Newsletter No. 323
第323期 2008年9月19日 No. 323 19 September 2008 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁 ( 。 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部 (電話 2609 8681/2609 8589,傳真 2603 6864,電郵 。 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 香港中文大學資訊處出版 1. The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and the summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail . 3. The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. Published by the Information Services Office, CUHK 更改教職員個人資料 Updating of Staff Personal Data 教職員的個人資料如姓名、婚姻狀況、子女、學歷等倘有更 改,請填妥「更改個人資料表」,並把有關文件正本或獲確 認的副本一併交回人事處。地址、電話或緊急事故時的聯 絡人資料如有更改,亦務請以書面通知人事處,以便更新。 全職僱員現可透過互聯網登入「僱員個人資料查詢系統」 ( ) ,查閱 個人資料紀錄,並下載「更改個人資料表」更新資料(亦 可致電2609 7179索取該表)。 個人資料如有變動,務須即時申報,因其可能影響可享的 附帶福利。 To ensure the accuracy of staff data records, staff members with changes of personal data such as name, marital status, birth of child, emergency contact, or acquisition of additional qualifications are requested to submit the form ‘Change of Personal Data’ to the Personnel Office with the originals or certified true copies of relevant supporting documents attached. Staff members with any change in address or telephone number should also inform the Personnel Office of the same in writing. Full-time staff members may now access the ‘Staff Self-Service Enquiry System’ via the web ( https:// ) to check their personal data records, and download the form ‘Change of Personal Data’ for updating purposes (the form can also be obtained by calling 2609 7179). Changes of personal data must be reported if they have implications on staff members’ benefits entitlement at the University. 訃告 Obituary 本校榮譽理學博士唐敖慶教授於7月15日病逝北京,享年 九十三歲,大學同仁深表哀悼。 唐教授為中國科學院資深院士、著名理論化學家、教育 家,曾任吉林大學校長及國家自然科學基金委員會主任。 唐教授1949年獲哥倫比亞大學博士學位,次年回國後即大 力開拓理論化學研究,有「中國量子化學之父」之稱。唐 教授對我國科學事業發展貢獻良多,在培養人才方面成績 卓越。 唐教授曾蒞校訪問指導,並於1994年獲大學頒授榮譽理學 博士學位。 The University mourns the passing of Prof. Tang Aoqing on 15 July in Beijing at the age of 93. Prof. Tang was a senior member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, renowned chemist and educator. He had served as president of Jilin University and director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Tang obtained his PhD from Columbia University in 1949 and returned to China in the following year to devote himself to the promotion of research in theoretical chemistry, which earned him the reputation of ‘Father of China’s Quantum Chemistry’. The contributions of Prof. Tang to the development of science in China and grooming of talent were exceptional. Prof. Tang visited CUHK to give advice and was conferred the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa in 1994 by the University. 校園發展計劃:第二階段持份者交流活動 Campus Master Planning (CMP): Stage 2 Stakeholder Engagement Activities 顧問公司在9月初發布其首階段持份者交流活動報告書後,將於本月稍後發表其對校園發展規劃的概念設計。這 份文件包含顧問對中大直至2021年規劃展望及六項重點規劃課題:校園生活添姿采、教研康體設施、行人取向校 園、校園景觀、可持續發展校園和文化景貌保育。校園發展計劃的第二階段持份者交流活動將於10月舉行,現誠 邀所有大學成員踴躍參與以下活動。 Following the release of the CMP Stage 1 Stakeholder Engagement Report in early September, the CMP consultant will present to University members the Conceptual Planning Proposal later this month. The document will include the consultant’s Planning Visions for 2021 and Six Key Planning Issues, namely, Enhancement of College Life, Venues for Academic and Recreational Activities, Pedestrian Friendly Campus, Campus Landscape, A Sustainable Campus, and Conservation of Places with Cultural Significance. The University is going to launch the CMP Stage 2 Stakeholder Engagement Activities in October. All University members are invited to participate in these events. 