Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 8 Mar 1967
Mr. Lang, a professional actor and a competent speaker, has acted in Shakespearean roles on the London stage and has travelled with his company in many parts of the world, A gold medallist of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Mr. Lang is also an experienced teacher of the dramatic arts. He is at present on a lecture tour in Australia and the Far East. Δ The Chung Chi Student Union celebrated its 15th Anniversary on March 23. Programmes of the day, started at 5:00 p.m., includedaninter-departmental sedan-chair-carrying relay around the campus, dinner and an interclass dramatic contest. Δ Mr. Wong Kwan Shut, Tutor in the Chinese Department of Chung Chi College, has recently been admitted to the Graduate School of Kyoto University to pursue post-graduate studies in Chinese. Mr. Wong went to Japan last summer under a Japanese Government Scholarship. Δ Miss Yip Kwok-hung, a graduate of United College, returned to Hong Kong after receiving her M.A. from Kyoto University, Japan. Miss Yip, who obtained her B.A. in Chinese Literature in 1964, pursued her postgraduate studies at Kyoto University on a Japanese Government Scholarship, Δ Mr. Cheung Sheng Tak,a third year New Asia student studying in the Department of Business Mana- gement, has been chosen to study a year in Asia Uni- versity, Japan, under the Student Exchange Programme between New Asia College and that University. Δ Mr. Augustine Lim, Superintendent of Police, gave a talk to the 3rd and 4th year students of United College on Police Careers on March 10 , 1967. More than sixty students attended. Δ United College held its 1st Annual Athletic Meeting at the South China Athletic Association Stadium, Caroline Hill , on Friday, March 3, 1967. There was a full programme of track and field events, and 200-odd sportsmen from the twelve Departments of the College participated. The overall championship was won by the Faculty of Science. At the end of the Meeting, Mr. Wilson T.S. Wang, J.P. Vice-Chairmen of the College Board of Trustees, presented to the winners the trophies donated by local organizations and members of the Board of Trustees of the College. Δ The 4th Athletic Meet of New Asia College was held on March 19. Mr. Lee Lai To, President of the New Asia Student Union, presided over the Meet. Dr. T.C. Ou, President of the College, addressed the opening ceremony. Prizes for the winners were presented by the College Yice-Preesident, Mr. B. P. Schoyer. The Department of Business Management won the group championship. Δ Mr. Aaron Lee, Director of Physical Education of Chung Chi College, has been appointed convenor of the 6th Annual Athletic Meet of the Hong Kong Post-Secondary College Athletic Association for the second year in succession. The Meet will begin on April 1. The University Bulletin of the Chinese University of H o ng K o n g is published an d distributed free by the University Editorial Board. It is published primarily for the University faculty and staff, but copies are also sent to friends of the University. ADDRESS : c/o T h e Chinese University of H o ng K o n g, Ha ng Seng Ban k Building, 13th Floor, 677, Nathan Road , Mo n g k o k, K ow l o o n, H o n g Kong. 中文大學校刊爲純粹報 導性之大學刊物,係非賣 品,專爲大學及三間成員 書院之敎職員與 友好 而出版。 出版負責人爲大學出版 委員會。 通訊處: 香港中文大學 九龍彌敦道六七七號 恆生銀行大廈十三樓 P R I N T ED BY T A N G K I N G P O SCHOOL, I6 T I N K W O N G R O A D, K O W L O O N, FOR THE CHINESE U N I V E R S I TY OF H O N G K O N G 7
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