Newsletter No. 114
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 頒授榮譽學位予四位傑出人士 Four Distinguished Persons to Receive Honorary Doctorates at 53rd Congregation 大學校董會接納榮譽學位委員會的建議, 將於十二月十一日舉行的第五十三屆典禮中, 頒授榮譽學位予下列傑出人士: ‧李嘉誠博士(榮譽法學博士) •吳階平敎授(榮譽理學博士) ‧楊振寧敎授(榮譽理學博士) ‧利德蓉醫生(榮譽社會科學博士) The University Council has decided to confer honorary doctorates on four distinguished persons at the University's 53rd congregation to be held on 11th December 1997: Dr. Li Ka-shing will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa; Prof. Wu Jieping and Prof. Yang Chee-ning will both receive the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa; and Dr. Deanna Lee Rudgard will be conferred the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa. 額外門診服務計劃新增診所 Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme 參加本校「額外門診服務計劃」的大圍仁安醫院於上月廿七日在馬鞍山新港城廣 場設立分科診所。該診所由本月起也爲大學敎職員與親屬提供服務,詳情如下: 仁安醫院分科診所 沙田馬鞍山新港城廣場(新港城第五期)地下十一至十二號舖 電話:二六三一五二零八 傳眞:二六三一五零五五 分科診症時間 普通科 星期一至五 上午十時至下午一時 下午二至七時 兒科 星期六 星期一及四 上午九時至下午一時 下午二至四時 外科 星期一及四 星期二 星期三、五及六 上午十一時至下午一時 下午五至七時 下午二至四時 骨科 星期二及五 下午五時三十分至七時三十分 耳鼻喉科 星期三及五 下午二至四時 婦產科 星期一及四 星期二 星期三及五 星期六 上午九時三十分至十一時三十分 下午二至四時 上午十一時至下午一時 上午九至十一時 The Union Hospital in Tai Wai opened a polyclinic in Ma On Shan on 27th September 1997. The polyclinic also provides service to staff members and their dependants under the provision of the Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme. Details are as follows: Union Polyclinic Shop 11-12, G/F Sunshine Bazaar Sunshine City Phase V, Ma On Shan, Sha Tin. Tel: 2631 5208; Fax: 2631 5055 Consultation Hours General Clinic Mon to Fri Sat 10.00 a.m — 1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. — 7.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 1.00 p.m. Paediatrics Mon & Thur 2.00 p.m. — 4.00 p.m. Surgery Mon & Thur Tue Wed. Fri & Sat 11.00 a.m. — 1.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. — 7.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. — 4.00 p.m. Orthopaedics Tue & Fri 5.30 p.m. — 7.30 p.m. ENT Wed & Fri 2.00 p.m. 一 4.00 p.m. Obstetrics & Mon & Thur 9.30 a.m. — 11.30 a.m. Gynaecology Tue Wed & Fri Sat 2.00 p.m. — 4.00 p.m. 11.00 a.m. — 1.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 11.00 a.m. 陳鳴遠紫砂陶藝展覽及研討會 文物館與上海博物館由本月廿五日至明年一 月四日在文物館西翼展覽廳合辦「紫泥淸韻—— 陳鳴遠紫砂陶藝硏究」展覽,展出具陳鳴遠款印 陶藝珍藏一百項。 陳鳴遠活躍於淸初,在中國紫砂陶藝史上佔 極重要的地位。他巧將精妙的紫砂技藝和風雅的 文人品味相結合,作品風格寫實而又別具雅韻, 被譽爲足與明代龔春、時大彬齊名的淸初名家。 但其傳世作品中,不少雕塑性較強而風格並不一 致的精品,大都署押有陳鳴遠款印,存著辨僞的問題。 文物館和上海博物館的藏品中,都有相當數量的陳鳴遠款紫砂作品,極有學術 硏究價値。是次展覽,合兩館珍藏,選出一百項較具代表的展品,內容分爲文玩、 博古、茶具、像生四類。展品數量既多而又集中硏究陳鳴遠一人,是海內外同類展 覽首創之舉。 文物館將於本月廿七日(星期一)假中國文化硏究所一二六室舉辦「陳鳴遠紫砂 陶藝硏究」硏討會,上午的講題爲「從博物館藏品到陳鳴遠風格」,由饒宗頤敎授主 持,講者有上海博物館的汪慶正館長和陸明華先生,舊金山亞洲美術博物院的謝瑞 華女士,和中大文物館的黎淑儀女士。下午的講題則爲「陶藝家談陳鳴遠作品」,由 汪慶正先生主持,講者有宜興陶藝家蔣蓉女士和汪寅仙女士,以及南京大學的蔣贊 初敎授。歡迎出席,查 詢請電內線七四一六。 茄子水注 Eggplant water dropper 題句四足方壺 Inscribed teapot with four legs Exhibition and Symposium Themes and Variations: The Zisha Pottery of Chen Mingyuan The Shanghai Museum and the Art Museum of The Chinese University will jointly present an exhibition titled 'Themes and Variations: The Zisha Pottery of Chen Mingyuan' at the West-wing Galleries of the Art Museum from 25th October 1997 to 4th January 1998. Mr. Wang Qingzheng, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Museum, will officiate at the opening ceremony to be held on 24th October at 4,30 p.m. Chen Mingyuan, a very influential figure in the history of Yixing pottery, lived in the early Qing period. Among the many Yixing potters of the Ming and Qing periods, few could rival his inventiveness and technical virtuosity. He enriched the art of zisha pottery with the cultivated taste of the literati, achieving a fame equal to that of Gong Chun and Shi Dabin, the two foremost potters of the Ming dynasty. There are many extant works bearing the mark of Chen Mingyuan, yet the diversity of style points to problems of connoisseurship and authenticity, which merit in-depth investigation. Both the Shanghai Museum and the Art Museum have a fair amount of zisha pottery bearing Chen Mingyuan's inscriptions and seals. The two institutions therefore join hands to select 100 representative pieces for display at the exhibition. The exhibits are divided into four groups: objects for the scholar's table, archaistic vessels, tea wares, and trompe I'oeil pieces. In conjunction with the exhibition, a one-day symposium will be held on 27th October in Room 126 of the Institute of Chinese Studies. The topic for the morning session (10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon) is 'Discussions on the Chen Mingyuan Style Based on Museum Collections'. The topic for the afternoon session (2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.) is 'The Potters' views on the Works of Chen Mingyuan'. All are welcome. 中大通訊 4 第一壹四期 一九九七年十月十九日
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