Newsletter No. 129
4 No. 129 19th June 1998 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任校董 New Council Members 大學校董會按大學規程11.1 (m),11.4 和 11.5 規 定,選出馮國綸先生和汪穗中先生出任校董,任期由一九九八年五月廿九日至二零零一年 五月廿八日。 The University Council has, in accordance with Statute 11.1(m), 11.4, and 11.5 of the Ordinance, elected Mr. William Fung Kwok-lun and Mr. Patrick Wang Shui-chung to be members of the Council, each for a term of three years from 29th May 1998. 新任 / 續任院長 •歷史系郭少棠教授獲選出任文學院院長,任期三年,由一九九八年八月一日起生效。 •地理系黃鈞堯教授獲委出任聯合書院院長,任期四年,由一九九八年八月一日起生效。 •社會學講座教授李沛良教授獲委續任崇基學院院長,任期三年,由一九九八年八月一日 起生效。 College Head Appointments In accordance with Statute 9.1 and 9.3 of the University Ordinance, Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, professor of sociology, was reappointed as Head of Chung Chi College for a further period of three years; and Prof. Wong Kwan-yiu, reader in geography, as Head of United College, for a period of four years succeeding Prof. C.Y. Lee. Their terms will begin on 1st August 1998. New Faculty Dean Prof. S.T. Kwok of the Department of History was recently elected Dean of Arts for three years from 1st August 1998, succeeding Prof. H.H. Ho. Joint Research Schemes Invite Applications • U K / HK Joint Research Scheme Applications are now invited by the British Council and the Research Grants Council for the UK/HK Joint Research Scheme. A sum of £230,000 or HK$3,000,000 is available for allocation in 1999. The amount awarded to each successful project does not normally exceed £6,000 or HK$78,000. Panels of the Research Committee are expected to forward their recommendations to the Research and Technology Administration Office (RTAO) on or before 15th August. • France/HK Joint Research Scheme This is a new research scheme jointly financed and run by the Consulate General of France, the National Centre for Scientific Research of France, and the Research Grants Council, which considers only research proposals in laboratory-related sciences and engineering disciplines for support. The 1998-99 exercise will be a pilot scheme with a total funding of HK$500,000. The upper limit for each grant is FF$50,000 or HK$62,500. The scheme welcomes financial support for projects from private companies in France or Hong Kong. Applications should be submitted to the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong before 15th July. A parallel application should be made by the French partner in France. Guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from the RTAO homepage at http:// 體力處理操作合格證書課程 Training Course Leading to Certificate in Manual Handling 無論在辦公室、工場或戶外工作,僱員常因搬運一些笨重物件而受傷。政府特於《職業 安全及健康條例》附例列出有關規定,保障僱員安全。 該附例由本年六月起生效,要求工作地點負責人評估各項體力處理操作的潛在危害, 並委任合資格人士協助執行有關的預防和保護措施。違法者最高可被罰款二十萬元。 經大學安全事務處安排,同人可參加由勞工處及職業安全健康局合辦的訓練課程,成 爲體力處理操作程序的合資格人士。 該課程名額五十人,以中文講授,於下月七、十、十四及廿四日上課共十二小時。學 員須出席全數課堂,考試和習作合格,才可獲發證書。 有意參加之同人,請致電大學安全事務處(內線七八六六)索取報名表格,截止報名日 期爲六月廿六日。 Injury caused by the moving of heavy loads manually in workshops or even office settings is all too common in Hong Kong. To help reduce such work-related injury, the government passed the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance last year. Under the now effective regulation, failure to install and implement preventive and protective measures for manual handling operations may lead to heavy legal penalties. The University's Safety Office has arranged a training course in manual handling for University members. Organized by the Labour Department and the Occupational Safety and Health Council, the course will be held on 7th, 10th, 14th, and 24th July 1998 for a total of 12 hours. The language of instruction will be Chinese. Participants will be awarded a certificate if they attend all the classes, complete all assignments, and pass an exam. Application forms are obtainable from the Safety Office (Ext. 7866, Fax: 2603 5387). The initial quota is 50 places and the deadline for application is 26th June 1998. SCS Nursing Seminars The School of Continuing Studies will be presenting the following nursing seminars in July by lecturers from La Trobe University, Australia: 8th July 2-3p.m. 