Newsletter No. 143
Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 2. HTML Workshop Part 2: Using Tables, Colour, and Images This follow-up to Part 1lets you practise the essential techniques of using tables, colour, and images to decorate your webpages. 3. Outputting Your Website to CD-ROM Have you ever failed to connect with a website in class because the server was busy or down? Now you can download a copy of your favourite website and write it to a CD- ROM disk — a perfect back-up just in case. A free service to backup teaching/ departmental websites on a CD-ROM disk will be offered to all attendees. 4. What's New in Web-based Learning at CUHK — Introducing WebCT WebCT is a web application which helps you organize course materials delivered via the web and provides a variety of tools and features for you and your students. This seminar demonstrates the features of this integrated courseware product and how it is being used on campus. More information is available at http ://www . Registration is required due to limited seats. Please register online on the same webpage. For enquiries, please contact the following persons: Registration: Ms. Sara Chung 2609-8801 Seminars: Ms. Wendy Chan 2609-8881 Ms. Eva Cheung 2609-8913 Learning technology: Mr. Stanley Yuen 2609-8905 Mr. Augustine Lo 2609-8838 Seminar Date Time Venue Language Statistical Analysis Using SPSS 17th April 9:30-12:30 Room 104, Pi Ch'iu BIdg English HTML Workshop Part 2: Using Tables, Colour, and Images 20th April 12:30-14:00 Room 122, Pi Ch'iu Bldg Cantonese HTML Workshop Part 2: Using Tables, Colour, and Images 24th April 9:30-11:00 Room 122, Pi Ch'iu BIdg English Outputting Your Website to CD-ROM 21st April 12:30-13:30 Room 120, Pi Ch'iu Bldg Cantonese Outputting Your Website to CD-ROM 24th April 11:30-12:30 Room 120, Pi Ch'iu Bldg English What's New in Web-based Learning at CUHK—Introducing WebCT 27th April 12:30-13:30 Room 120, Pi Ch'iu Bldg Cantonese What's New in Web-based Learning at CUHK —Introducing WebCT 28th April 12:30-13:30 Room 120, Pi Ch'iu Bldg English DAAD Invites Papers for International Academic Forum at the World Exhibition 2000 in Hannover, Germany From theGerman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): EXPO 2000 is most likely the biggest event of the year and is expected to attract 40 million visitors. Based around the theme 'Humankind 一 Nature — Technology' it will focus on the key issues of the future. The international academic forum 'Shaping the Future' ( http://www.shaping- the-future. de) challenges graduates and young researchers to submit their work on innovations, new strategies, and possible solutions for the next century. The forum will enable the participants to discuss their work with other young academics from various academic and cultural backgrounds. Academics under the age of 35 are invited to submit a description of their research work (e.g. final graduate study, doctoral thesis) before 30th September 1999 on one of the following themes: humankind; environment, information and communication; the future of work, nutrition, health, mobility and energy. Papers should be written in English and should not exceed six pages. The authors of the 300 best and most original papers will be invited to present their work in both oral and poster format. Travel costs, 10 days' accommodation in Hannover and a living allowance are all covered in the invitation. For further information and application forms please contact the following representatives of the German Academic Exchange Service: Dr. Stefanie Eschenlohr e-mail: Tel.: 2399-5666 Kerstin Kippenhan e-mail: Tel.: 2859-2045 大學游泳池通告 Swimming Pool News 大學游泳池更衣室現正重建,預期至五月中才竣工。游泳池的開放日期,容後 公布。 Construction and alteration works on the changing rooms of University swimming pool are now in progress, and are expected to finish by mid-May this year. The exact date of reopening will be announced later. Corrigendum Council News On page 1 of the last issue (no. 142) of the CUHK Newsletter, in the paragraph about the appointment of University Treasurer, the first sentence should read: 'Mr. Roger K.H. Luk has been appointed Treasurer of the University for three years from 2nd March 1999.' Servic e t oth eCommunit y an d Internationa l Organization s • Prof. Richard Ho, registrar, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for Security as adjudicator of the Immigration Tribunal for two years from 1st March 1999. • Prof. Tang Lung Wai, associate professor in the Department of Sociology, has been reappointed by the Secretary for Security as adjudicator of the Immigration Tribunal for two years from 1st March 1999. • Prof. Japhet Law, professor in the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, has been appointed as a member of the Management Committee of the Consumer Legal Action Fund for two years from 6th December 1998. Prof. Law has also been appointed as a council member of Hong Kong Baptist University from 1st January 1999 and member of the Air Transport Licensing Authority for two years from 1st April 1999. • Prof. Wong Tze-wai, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been re-appointed as a member of the Labour Advisory Board Committee on Occupational Safety and Health from 11th February 1999 to 31st December 2000. • Prof. Edith Lau, associate professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been appointed by the Hospital Authority as Honorary Consultant in Clinical Epidemiology for three years from 1st January 1999. • Prof. Victor Chan, associate professor in the Department of Music, has been re-appointed as composer-in-residence to the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra for one year from 1st January 1999. Prof. Chan was also commissioned by the Provisional Regional Council to compose anew work entitled 'Dreams Afar' as a highlight of the Regional Council Festival. The work was premiered by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Radio France on 19th December 1998. • Prof. Jie Huang, associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, has been re-appointed as associate editor of the Conference Editorial Board of IEEE Control Systems Society by the Control Systems Society Board of Governors from 1st January 1998. He has also been appointed as the associate editor of the Asian Journal of Control as well as guest editor of the Special Issue on Output Regulation ofNonlinear Systems o f the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control from 1st March and 1st February 1999 respectively. (Information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) Personalia •人事動態• Personalia •人事動態• Personalia •人事動態 中大通訊 第一四三期 一九九九年四月四日 4
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