Newsletter No. 61
C U H K NEWSLETTER ANNOUNCEMENTS Gifts? Bribery? The University is a public body listed under the Schedule of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (CAP201, Laws of Hong Kong). A ll University employees are classified as 'public servants' under the ordinance and should be wary of accepting gifts which could be construed as being offered to them in connection with their 'public' duties. As the Christmas and New Year holidays are approaching, members of the staff who wish to give away or accept any gifts in this festive season and who are in doubt as to whether such gifts are permissible under the law should first consult the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. Copies of the ordinance are available for reference at the University Library and its branch libraries, as well as the Information and Public Relations Office (2nd floor, Pi Ch'iu Building). Staffing Arrangements on Christmas and New Year's Eves The following staffing arrangements for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve have been endorsed by the University since 1983 and will apply on 24th and 31st December this year: 1. For essential service units such as the Health Service, the Library System, the Operation Unit of the Computer Services Centre, the Security Unit, the Transport Unit, and the Maintenance Office of the Buildings Office, a task force should remain on duty on both Saturday mornings to provide basic services. 2. For all other offices in the University, a skeleton crew should be appointed to be on duty on both mornings to handle urgent matters and answer enquiries. 3. The skeleton staff on duty on either morning will each be given compensation leave of half a day. Staff Bus Arrangements Subscribers for the University staff bus service please note that the Transport Unit has arranged for the homing staff bus to leave the Benjamin Franklin Centre large car park at 12.45 p.m. on Christmas Eve (24th December) and New Year's Eve (31st December). Staff Review of Non-teaching Staff Members on Terms of Service (B) & (C) The Administrative A f f a i rs Committee and the Sub-committee on Junior Staff Affairs have invited department chairmen/unit heads to make nominations and recommendations concerning the retirement, extension of service and promotion of non-teaching staff members on Terms of Service (B) and (C). The deadline for submission of nominations is 31st January 1995. The committees w i l l not consider applications f r om individual staff members, who may, however, discuss their promotion prospects w i th their department chairmen/unit heads. Reimbursement of Course Fees The University will soon consider requests for reimbursement of fees to Terms of Service (B) & (C) and equivalent non-teaching staff who will attend training courses which start in or after January 1995. Applications from staff members in the faculties and departments and the following administrative units should be made on appropriate forms and forwarded through the department chairmen/immediate supervisors to the faculty deans/unit heads concerned for consideration: Vice-Chancellor's Office College Offices Registry Secretariat Bursary Internal Audit Office Personnel Office Office of Director of Administrative Services Buildings Office Office of Student Affairs Office of the Graduate School University Library System Computer Services Centre Research Administration Office Applications from all other units should be forwarded together with recommendations by unit heads to Mr. S.S. Tam, Secretary Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, University Administration Building on or before Tuesday, 10th January 1995. To be eligible for consideration, applications must be submitted before the training courses start. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286). NO.61DECEMBER1994 10
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