Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
•李敎授,你卸任已有兩個多月了,很 想知道如今你回想起中大的時候,腦 海中浮現的是甚麼景像? •對中大最恆久也是最深刻的印象,是 校園待建,「渾沌初鑿」的情景。 ……那是一九六三、六四年吧, 我放暑假從英國回港。先父的好友利 銘澤先生是中大校董會的副主席,他 説要帶我們去參觀興建中的中文大 學。 那次又要 乘 船,又要轉車,行程 兩個多小時。最後來到一個光禿禿的 山頭,四處都是爛地,都是泥沙。 我聽到他們説:這就是中大了。 我環顧四周,心想:這就是中大了 嗎? 自此每次想起中大,首先浮現腦 海的,就是那一片渾沌。 • It' s bee n tw o month s sinc e yo u lef t th e University . Do tell u s what kind s of pictures are usually conjure d up when th e Universit y crosse s your mind . • Ever y time it' s th e imag e o f th e campu s i n M a Li u Shui awaitin g construction . I n fac t that' s als o m y earliest an d deepes t impressio n o f Th e Chines e University. ...That wa s i n 1963 , o r 64 . I had returne d t o Hong Kon g from th e U K fo r th e summe r vacation . My father' s friend , Dr . R.C. Lee , then vice-chairma n of the Universit y Council , sai d h e would tak e u s to the University , whos e campu s sit e wa s unde r construction a t the time . The journey laste d a few hours : we ha d to tak e the ferry and then th e car before finall y arrivin g at a barren hillside . Wasteland and sand were all that met the eye. There was simpl y nothin g around . ‘This i s The Chines e University, ' I heard the m say. I looked aroun d me , wondering, ‘S o thi s i s The Chinese University? ' Since then, whenever The Chines e Universit y i s mentioned, tha t initia l imag e o f th e campu s woul d come t o mind . 正待開闢的中大校址(約一九六四年五月) The campu s sit e as viewed from Tai Po Roa d around Ma y 196 4 情見乎詞 Ou r Immediat e Pas t Vice-Chancello r 25
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