2022. 10. 20MobiCom Best Paper Award Runner-Up
We were excited to share that a paper co-authored by Prof. Zhenyu Yan and Prof. Guoliang Xing had received the Best Paper Award Runner-Up at the 28th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (ACM MobiCom 2022).
The paper is titled "VIPS: Real-Time Perception Fusion for Infrastructure-Assisted Autonomous Driving", and the first author, Shuyao Shi, is a PhD student co-supervised by Prof. Yan and Prof. Xing. MobiCom is the best conference on wireless networking and systems. This year, MobiCom selected one Best Paper Award and two Runner-Ups from a total of 317 submissions. Last but not least, this work is an outcome of the Smart Lamppost project that Prof. Raymond Yeung and Prof. Guoliang Xing have worked on for over three years.
Congratulations to all of them!