Newsletter No. 53
CUHK NEWSLETTER of Tol o Ha r bou r t o th e nort h o f the Hon g Kon g Institut e o f Biotechnology. There i s currentl y n o roa d access leadin g t o th e site . Th e government therefore plan s t o buil d a ne w road tha t wil l pas s throug h th e easter n part o f th e Universit y campu s nea r th e Water Sport s Centr e an d th e Marin e Science Laborator y t o enabl e larg e trucks t o reac h th e dumpin g area . Construction wor k wil l begi n i n 199 5 and dumpin g i s expecte d t o las t fo r eight years . The Universit y ha s expresse d great concer n ove r th e possibl e adverse effects o f th e projec t o n th e campus. Ther e ar e worrie s abou t nois e pollution, ai r pollution , marin e wate r pollution, an d visua l lan d us e impacts. It ha s therefor e requeste d th e Planning, Environmen t an d Land s Branch t o carefull y stud y th e environmental issues involve d an d consider alternative sites . Th e Universit y is als o anxiou s t o kno w th e lan d us e of th e reclaime d area . Th e Campu s Planning an d Buildin g Committe e wil l follow u p th e progres s o f th e projec t and giv e advic e t o th e Universit y Council. New Research Services Centre Funded by Shanghaiese Benefactor s The foundatio n ston e o f th e Shanghai Fraternity Associatio n Researc h Services Centr e wa s officiall y lai d on CUH K campu s o n 14t h Marc h 1994. Prof . Charle s K . Kao , th e vice-chancellor, Mr . C . W . Wong , chairman o f th e Shangha i Fraternity Association (HK ) Ltd. , Mr . Zhang Junsheng , deput y directo r of X i n h u a New s Ag e n c y (HK ) Branch, an d Mr . Wen g Xinqiao , hea d of th e Ag e n c y ' s Depa r tmen t o f Culture an d Education , officiate d a t the ceremony . The centr e wil l b e buil t o n th e Eastern campu s nex t t o Bambo o Lodge an d contai n fiv e storeys wit h a gross floo r are a o f 4,60 0 squar e metres. Upo n it s completio n i n 1995 , the ne w buildin g wil l hous e th e Technical Service s Unit , operatin g theatre suites , anima l rooms , an d laboratories fo r histology , microbiology and radioisotope . The vice-chancello r thanke d the Shangha i Fraternit y Associatio n (HK) Ltd . fo r it s staunc h suppor t to th e Universit y ove r th e years , an d f or th e g e n e r o u s d o n a t i o n o f HK$13,500,000 toward s th e construction cost o f th e ne w centre . I t will provid e th e muc h neede d facilities for th e University' s vigorou s research programmes . facilities a t eac h sit e wil l b e manage d separately, wit h Th e Chines e University coordinating th e overal l activities. This i s th e thir d tim e i n thre e consecutive year s th e Universit y ha s succeeded i n securin g grant s fro m the RGC' s centra l allocatio n schem e for th e acquisitio n o f majo r equipment to strengthe n it s researc h base . Similar project s supporte d ove r th e last tw o year s includ e a massivel y parallel compute r i n 1991-9 2 an d a multi-purpos e hig h fiel d superconducting FT-NMR spectromete r i n 1992-93. NO.53 APRIL 199 4 3
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