Newsletter No. 291

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 第二九一期 二零零七年一月十九日 No. 291 19 January 2007 3 大 學宣布將於今年九月開辦工程與工商管理四年制 雙學位課程,是同類形課程中第一個無招生配額 限制的。 課程由工程學院與工商管理學院合辦,選修任何工程學 院課程的學生將於首三年主修工程科目及修讀額外的工 商管理科目。在取得首個學位後,於第四年完成工商管 理的科目並取得第二個學位。這個雙學位課程提供極大 的靈活性,是專為在語言及分析能力表現卓越,並對 企業和金融世界亦感興趣的理科生而設。除聯招學生 外,課程亦歡迎中六生優先錄取計劃的學生或內地生 報讀。 工程學院副院長(教育)陳麗雲教 授表示,根據最新的就業調查,超 過八成的中大工程學院畢業生投身 商業及服務性機構,當中逾兩成六 是加入銀行和金融業機構的,而他 們的工作常涉及資訊科技的知識和 技術。 中大的雙學士課程畢業生同時配 備專業技術和商業知識,在急速 變化知識型經濟中有更多元化的 就業機會。 課程詳細資料,可瀏覽: www.erg. C UHK announces that a Four-year Double Degree Programme in Engineering and Business Administration will be launched in September 2007. The programme is jointly offered by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Business Administration and is the first one of its kind that has no quota limit in admission. Students will spend the first three years majoring in engineering and taking additional business courses. In the fourth year, studentswould proceed to continue their studies in the Business School to complete the second degree in business administration in one year. The programme offers great flexibility and is designed for science students who are strong in languages and analytical skills, at the same time, interested in the business and financial world. Students from the Early Admission Scheme (EAS) or Mainland China are 全新工程與工商管理雙學位課程 New Four-year Engineering and BA Double Degree Programme particularly welcome to join this programme. Prof. Chan LaiWan, AssociateDean (Education) of the Faculty of Engineering, said, ‘According to the latest employment survey, over 80% of CUHK engineering graduates are working in the commercial and service sector. Of these, more than 26% have joined the banking and finance industry, and their job nature usually involves IT and technical knowledge.’ Graduates of the double degree programme will be equipped with both strong technical and business knowledge. This would give the versatility and flexibility to have successful careers in the emerging knowledge-based economy. For details of the Engineering and Business Administration Double Degree Programme, please visit (左起) 工商管理學院副院長 (本科課程) 蘇偉文教授、工程學院副院長 (外務) 黃錦輝 教授和工程學院副院長 (教育) 陳麗雲教授回答新雙學位課程提問 (From left) Prof. Raymond So, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), Faculty of Business Administration, Prof. Wong Kam Fai, Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Chan Lai Wan, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering, explaining the details of the new four-year double degree programme 其他消息 Other News Items 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news items are available at ■ EMBA 論壇—陳啟宗博士論香港樓巿­ EMBA Forum — Dr. Ronnie Chan Lectures on HK Real Estate Market ■ 中國現代文學珍本展 ■ 第二屆公司治理青年學者論壇 2nd Corporate Governance Research Incubator