Newsletter No. 53
CUHK NEWSLETTER HK$734,000 for Community Research on AIDS A 'Communit y Researc h Programm e on AIDS' propose d by Dr. Joseph Lau , director o f th e Centr e fo r Clinica l Trials an d Epidemiologica l Research , recently obtaine d a researc h gran t o f HK$734,000 fro m th e Counci l fo r th e AIDS Trus t Fund . The firs t researc h programm e o f its kin d i n Hon g Kong , th e projec t aims a t buildin g u p a n infrastructur e for AID S researc h i n th e territory . Activities planne d includ e monitorin g public attitud e toward s AID S an d th e development o f th e diseas e i n Hon g Kong, studyin g high-ris k behaviou r and th e qualit y o f lif e o f HI V infected patients, an d developin g an d evaluating communit y interventio n programmes. Researc h finding s wil l be release d throug h regula r newsletters and publi c seminars . CU Debaters Successfully Argue Imported Expertise Is Beneficial to Hong Kong 'Import o f mainlan d expertis e i s beneficial t o th e prosperit y o f Hon g Kong' — thi s wa s th e motio n o f th e 23rd Intervarsit y Debatin g Contes t held o n 19t h Marc h a t th e Lok e Ye w Hall o f th e University o f Hong Kong . Arguing fo r th e motion , th e CUHK debatin g tea m (Cantonese ) defeated th e HK U tea m 5: 0 an d wo n its secon d victor y i n tw o years . Mis s Yu Min g La i o n th e CUHK tea m wa s also selecte d bes t speake r i n th e contest. The intervarsit y debatin g contest was firs t institute d i n 197 2 t o promote interaction , communicatio n and cooperatio n betwee n student s of th e tw o universities , an d t o enhance interest i n debatin g activities . To maintai n th e imprompt u natur e o f the debat e an d t o encourag e quic k and creativ e thinking , th e subjec t of th e debat e i s disclose d t o th e contestants on e hou r befor e th e debate. The languag e use d i n th e contest alternates betwee n Cantones e and Englis h eac h year . Thi s yea r th e debate wa s conducte d i n Cantonese . Adjudicators include d Mr . Le e Yee, chie f edito r o f The Nineties Monthly, th e Hon . P e g g y Lam , legislative councillor , Mr . L o Ch i Kin, managin g directo r o f C . K . Lo & S. La m Ltd. , Mr . Chen g Ka i Nam , secretary o f th e Democrati c Allianc e for th e Bettermen t o f Hon g Kong , and Mrs . Jennife r Lun, resourcing an d development manage r o f Hongkon g Bank. CU Student Wins Rhodes Scholarship to Study at Oxford Mr. Won g Min g Fung , final-yea r finance majo r fro m th e Facult y o f Business Administration , ha s bee n chosen a s th e Hon g Kon g Rhode s Scholar fo r 1994 . He wil l stud y la w a t Wadham College , Oxfor d fo r tw o years. Mr. Won g emigrate d t o Hon g Kong wit h hi s parent s fro m Fujia n 13 year s ago . H e wo n a plac e a t The Chines e Universit y i n 199 0 an d will graduat e thi s summer . H e ha s been a n activ e membe r o f th e Uni- v e r s i t y 's debatin g tea m an d th e CU Yout h Literar y Association . Hi s academic record s hav e bee n outstanding and h e ha s le d stud y tour s t o Beijing an d Taiwan . H e impresse d the Hon g Kon g Rhode s Scholarshi p Selection Committe e a s a youn g ma n with a 'determinatio n t o striv e fo r th e best' . The Rhode s Scholarshi p wa s established unde r th e wil l o f Si r Cecil Rhode s an d selecte d Rhode s Scholars ar e expecte d t o posses s high intellectua l merit , outstandin g scholastic attainment , pleasan t personality, and physica l vigour . Unite d States Presiden t Bil l Clinto n wa s a Rhode s Schola r i n hi s younge r days. NO.53 APRIL1994 4
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