Newsletter No. 53
CUHK NEWSLETTER ANNOUNCEMENTS Professorial Appointment Prof. Mar k O . M . Ts o ha s been appointe d professo r o f ophthalmology an d visua l s c i enc es f r o m 1s t Ma r c h 1994. Born i n 1936 , Prof . Ts o received hi s medica l education at th e Universit y o f Hong Kon g an d obtaine d hi s M.B.B.S. degree s in 1961 . He furthered hi s studie s i n th e States an d receive d trainin g i n ophthalmolog y an d anatomic patholog y i n differen t hospitals includin g th e University Hospita l a t Boston , th e Arme d Force s Institute o f Pathology , th e Walte r Ree d Arm y Genera l Hospital, an d th e Universit y o f Illinoi s Hospital . Before joinin g Th e Chines e University , h e wa s professor o f ophthalmolog y a t the Universit y o f Illinoi s at Chicago , a pos t whic h h e ha d hel d sinc e 1976 . H e was concurrentl y directo r o f th e Georgian a Theobal d Ophthalmic Patholog y Laborator y an d th e Macul a Clinic a t th e Universit y o f Illinois . H e als o serve d a s medical directo r o f th e ey e ban k o f th e Lion s o f Illinoi s Eye Researc h Institut e fro m 198 9 t o 1994 . Prof. Ts o i s a membe r o f man y professiona l societies, includin g th e Nationa l Institut e o f Health , the America n Ac adem y o f Ophthalmology , th e National Ey e Institute , an d th e Nationa l Societ y t o Prevent Blindness . H e wa s presiden t o f th e America n Association fo r Ophthalmi c Pathologist s fro m 197 9 t o 1986. Prof. Ts o i s married , wit h tw o children . Mandarin and Cantonese Courses for Staff and Spouses The Ne w Asi a Yale-in-Chin a Chines e Languag e Centr e will agai n offe r Mandarin an d Cantones e course s t o th e University's staf f and their spouses from 31st May to 9th August 1994 . The followin g course s hav e bee n tentativel y scheduled ever y Tuesda y an d Thursda y fro m 2.30 p.m . to 4.1 5 p.m . a t th e Fon g Sh u Chue n Building : (1) Beginner' s cours e in Mandarin fo r foreigners; (2) Beginner' s cours e in Cantonese fo r foreigners; (3) Beginner' s cours e in Mandarin fo r non-Mandari n speakers o f Chines e origin ; (4) Beginner' s cours e in Cantonese fo r non-Cantones e speakers o f Chines e origin . The siz e o f eac h clas s wil l b e limite d t o eigh t students an d th e minimu m numbe r o f student s t o for m a clas s i s four . Enrolmen t wil l b e o n a first-come-first - served basis . Basic tuitio n fe e fo r eac h cours e i s HK$3,140 . The Universit y wil l subsidiz e 4 0 pe r cen t o f th e tuition fe e fo r al l full-tim e academi c an d administrative staff a s wel l a s thei r spouse s wh o ar e expected to b e wit h th e Universit y fo r a t leas t tw o years, an d wh o ar e no t receivin g a languag e stud y subsidy fro m an y othe r source . Fo r enrolment , pleas e contact the Chinese Language Centre at Ext. 6727 before 21st Ma y 1994 . Rikkyo University Research Fellowship Programme 1995-96 Rikkyo Universit y no w invite s application s fro m academic staf f of th e University fo r financial suppor t t o conduct researc h i n Japan i n 1995-96 . The programm e aim s a t encouragin g academi c exchange an d researc h i n th e humanities , socia l sciences, an d natural sciences. Successful candidates ca n conduct research in collaboration wit h faculty of Rikky o or d o thei r ow n researc h usin g Rikkyo' s facilitie s fo r three t o 1 2 month s durin g th e perio d 1s t Apri l 199 5 t o 31st Marc h 1996 . Economy clas s airfar e t o an d fro m Toky o an d a stipend o f ¥260,00 0 t o ¥355,00 0 pe r mont h wil l b e provided. Applicants shoul d b e age d 4 5 o r belo w a s o f 1s t April 199 5 an d b e ful l professors, assistan t o r associat e professors, lecturers , o r instructors . Application form s an d furthe r information ma y b e obtained fro m th e Personne l Offic e (Ext . 7286) . Al l applications shoul d reac h Rikky o Universit y b y 30t h June 1994 . University Swimming Pool Reopens The Universit y Swimmin g Poo l a t th e Benjami n Franklin Centr e wil l reope n o n Friday , 22n d April . Opening hour s ar e fro m 10.3 0 a.m . t o 1.4 0 p.m . an d from 2.3 0 p.m . t o 6.1 5 p.m . Monda y throug h Sunda y (including publi c holidays) . NO.53APRI L 1994 5
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