
Established since 2018, the College TV Team (WSTV) aims to gather interested students to express their creativity in visual aspect. Through participation in College’s video production and self-initiated creative production projects, members can study and practice their skills in various kinds of multimedia production.

Composition and Support

WSTV consists of “Regular Posts” and “Rotational Posts” during the production period:

  • Regular Posts – Team Leader and Producer
  • Rotational Posts – Production Assistants, Screenwriters/Research Writers, Production Crews, Editors, Presenters/Actors

All WSTV members are responsible to enroll and engage in two categories of College visual production projects:

  1. College activities and Features: video recording or photo-video highlights of College major events
  2. Creative productions: members are divided into various small groups to initate visual productions. There are no restrictions on genre, theme and presenation format

The College also encourages WSTV team to co-operate with other student assocations to produce promotional videos.

The reference model of WSTV is a production agency. Team members are encouraged to take and learn from different roles in “pre-production”, “production” and “post-production” stages. To facilitate WSTV production, the College offers free equipment loan service to members. Please visit for more details.


According to Hostel and College Facilities Management Committee, the College would recognize contributions from WSTV members who fulfill the following three commitments:

  1. Attend production briefing session (for new entrants)
  2. Participate and complete minimum FIVE WSTV production in each production year; members who engage in extra WSTV task can gain bonus
  3. Attend ALL regular production meetings

WSTV members are requested to provide audio-visual support or photo-taking for regular College activities (e.g. inauguration activities, College assemblies, high table dinners, College anniversary events, etc.). 

Enrollment and Operation

The College TV team recruit new production crew members in every November. Applicants are required to attend a selection interview and briefing session to be recognized as WSTV members. The terms of service will be renewed and extended in every August.  

General Production Schedule

Time Details
Enrollment and Interviews
Briefing Session for New WSTV Members
First WSTV Production Meeting
January to May
Main Production Period (1)
June - August
Admission Period

Second WSTV Production Meeting
September to December
Main Production Period (2)

Contact and Enquiries