Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1999

Academy of M i l i t a ry Medical Sciences i n mainland China. The epithelium, the uppermost layer of skin cells, protects body cavities and exocrine glands. D i s t u r ban ce of e p i t h e l i al cell functions may lead to a w i de spectrum of common disorders from diarrhoea to cancer. The study on the mechanisms underlying epithelia-related diseases can lead to better treatments and drugs. The centre was officially opened on 5th J u ly 1999 at a c e r emo ny h e l d at the University. Guests attending included Prof. A r t h u r K.C. L i , vice-chancellor of the University, Major General Zhao Dasheng, president of the academy of Military Medical Sciences, Prof. Zhang Xinshi, vice-president of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Mr. Chu Zhi-nong, He ad of the Depa r tment of Educa t i on, Science and Technology, X i n h ua News Agency (Hong Kong Branch). Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering The Chinese Un i v e r s i ty and Z h e j i a ng Un i v e r s i ty have established the Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering to promote interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers in engineering, medicine, and science. Biomedical engineering is an evolving field of engineering that applies innovative engineering technologies to solve medical and hea l th care p r ob l ems. B i omed i c al engineers are involved in the development of innovative methods for reliable and non- i n v a s i ve d i a g n o s i s, m o n i t o r i n g, a nd treatment of diseases and injuries. Joint r e s e a r ch p r o j e c ts b e t w e en t he t w o universities cover biomedical information engineering such as telemedicine and cyber- hospital, bio-electronics, engineering i n Chinese medicine, medical visualization, medical instrumentation and drug delivery devices, n e u r al e n g i n e e r i n g, and the development of biomaterials. Officiating at the opening ceremony of the centre held on 4th August 1999 were Prof. Zhang Junsheng, chancellor of Zhejiang University, Dr. E.K. Yeoh, chief executive of the Hospital Authority, and Prof. Arthur K. C. Li, vice-chancellor of the University. Guest touring the centre after the opening ceremony N e ws in Brief 57