Dear Woo Singer, Welcome back! I hope everyone is safe and healthy in this trying time. I would also like to extend a warm welcome again to our 345 new students to the Woo Sing family. It is my pleasure and privilege to serve as your Dean of Students at Woo Sing. Together with Prof. […]

Prof. Oi-Lam NG 吳藹藍教授

Dear Woo Singer, During the pandemic, the Mid-Autumn Festival takes on a different meaning. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a day of reunion. With the pandemic, however, we are hovering between distance and intimacy. If only we could meet up during the Festival, cherishing our time together. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for fond memories. If,

#4 Mid-Autumn FestivalRead More »

I believe most people prefer recognition and appreciation rather than being criticized.  On social media, we can easily send a dozen of “Like” with a few clicks. But in reality, how often do we appreciate the good that is happening around us? Sometimes, because our life is overloaded, we may have forgotten to appreciate the

#6 Like / 俾個likeRead More »