CTO of Network Technology Research
China Unicom
SDN/NFV-based Telecom Network Re-architecture
02 Nov., 2016 Dr. Qi CHEN, Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
On Entropy Minimization of Quasi-uniform Arrays
18 Oct., 2016 Professor T. Russell Hsing (幸多教授) Chair Professor
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Fog Computing & Networking: A New Paradigm for 5G and IoT Applications
11 Oct., 2016 Professor Shun Watanabe
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Second-Order Analysis for Multi-terminal Networks
07 Oct., 2016 Prof. Guoliang Xing
Michigan State University
Smart Mobile Health Systems: Experience with Biological Rhythm Sensing and Wireless Privacy
06 Oct., 2016 Prof. LI Ping
City University of Hong Kong
Spatially-Coupled Compressed FEC Codes
23 Sep., 2016 Prof. Minghua Chen
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Greening a Top-20 Economy: Energy-Efficient Timely Transportation of Heavy-Duty Trucks
22 Sep., 2016 Professor XiaoFeng Wang
School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington, U.S.A.
Security Innovations in the Big-Data Era
31 Aug., 2016 Prof. Navin Kashyap
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
The Feedback Capacity of Discrete Memoryless Channels with Input Constraints
25 Aug., 2016 Professor Edmund Yeh (Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Northeastern University, U.S.A.
Networking for Big Data: Theory and Optimization for NDN
19 Aug., 2016 Professor Kin K. Leung
EEE and Computing Departments, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
Personal Experience in Multi-Disciplinary Research from the Perspective of Wireless Communications and Networks
17 Aug., 2016 Prof. Xiaojun Yuan
ShanghaiTech University
Turbo Compressed Sensing with Partial DFT Sensing Matrix
10 Aug., 2016 Prof. Farzad Parvaresh
University of Isfahan, Iran
Distributed Reed-Solomon Codes
09 Aug., 2016 Professor Yong Li
Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Understanding the Cyber-Physical Space by Mobile Operator Big Data
05 Aug., 2016 Professor Qixin Wang
Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Real-Time Switched Network Infrastructures - with Discussions on Their Implications to Building Software Defined Networks
03 Aug., 2016 Prof. Liqun Fu
ShanghaiTech University
Low Complexity, Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Networks
05 Jul., 2016 Dr. Albert Lam
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
An Autonomous Vehicle-Based Public Transportation System
23 Jun., 2016 Prof. Dapeng Oliver Wu
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, USA.
Trickle Irrigation: Congestion Relief for Communication with Network Coding
16 Jun., 2016 Professor Ying Cui
Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Analysis and Optimization of Joint Caching and Multicasting in Large-scale Cache-enable Wireless Networks
15 Jun., 2016 Dr. Congduan Li
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
On Multi-source Multi-sink Hyperedge Networks: Enumeration, Rate Region Computation, and Hierarchy
13 Jun., 2016 Professor Qixin Wang
Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Real-Time Wireless Communications Infrastructures for Cyber-Physical Systems
08 Jun., 2016 Professor Kai-Kit Wong, Professor of Wireless Communications
University College London, United Kingdom
ZF Beamforming for MISO Interference Channels without Crosstalk CSI
30 May., 2016 Prof. Ayfer Ozgur
Stanford University, USA
Improving on the Cutset Bound via a Geometric Analysis of Typical Sets
20 May., 2016 Professor K. K. Ramakrishnan
University of California, Riverside, U.S.A.
Software-Based Networks: Leveraging high-performance NFV platforms to meet future communication challenges
19 May., 2016 Professors from CUHK HKU HKUST CityU
IEEE Information Theory Society Hong Kong Chapter and Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Claude Shannon Centenary Workshop 2016 Hong Kong
29 Apr., 2016 Professor Stephen S.-T. Yau
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Protein Universe and its applications
26 Apr., 2016 Professor Yang Yang
Key Lab of Wireless Sensor Network and Communication, Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem
Downlink Average Rate and SINR Distribution in Cellular Networks
25 Apr., 2016 Professor Steven Low
Dept of Computing & Mathematical Sciences and the Dept of Electrical Engineering, Caltech, USA
Online Optimization of Power Networks
20 Apr., 2016 Prof. Michael L. Honig
Northwestern University, USA
Slow Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
18 Apr., 2016 Prof. Venkatesan Guruswami
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Progress in Error-Correction: New Codes for Old Noise Models
30 Mar., 2016 Dr. Cody (Yingquan) Wu
Micron Technology, USA
Generalized Integrated Interleaving Codes
09 Mar., 2016 Mr. Pubudu Abayasiri
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
Powering Asia through IoT and Analytics
08 Mar., 2016 Professor Vincent Wong
Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada
Optimization of Aggregate Capacity of EVs for Frequency Regulation Service in Day-ahead Market
26 Feb., 2016 Dr. Xu Chen
University of Goettingen, Germany
Socially-Driven Cooperative Networking: A Social Group Utility Maximization Framework
24 Feb., 2016 Professor Fangming Liu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
From Cloud Computing/Storage Services to Underlying Datacenter Infrastructures
17 Feb., 2016 Prof. Michael L. Honig
Northwestern University, USA
The Impact of Unlicensed Spectrum Allocations
04 Feb., 2016 Prof. Anthony T.S. Ho
Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey, U.K.
Data Hiding and Forensic Techniques for secure communication and protection of multimedia content
08 Jan., 2016 Professor Le Song
Georgia Institute of Technology
Understanding Deep Learning via Scalable Nonparametric Methods

Seminars 2015
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