Newsletter No. 52
CUHK NEWSLETTER Each awar d i s normall y tenabl e fo r up to thre e months and in general covers cost of an economy ai r ticket an d a per diem allowance , no t exceedin g £2,500 in total . 3. Time s Higher Education Supplement Exchange Fellowship 1994 The fellowshi p i s intende d t o suppor t a n applican t from on e developin g countr y t o visi t anothe r developing countr y o f th e Commonwealt h fo r purposes simila r to those of the Academic Exchange Fellowships. Th e fellowshi p ha s a tota l valu e o f £3,000. Staff member s intereste d i n applyin g fo r the abov e fellowships ma y consul t thei r facult y deans/uni t heads , who shoul d hav e receive d detail s abou t thes e programmes. Further enquirie s ma y b e directe d t o Mrs . Amy Leung , Assistan t Secretar y (Personnel ) (Ext . 7286). Th e interna l deadlin e fo r application i s 2nd Ma y 1994. Patent Committee Members o f th e Paten t Committe e fro m 15t h Februar y 1994 to 31st December 199 5 are as follows: Chairman: Vice-Chancello r Members: Dea n o f Medicine or his representativ e Dean o f Scienc e or his representativ e Dean o f Engineering o r his representativ e Chairman o f the Research Committee or his representative Dr. Albert Y. Chang, Director of Hon g Kong Institut e of Biotechnolog y Prof. Tony T. Lee, Dept. of Information Engineering Secretary: Director , Office of Industrial & Busines s Development, o r his representativ e School of Continuing Studies Replaces EMSD The University' s Departmen t o f Extramura l Studies , first se t u p i n 1966 , wa s rename d th e Schoo l o f Continuing Studie s o n 26t h Januar y 1994 . Th e schoo l plans t o furthe r improv e it s service s fo r th e loca l community an d wil l continue t o offe r quality course s i n a wide range of subjec t areas . United College Activities Lectures by Distinguished Visiting Schola r Prof. Jano s Korna i o f Harvar d ha s bee n invite d a s Distinguished Visitin g Schola r o f Unite d Colleg e 1993 - 94 to give lectures on the following topics : • Th e Evolution o f Financia l Disciplin e i n Postsocialis t Transition (29t h March ) • Transformationa l Recession (30t h March ) The lecture s wil l b e hel d a t 4.3 0 p.m . a t th e college's lecture theatr e C1 . Al l ar e welcome . Scholarship Presentatio n Ceremon y The 1993-9 4 Unite d Colleg e Scholarshi p Presentatio n Ceremony wil l be held at Adam Schal l Hall at 3.00 p.m. on Friday , 25t h March , wit h Mr . T . L. Tsim, directo r o f The Chinese University Press , a s guest of honour. Ther e will be a tea reception after the function. All college staff and student s ar e welcome . Staf Art Exhibition The Sir Run Run Shaw Hall will organize the second CU Staff Join t Ar t Exhibitio n fro m 21s t t o 26t h March . Recent work s of ar t by staf f and their spouses wil l be on display. All are welcome . ToloLights Poetry Evening Tolo Lights i s a n evenin g o f poetr y an d musi c i n whic h English an d Chines e languag e poet s gathe r t o read thei r work togethe r on the Shaw College campus . This yea r Tolo Lights wil l be hel d a t Shaw Colleg e Lecture Theatre on Wednesday, 23rd March at 7.30 p.m. The night's programme wil l feature a reading in Englis h by Prof . Wu Ningkun , autho r o f A Single Tear. Thi s i s a movin g an d detaile d an d finall y upliftin g accoun t o f his an d hi s family' s misfortune s i n Chin a unti l th e fal l of th e gang o f four . There wil l be musi c b y student s o f th e Departmen t of Musi c an d a modes t receptio n a t th e interva l fo r performers an d audience . Al l ar e welcom e fo r a trul y rare experienc e i n Hon g Kong' s cultura l life . For furthe r details , pleas e cal l Mr . K . F . Cho r a t 6097358 o r fa x 6035427 . Boarding School Allowance Revised The governmen t ha s recentl y revise d th e Boardin g School Allowanc e (BSA ) syste m an d BS A rate s a s follows: 1. Wit h effec t from the 1993-9 4 schoo l yea r (199 4 i n respect o f school s i n Australi a an d New Zealand) : (a) Allowance s wil l continu e t o b e pai d fo r a maximum o f fou r children a t an y on e time bu t under onl y tw o categories , namely , Junio r School an d Senio r Schoo l rates ; (b) Staf f member s ar e required t o mee t a t leas t 1 0 per cen t o f th e boardin g schoo l fees . Reimbursement is limite d t o 9 0 pe r cen t o f th e fee s or the maximum BSA allowance , whicheve r i s lower. NO.52 MARCH 1994 11
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