Newsletter No. 52
CUHK NEWSLETTER ANNOUNCEMENTS An Invitation to Attend General Education Classes A class visitation programme ha s been organized b y th e Office o f Genera l Educatio n fo r facult y an d staf f interested i n attending General Education classes. A total of 2 6 lecture s ar e now ope n fo r visitation. Eac h lectur e will be followed by a 10-20 minute discussion sessio n to facilitate feedback and exchange of ideas. Similar programme s hav e bee n hel d sinc e 198 6 t o stimulate th e exchang e o f idea s abou t teachin g an d learning i n genera l educatio n an d t o provid e a n opportunity fo r the University communit y t o understand the contents o f th e General Education programme . Details o f thi s year's programme from 16t h to 25t h March ar e give n i n th e followin g table . Thos e wh o ar e interested ar e requeste d t o registe r wit h th e Offic e o f General Educatio n (Ext . 7075/7072) . Topic (teacher) Date Time Place Medium Individual &Society (Ambrose King) 16.3 10.30-12.15 SWH2 Cantones Challenges of Secularism& PluralismonReligious Faith Today (Peter T. M. Ng) 16.3 8.30-10.15 HYSG01 Cantones Introduction toChinesMusical Culture (Tsao PoonYee) 17.3 2.30-4.15 HYS 101 English Modernization - The Diffusion of Modernity (StephenW. K. Chiu) 17.3 2.30-5.15 ICS L1 Cantones Nation State, Police &Law (Lai OnKwok) 17.3 2.30-5.15 NAH 115 Cantones Between Chines&Western Culture (Cheung KamChing) 18.3 2.30-4.15 SC L5 Cantones TheWorldViews &LifeViewsof Traditional ChinesCulture (Tsang Kit Shing) 18.3 3.30-5.15 ICS L1 Cantones Logical vs Impirical Justification (Ho Hsiu Hwang) 21.3 9.30-10.15 HTB B6 Mandarin Science Fiction Short Stories/ Films (Wong KinYuen) 21.3 2.30-4.15 SWH 2 Cantones Ancient Near Eastern Civilization (Eric Chong) 21.3 2.30-4.15 HYSG04 Cantones HK's Impact onthe Zhujiang DeltaRegion (David Chu) 22.3 2.30-4.15 LHC104 Cantones Organizationa l Change in China (Lau Chong Chor) 23.3 2.30-5.15 NAH 115 Cantones Propositional Logic (ShiYuan Kong) 23.3 10.30-12.0C LHC 103 Mandarin GoodArguments:'TheLady or theTiger?' (Jor Chi Keung) 23.3 1.30-2.15 HCA33 English Law in Hong Kong (Li Hon Lam) 23.3 2.30-4.15 UC C4 Cantones Philosophy of Love (Cheung Chan Fai) 24.3 8.45-10.15 ICS L1 Cantones Rural-urban Relations (Cheung Yuet Wah) 24.3 1.30-4.15 HTB B6 Cantones Topic (teacher) Date Time Place Medium Moral Standard (LiuChang Yuan) 25.3 3.30-5.00 ICS204 Mandarin The Ideal &Practice ofTraditionalChinesPolitics (Lau Kwok Keung) 25.3 3.30-5.20 LHC 104 Cantones Modern Society &Modem World (LiuPakWai) 25.3 2.30-4.15 LSB LT6 Cantones Staf Development Grants The Association o f Commonwealt h Universitie s (ACU ) invites applications from staff members of the University for the following fellowships: 1. AC U Development Fellowships 1994 -95 With a n ai m t o develo p huma n resources , th e fellowship wil l sponso r attachmen t fo r u p t o si x months t o a university , industry , commerce , o r th e public secto r i n an y Commonwealt h country . Th e programme ha s bee n devise d fo r peopl e o f prove n quality at a crucial stage of their career development. Degree courses or post-doctoral programmes will not be supported . Ther e wil l b e thre e forms of awards : general fellowships , titula r fellowships , an d administrative fellowships . Applicants shoul d be university staf f of prove n high qualit y age d betwee n 2 8 an d 5 0 years . Th e award ma y wort h u p t o £5,00 0 t o cove r cheapes t return airfare , medica l an d trave l insurance , boar d and lodging, local transportation, and fees for formal training programmes . 2. Academi c Exchange Fellowships 1994 The fellowshi p i s intende d t o facilitat e movement of academic s betwee n developin g countrie s of th e Commonwealt h fo r an y o f th e followin g purposes: (a) attachmen t o f universit y staff , academi c o r administrative, t o othe r universitie s i n developing countries o f th e Commonwealt h t o enhance training an d experience , (b) shor t stud y tour s t o othe r universitie s i n developing countries o f th e Commonwealt h fo r the purposes o f professional development , (c) exchange s o f staf f betwee n universitie s i n developing countrie s t o furthe r a specifi c developmental objective , or (d) suppor t for university staf f to attend university - sponsored seminar s wit h a developmenta l orientation. NO.5 2MARC H 1994 10
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