2018. 04. 26CUHK Team won the VXCTF 2018
We were pleased to announce that CUHK Team had won the VXCTF 2018, a Capture-the-Flag (CTF) hacking contest hosted by the international hacker conference VXCON in Hong Kong. Undergraduate students in universities in Hong Kong were invited to compete in an on-site fast-paced competition to exercise different skillsets in Information Security and Computer Science for challenges including web, cryptography, reverse engineering, forensic, binary exploitation, smart contract, etc. Eight teams from various universities had shown up in this 30-hour competition. Among them, 3 were from CUHK, 4 from HKUST and 1 from CityU.
The winning team "g33z" from CUHK composed of 3 members: Shing Yuet LEUNG (MIEG Final Year), Cham Fei TONG (CS Final Year) and Yihui ZENG (Math Final Year). They are all active members of the CUHKOIL community ( ).
Congratulations to the team!
For more details of this event, please check:
The winning CUHK team
The winning CUHK team
The scoreboard of the final result