Newsletter Special Issue (2002)
resources, service delivery, and management information and systems. The University's management was highly commended by the UGC in its review report, and there were more good practices cited from CUHK than from any other local university. 5.推廣資訊科技的應用 Promotion of Information Technology 成立資訊科技政策委員會 A University-wide IT strategy was adopted in January 1999 and an IT Policy Committee was set up in 2000 to review, formulate, and implement IT policies and plans, to strengthen the communication between the computer centre and the user community, and to bring together new ideas for more effective deployment of IT for teaching, learning, research, and administration. 全面推行資訊科技訓練及網上教學 A working party on student IT competence was established to formulate plans for enhancing IT proficiency among students. A university-wide experimental platform was created to allow teachers to use advanced instructional technologies in web- based teaching. A new IT Learning Centre was also set up to provide training and assessment services. Over 500 courses offered by academic departments have gone on-line, with another 180 preparing to follow suit. 全面改善資訊科技服務 增加工作效率 A number of management information systems have been developed for the University administration to increase management efficiency and improve service delivery: Bursary applications for the administration of the staff superannuation schemes, and student grants and loans; Registry applications for direct online course registration by students, enquiry of academic results by academic departments, classroom booking, and postgraduate admission administration; the Personnel administration system for total automation; and a consolidated database on staffpublications, academic exchange activities, and services to the community. 6。其他主要成就 Other Landmark Achievements 工管碩士課程接連獲評為亞洲第一 In 1997, the University was ranked among the top five universities in Asia by Asia Inc. , and boasted the best business school in Hong Kong, which was ranked number four in the Asia-Pacific region. The Executive MBA Programme offered by the University's Faculty of Business Administration was ranked number one in Asia by Business Week and Financial Times in 2001, and the MBA Programmes have just been ranked number one in Asia in 2002 by Asia Inc. 教資會資助額全港稱冠 The University was allocated the largest share of performance-based recurrent funding from the UGC for the 2001-4 triennium notwithstanding further cuts in government funding for local tertiary institutions across the board. 中學生的第一志願大學 In two of the last six years, the University was the first choice of the largest number of students admitted to all UGC-funded institutions through the Joint University Programmes Admission System. 率先構思「優先錄取計劃」 CUHK was the first local university to devise an Early Admissions Scheme to attract top students to stay in Hong Kong for their university studies. The scheme, implemented in 2002, was very well received among Secondary Six students and attracted the largest number of applicants when compared with other local universities. 全港首個校園環境審核及報告 CUHK was the first local university to conduct a comprehensive environmental audit on campus, in 1999-2000, and to adopt a university-wide action plan to heighten environmental consciousness among the campus community and to keep the campus green. 大學首次頒授榮譽院士 An Honorary Fellowship scheme was inaugurated in 2001-2 to recognize the significant contribution and support given by members of the community to the University. The first Honorary Fellowship conferment ceremony was held in May 2002 and six distinguished persons were made Honorary Fellows. 各方捐贈激增 Some HK$7 million was raised by the University at the start of the new century to establish The Chinese University of Hong Kong General Endowment Fund. A total of HK$ 1.446 billion in the form of donations was solicited during the period August 1996 to July 2002 to support the University's development. 財政年度 Financial Year 捐助額(百萬港元) Donations Received (HK$ million) 1993-1994 96 1994-1995 92 1995- 1996 87 1996- 1997 193 1997-1998 174 1998- 1999 90 1999-2000 197 2000-2001 327 2001 - 2002 465 (unaudited) 總額 Total (since 1996-97): 1,446 資料來源:香港中文大學財務報告 Source: CUHK Annual Accounts 李國章教授擔任醫學院院長期間學院大事紀要 Major Milestones of the Faculty of Medicine Under the Deanship of Professor Arthur K.C. Li from 1992 to 1996 1992 • Introduction of the Bachelor of Pharmacy programme • Pioneering the use of laparoscopic techniques in treating peptic ulcers and cancers of the colon and the oesophagus • Pioneering the use of photodynamic therapy in treating nasopharyngeal cancer • Establishment of the world's first comprehensive and multi-functional Skin Bank • Establishment of an Eye Bank • Hong Kong's first paediatric autologous stem cell transplant 1993 • The signing of an exchange agreement with Johns Hopkins School of Medicine • South East Asia's first live-related paediatric liver transplant • Establishment of Hong Kong's first paediatric liver transplant support group • The provision of community geriatric support to needy individuals and families ill New Territories East • Successful diagnosis of Hong Kong's first case of Acanthamoeba Keratitis (a rare corneal ulcer) • Introduction of an MPhil programme in nursing 1994 • Opening of the Shaw Endoscopy Centre • Opening of the Sir Yue-kong Pao Centre for Cancer & Lady Pao Children's Cancer Centre • Delivery of Hong Kong's first baby conceived through the micromanipulation of human gametes • Establishment of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences • Establishment of the Office of Educational Services • Establishment of the Diabetic and Endocrine Centre • Hong Kong's first paediatric growth standards developed • Establishment of Hong Kong's first charitable Burns Foundation • Hong Kong's first paediatric autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant • Pioneering the combined use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in treating nasopharyngeal carcinoma 1995 • Inauguration of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute • Pioneering paediatric allogenic blood stem cell transplant in Hong Kong • Establishment of Hong Kong's first Childhood Spina Bifida Clinic and Childhood Spina Bifida Support Group • Establishment of Hong Kong's MEDLARS centre and Medical Information Transfer Station • Pioneering the use of Vagus Nerve Stimulation to treat intractable epileptic patients • The production of a TV docu-drama series Tides of Life in collaboration with RTHK • The launch of recreational programmes for children with cancer • Conducting the first clinical study on the effectiveness of low-molecular weight heparin in treating stroke • Establishment of the cervical cancer community clinic 1996 • Academic and research agreements signed with Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Beijing Hospital, and Yang Ming University of Taiwan • Establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong WHO Collaborating Centre for Sports Medicine and Health Promotion • Establishment of the Multi-discipline Oesophagus Cancer Clinic • Establishment of the Fight for Sight Foundation • Establishment of the Cathay Pacific Wheelchair Bank for Children with Neuromuscular Disease • Introducing deep brain stimulation to treat patients with Parkinson's disease • Pioneering the use of triple and antibiotic therapy in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori-relatedpeptic ulcers 李國章教授出任中大校長之前為大學籌得的捐助 Donations Raised by Prof. Arthur K.C. Li for the University Before Assuming Vice-Chancellorship in 1996 年份 Year 金額(港元) Amount (HK$) 1984 3,500 1985 1,719,520 1986 70,500 1987 2,231,690 1988 1,600,988 1989 1,839,128 1990 3,306,468 1991 4,156,957 1992* 6,894,161 1993 14,268,382 1994 11,598,194 1995 (up to September) 4,051,349 總額 Total $51,740,837 * An additional capital donation of HK$120 million was procured in 1992 to build a cancer centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital. 李教授另於1992年協助大學籌得特別捐款一億二千萬元,於威爾斯親王醫院設立癌症治療及研究中心。 中大通訊 專刊 二零零二年七月三十日 2
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