Newsletter Summer Supplement (2000)
宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 文物館展出馮康侯書畫篆刻精品 本年適逢著名書畫篆刻家馮康侯先生百歲冥壽,文物館蒙多位熱心收藏家惠借 珍藏,特舉辦「馮康侯書畫篆刻展」,於七月十五日至九月三日在西翼展覽廳展出 馮康侯先生書畫篆刻佳作。 馮康侯( 1 9 0 1 - 1 9 8 3 )原名彊,字康侯,號唐齋,晚號眇叟,廣東番禹人。一九 四九年遷居香港,先後任教多所大專院校,講授文字訓詁之學。一九六二年組「南 天印社」,一九六七年創「廣雅書學社」,發揚書畫篆刻,並策劃多次展覽,參觀 者絡繹不絕。一九七五年出版《馮康侯印集》,傳誦一時。一九八零年間,香港藝 術館於香港大會堂為其舉辦個人展覽,盛況空前。 馮氏書學深湛,凡甲骨銅銘、秦篆漢隸、魏晉碑版,無不精研;治印師劉慶崧 並私淑黃士陵,融會漢鑄之雍容典雅,自成一家;閒作山水花卉,秀逸絕俗。畢生 桃李滿門,為本地藝壇奠基居功至偉。馮氏除為早年聯合書院講師外,於七十年代 初曾任文物館名譽研究員,與香港中文大學淵源早結。 聯合圖書館安裝升降機 Wu Chung Library Services Affected by Installation Works 聯合書院胡忠圖書館現正安裝升降機,俾便利殘障讀者。此項工程由校園發展 處管理,預期於二零零一年四月完成。 在此期間,館內各層將會受到影響,尤其是噪音滋擾。而為方便工程進行,夜 讀室亦暫停開放。 該館職員將盡量維持圖書館正常服務。至於該館館藏之臨時位置圖,已張貼於 圖書館入口和上網(。 查詢請與該館流通部職員聯絡。 The Late Reading Room of Wu Chung Library in United College has been temporarily closed from 21st July to facilitate the installation of a lift for the disabled. The project is expected to be completed around April 2001. During the installation period, other services may also be affected. However staff are trying their best to maintain library services and most of the collections are available to users. A temporary floor plan of the library is posted near the entrance of the library and also at S hould users need assistance in using the library, please contact staff at the circulation desk. 預防肝炎運動 Hepatitis Awareness Campaign 保健處將於十月十一至二十日舉辦預防肝炎運動,在保健醫療中心展出有關肝 炎的資料,為教職員及其家屬和學生檢驗肝炎抗原及抗體,並為有需要者注射疫 苗。抽血檢驗於十月十二至十三日上午九時至中午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時 半在保健醫療中心進行,費用為一百元。 注射甲型肝炎疫苗(三劑)每劑費用一百六十元,乙型肝炎疫苗(三劑)每劑 費用七十五元,混合甲乙型肝炎疫苗(三劑)每劑費用二百卅五元,於十月十九至 二十日上午九時至中午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時半進行。 另,梁慧儀醫生應邀於十月十一日下午一至二時在保健醫療中心主持「肝炎新 知」專題講座。 Due to popular demand the University Health Service will hold the Hepatitis Awareness Campaign again in October 2000. There will be a Hepatitis update by Dr. Nancy Leung from 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. on 11th October, and an exhibition in the Health Centre from 11th to 20th October. Blood tests for markers of the Hepatitis A and B vims w i ll be available to all staff, dependants, and students at a privileged price of $10 0 each on 12th and 13th October. Those who are shown to be in need of immunization may have themselves vaccinated at the Health Centre on 19th and 20th October at $160 per dose for Hepatitis A, $75 per dose for Hepatitis B, and $235 per dose of Twinrix-combined A&B. Each vaccine requires three doses. A l l are welcome. 自我檢査乳房工作坊 乳癌是女性常見的惡性腫瘤,早期無痛,亦不會引致身體不適,較難察覺,自 我檢查乳房是及早發現乳癌的最佳方法。 保健處訂於每月最後一個星期二上午九時半至十時半,在保健醫療中心舉行自 我檢查乳房工作坊,內容包括講座、錄像帶播放和模形實習。每班名額有限,報名 從速,請電二六零九六四二八。 星期日及公眾假期額外穿梭校巴服務 Additional Buses for Sundays and Public Holidays 由二零零零年九月起,大學穿梭校巴在星期日及公眾假期將實施下列新制度: (一)教職員及學生乘搭穿梭校巴時,可 •以一元乘車券投入錢箱,或 •在上車時向司機出示職員證或學生證,再投入一元。 (二)其他非持乘車券之乘客,上車時需繳付車費每位五元。 (三)於現有星期日及公眾假期穿梭校巴班次外,另增加共十九班次(包括上行十三 班及下行六班)。所有額外班次均另聘時薪司機駕駛。 