'Nurses the Underutilized Resource in Disaster Planning and Management: An Australian Perspective' by Mr. Keith O'Brien 15th July 2-3p.m. The Essence of Love is the Human Desire for Wholeness: A Nursing Perspective' by Mr. Les Fitzgerald The seminars w i ll take place on 8th floor, Oriental Centre, 67 Chatham Road South, Tsimshatsui. For enquires please call 2368 7959. New HPA Scale and PTA Rates From the University Bursar: • New Home Purchase Allowance Scale The University has approved the new Home Purchase Allowance (HPA) scale with retroactive effect from 1st April 1998. Allowance under the new scale has been increased by 6.6 per cent and is only applicable to entrants to the scheme on or after 1st April 1998 and to existing beneficiaries who wish to change property. Please contact Ms. Kitty Tsang at Ext. 8797 for details. • Private Tenancy Allowance Rates The University has approved the following rates of Private Tenancy Allowance (PTA) with retroactive effect from 1st April 1998: Salary Range ($) PTA Rate ($) Non-clinical Clinical Family Married Single 110,000 up 110,000 up 41,110 37,000 32,890 Professorial salary below 110,000 & 64,050-93,810 61,765-83,105 34,610 31,150 27,690 55,285-61,135 54,255 29,460 26,520 23,570 46,480-52,360 47,335 24,930 22,430 19,940 The arrears for adjustments of allowance for the months of April, May, and June 1998’ and the revised rates for the month of July will be paid together in the June payroll. Regulations and Charges for the Use of Cho Yiu Conference Hall Cho Yiu Conference Hall is located on the ground floor of the University Administration Building. It has a seating capacity of 162 and is equipped with a full range of audio-visual equipment, including provisions for simultaneous interpretation and video-conferencing. Primarily the venue for meetings of the University Council and Council committees, the Senate and Senate committees, the Graduate Council, the Undergraduate Examination Board, and other bodies approved by the vice-chancellor, the hall can also be reserved for conferences or seminars (refer to table below for charges) involving a minimum of 30 participants, which are sponsored or co-sponsored by University units. The hall cannot be rented for more than three days at a stretch for each function. Applications for the use of the hall can be made by sending a completed application form to the Office of the Director of Administrative Services at Room 301, John Fulton Centre, at least one month in advance. The Administrative Affairs Committee reserves the right to decline a booking or set priorities in the case of booking clashes. For enquiries and application forms, please ring Ext. 7863 or fax 2603 6979. Basic Charges • Set-up service and the use of basic sound system (per day) $320 • General maintenance of the hall (per day) $400 • Electricity (per two hours) $200 Use of AV Equipment in Addition to Sound System (per three-hour session) • overhead projector $80 • slide projector $180 • audio recording system $150 • audio playback system $150 • VHS video cassette player $20 • slide-to-video converter $200 • visual presenter $200 • LCD projector $300 • simultaneous interpretation system $1,000 • video-conference system $4,500-7,000 * • stand-by technician** (per technician per hour) $270 (Note: * Not including ISDN line fee charged by Hongkong Telecom ** Mandatory for selected equipment) Beverages • Tea for centre rings only free • Tea/coffee at the foyer minimum $280 for</=40 persons additional $7 for each person over 40 • Tea/coffee and cookies at the foyer minimum $480 for</=40 persons additional $12 for each person over 40 • Other provisions to be negotiated 文物館開放時間 A rt Museum Opening Hours 由七月一日起,文物館的開放時間如下: 星期一至六 上午十時至下午四時四十五分 星期日 下午十二時半至五時半 公眾假期 關閉 From 1st July 1998, the Art Museum will be open from 10.00 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and 12.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Sunday. It will be closed on public holidays. 三不亦堂藏丁衍庸書畫展覽 Works of Ting Yin Yung on Display 文物館將於七月十日至十一月十五日在西翼展覽廳舉行「三不亦堂藏丁衍庸書畫」展覽, 展出三不亦堂去年惠贈該館的丁衍庸書畫精選。展覽開幕典禮於七月九日下午四時半由李 國章校長和三不亦堂主人袁鴻樞先生主持。 丁衍庸 (1902-1978) ,廣東茂名人,一九二零年留學日本,畢業於東京美術學校,專攻 油畫,五年後回國,任上海立達學園美術科西畫部教授,另與蔡 元培等創辦中華藝術大學。丁氏又先後於廣州市立美術學校和重 慶國立藝術專科學校教授西畫,並於一九四六年任廣東省立藝術 專科學校校長。一九四九年移居香港,一九五六年與陳士文等創 辦新亞書院藝術專修科,爲本校藝術系之前身。此後他又同時任 教德明、淸華等多所書院,期間亦應邀在法國、日本、美國、澳 洲等地舉辦多次展覽。 丁衍庸最初學習素描西畫,終而回歸中國筆墨,尤其追摹八 大山人的藝術風格。繪畫題材兼及山水、人物、花鳥,線條勁健 豪逸,色彩單純活潑,構圖削繁就簡,畫趣返璞歸真,又兼治篆 刻書法,流露大膽創新的藝術精神,形成一己的獨特風格。此外,丁衍庸終身不輟於繪畫 白鷺
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