Newsletter No. 16
No.16 Mar. 1991 CUHK Newsletter New Publications of The University Press The following new books w i ll be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre: • Sages and Filial Sons: Mythology and Archaeology in Ancient China (in English) edited by Julia Ching & R.W.L. Guisso, x x vi + 217 pp., (hardcover, HK$160). • Interpreting Culture through Translation: A Festschrift for D.C. Lau (in English) edited by Roger T. Ames, Chan Sin-wai and Mau-sang Ng, xxviii + 290 pp., (hardcover, HK$210). • Optical Methods in Biophysics (in English) edited by Alfred F. Leung, x + 332 pp., (hardcover, HK$280). •《冥想》 (meditate) (in Chinese) by Swami Muktananda, translated by N . K. Leung, xxiv + 85 pp., (paperback, HK$38). Services to the Community and International Organizations - Prof. Yeung Yue-man, professor of geography, has been appointed a member of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation by HE the Governor for two years from 1st February 1991. - Prof. Ranee P.L. Lee, professor of sociology, and Dr. Fanny M.C. Cheung, senior lecturer in psychology, have been appointed to the Working Party on Rehabilitation Policies and Services by HE the Governor. - Prof. Mun Kin-chok, professor of marketing, has been invited to serve on the Advisory Board of Shue Yan College. - Prof. S. T. Chang, professor of biology, has been invited to be a fellow of the International Institute of Biotechnology, UK. Prof. Chang has also been invited to serve as the treasurer of the Microbial Resources Centres Directors' Council; and to conduct a training course on the ' Bu i l d i ng and Use of Biotechnological Information Exchange Systems' sponsored by the UNESCO and UNDP in Yugoslavia in January. - Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee, professor of anatomical and cellular pathology, has been elected vice-president (for Asia) of the International Academy of Pathology for two years from 1991. - Mr. Lau Ho-fuk, senior lecturer in international business, has been invited by theGovernment's Industry Department to be a member of the Textiles and Clothing Committee of the Industry Development Board for one year from 1st January 1991. Mr. Lau has also been invited by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation to be a member of the panel for the re-validation of the Hong Kong Polytechnic BA(Hons) in Textile and Clothing Marketing. • Dr. Lee Sik-yum, reader in statistics, has been elected as a member of the board of directors of the International Chinese Statistical Association for three years from 1st January 1991. Dr. Lee has also been invited to serve as chief external examiner for HD Applied Statistics, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, from October 1990 to September 1993. • Dr. Robert E. A l l i nson, senior lecturer in philosophy, has been invited to be an advisory editor for Asian Philosophy published by the Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham, UK. 國 Dr. Chan Wing-wah, lecturer in music, served as programme director and presenter in two of the weekend divertimenti concerts of the 1991 Hong Kong Arts Festival Dr. Chan was also appointed as visiting lecturer of the Music Department, theUniversity of Hong Kong for the academic year 1990-91 and as a member of the Advisory Board in the School o f Mu s i c, Ho ng Ko ng Academy for Performing Arts. • Dr. Lo Wing-chim, senior lecturer in international business, has been invited to serve as research professor of the China Management Science Research Institute from 1st February 1991. • Dr. Ho Hin-hung, senior lecturer in physics, was elected a trustee of the Tsimshatsui Baptist Church in January 1991. • Mr. Hardy Tsoi, manager of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, has been invited to serve as a member of the Hong Kong Schools Drama Council of the Education Department for two years from 1st April 1991. (All information in this section is provided by the Information Office) 9
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