Newsletter No. 53
CUHK NEWSLETTER KNOW YOUR Rights and be protected An interview on insurance coverage for University employees The occurrence of accidents and injuries is relatively rare on a university campus, where most employees work in a teaching or desk-bound environment. However, unhappy incidents in which staff members sustain grave bodily harm are known to have happened, for instance in the laboratories and on construction sites. While the University has always urged those in its employ to take full safety precautions at work, it also deems it its duty to provide for a comprehensive insurance coverage for all its staff. To enable members of the University to know more about the insurance scheme, the CUHK Newslette r recently interviewed the scheme's two subject officers, Mr. Patrick Yiu, senior assistant bursar at the Business Section of the Bursary, and Mr. K. C. Yuen, senior assistant secretary at the Personnel Office. The major features of the scheme are given below, but both Mr. Yiu and Mr. Yuen and their colleagues are happy to entertain any request for further information from staff members of the University. O CUHK Newsletter • Mr. K. C. Yuen • Mr. Patrick Yiu Double Protectio n O A s a n employee o f the University, I am not a t all familiar wit h th e insuranc e coverag e I a m entitled to . Could yo u briefl y introduce i t to me ? • Al l employee s o f th e Universit y ar e entitle d t o the p r o t e c t i o n d e f i n e d b y th e Employees' Compensation Ordinance o f th e Hon g Kon g Government. Furthermore , whe n a staff membe r is t o b e o n officia l duty outsid e Hon g Kong , h e or sh e may appl y fo r Overseas Coverage, whic h provides fo r insuranc e agains t persona l injurie s and damages . Th e Universit y pay s th e premiu m for both type s o f protection schemes . O Ar e part-tim e employee s entitle d t o th e protection offered by thes e two schemes ? • Al l part-tim e worker s formall y employe d b y University ar e covere d b y th e Employees' Com pensation scheme . The y ar e howeve r no t entitled t o appl y fo r Overseas Coverage. When You are in Hong Kong O Unde r wha t circumstance s ma y a n employe e make claim s fo r insurance benefits ? NO.53 APRIL1994 9
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