教職員及學生由九月起可全日廿四小時到保安組購買乘車券,每本十張,以特 惠價九元發售;亦可於辦公時間內到以下地點購買: • 書院輔導處 •崇基、新亞及聯合書院微型計算機室 •大學紀念品銷售處(富爾敦樓) •研究院宿舍及新研究院宿舍辦事處 •威爾斯親王醫院教習醫院院務室 •交通組 由二零零零年九月起實施之星期日及公眾假期穿梭校巴時間表,刊於以下網頁 ,並將於稍後張貼於各校巴 站。垂詢或索取新時間表者,請致電交通組(二六零九七九九零)。 From September 2000, staff and students of the University taking the campus shuttle bus on Sundays and public holidays can either pay for their ride with the $1 bus coupons, or show their staff/student ID and pay the same amount in cash. Non-staff/student passengers not using the bus coupons need to pay $5 per ride on Sundays and public holidays. Also from September 2000,19 additional bus trips (13 up-route and 6 down-route), run by contract drivers, w i ll be added to the existing bus schedule for Sundays and public holidays. The new bus schedules w i ll be posted at all bus stops and can be accessed now from this website: l Bus coupons will be sold to staff and students around the clock at the Security Unit and during office hours at the following outlets at a discounted price of $9 per book of 10 from September 2000: • College Dean of Students' Offices • Microcomputer laboratories at Chung Chi, New Asia, and United Colleges • University souvenir counter at the John Fulto n Centre • General office of the Postgraduate Hall Complex and the New Postgraduate Hall • Clinical Sciences Administration, Prince of Wales Hospital • Transport Unit Please direct enquiries and requests for the new schedules to the Transport Unit a t 2609 7990. 大學圖書館系統本學年開放時間 University Library System Opening Hours 由二零零零年九月一日起 From 1st September 2000 大學、崇基及新亞圖書館 University, Chung Chi, and New Asia Libraries Mon-Fri 8.20 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. Sat 8.20 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Sun 1.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. 大學圖書館視聽資料組 University Library Audio-Visual Department Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Sun closed 聯合圖書館 Un i t e d Library Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 9.30 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m. -5.00 p.m. Sun 1.00 p.m.-7.00 p.m. 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Sun closed 由二零零零年七月三十一日起 From 31st July 2000 醫學圖書館 Med i c al Librar y Mon-Fri 8.30 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Sun closed 公眾假期及暑假之開放時間,請留意張貼於各圖書館入口之告示。 Opening hours for holidays and the summer vacation will be posted at the entrances of the libraries. 訃告 Obituary 崇基學院資深導師張雄謀教授於二零零零年六月十六日在加拿大多倫多辭世, 享年七十七歲。 張教授一九五七年起即於崇基理學院化學系任教,作育英才凡二十八年,於一 九八五年榮休,旋出任大學高級研究員,致力中藥研究。 張教授的追思禮拜已於七月二日在崇基禮拜堂舉行。化學講座教授麥松威教授 特撰文追悼張教授,因篇幅所限延於八月後刊登。 Dr. H.M. Chang, Senior College Tutor of Chung Chi College, passed away in Toronto, Canada on 16th June 2000 at the age of 77. 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 暑期特刊 二零零零年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 2000 9
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