香港世界貿易中心會會籍 World Trade Centre Club Membership 中大持有香港世界貿易中心會會籍,甲類服務條款聘用或同等級別的教職員可透過大學提名成為該會會員,使用 該會設施,並享受該會與其他會所簽訂的互惠協議(詳情請瀏覽: ) 。 有興趣者可以競投方式成為該會大學提名會員,最低競標價為港幣一元(此為月費,每月向大學繳付),會籍由 2008年11月1日起生效,為期兩年,期滿後可徵求大學同意,要求延長一年。新會員須向香港世界貿易中心會繳 付三千元轉會費,以及每月八百八十元會費。 有意競投的教職員請填妥投標表格,於2008年10月9日下午2時30分前寄回或送達:富爾敦樓地下商務組,轉交大 學投標管理委員會。信封面請註明「申請香港世界貿易中心會會籍」。 詳情可致電內線7887向曹小姐查詢,投標表格可於商務組網頁下載: 。 The University holds a membership of the World Trade Centre Club (WTCC). A staff nominated by the University to take up membership is eligible to use the facilities of the club and its reciprocal clubs (please visit for details). Full-time Terms (A) or equivalent staff members are invited to bid for the privilege of being the University’s nominee with effect from 1 November 2008. Membership has a minimum term of two years and can be extended for another year at the member’s request and with the University’s agreement. The minimum bid, i.e. the monthly charge payable to the University, is HK$1. The new member pays a Transfer Fee of $3,000 charged by WTCC as well as a monthly membership fee of HK$880. Interested staff members should submit their bids to the Tender Board, c/o Business Office, G/F, John Fulton Centre, in envelopes marked ‘Application for World Trade Centre Club Membership’ before 2:30 pm on 9 October 2008. Please contact Ms. Jacqueling Cho at Ext. 7887 for any further information and visit the Business Office’s homepage at to download the bidding form. 交流會 Engagement Meetings 日期 Date 2/10/2008 (星期四Thu) 2/10/2008 (星期四Thu) 3/10/2008 (星期五Fri) 3/10/2008 (星期五Fri) 時間 Time 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm 10:00 am – 11:30 am 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm 地點 Venue 109 陳國本樓 Chen Kou Bun Building G04 潤昌堂 Y.C. Liang Hall LG04 許讓成樓 Hui Yeung Shing Building G04 潤昌堂 Y.C. Liang Hall 會面主題 Focus 顧問公司發表校園發展規劃的概念設計及簡報六項重點規劃課題 Presentation by Consultant on the Six Key Planning Issues of the Conceptual Planning Proposal 討論焦點 Discussion Focus 有關書院的概念設計 College related proposals 六項重點規劃課題 The Six Key Planning Issues 有關教學及研究設施的概 念設計 Teaching, learning and research facilities related proposals 六項重點規劃課題 The Six Key Planning Issues 參與人士 Participants 歡迎所有大學成員出席 All University members are welcome 工作坊 (收集出席持份者對六項重點規劃課題的意見) Workshops (to collect comments and suggestions on the Six Key Planning Issues of the Conceptual Planning Proposal) 日期 Date 6/10/2008 (星期一 Mon) 8/10/2008 (星期三 Wed) 9/10/2008 (星期四 Thu) 時間 Time 9:30 am – 12:30 pm 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm 地點 Venue 103 富爾敦樓 John Fulton Centre 中環美國銀行中心1樓,中大專業進修學院104 室 Room 104, School of Continuing & Professional Studies, Bank of America Tower, Central 參與人士 Participants 歡迎所有大學成員出席 All University members are welcome 論壇 (顧問公司對收集所得意見作出初步分析及總結) Forum (to summarize views collected by the consultant and conduct an open discussion on the Six Key Planning Issues) 日期 Date 11/10/2008 (星期六 Sat) 時間 Time LT4, 王福元樓 Wong Foo Yuan Building 地點 Venue 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm 參與人士 Participants 歡迎所有大學成員出席 All University members are welcome
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