Newsletter No. 323
第323期 2008年9月19日 No. 323 19 September 2008 中大員生置身奧運 參與是榮幸 CUHK Members Honoured to Participate in Olympics 北 京奧運8月下旬閉幕,三十多位香港運動員代表 陸續回港,在芸芸代表中,閃耀着一位中大學 生的身影—三項鐵人項目代表、心理學系四年級麥素 寧。她挾着提早來的入場券,踏足京奧,縱然沒有名 次,但正如她所說:「作為運動員,有份參與已很榮 幸。」 肌肉結實、皮膚黝黑,手腕還有一兩道受傷留下的疤 痕,日積月累的練習在她的外表上留下印記。麥素寧自 小即在跑步及游泳有不俗成績,六年前,香港體育學院 教練邀請她改投三項鐵人賽(即一點五公里游泳、四十 公里單車及十公里長跑)的鍛鍊,成就今天的她。 身為港隊三項鐵人代表的素寧,目標本是2012年的倫敦 奧運,但由於在2006年的多哈亞運獲得第六名,大大提 高了躋身奧運的機會,故她不惜在2008年休學半年,加 緊練習及參加公開賽,爭取更高世界排名,務求入 選北京奧運,最終在6月取得這張早來了四年的入 場券。 是次比賽共有五十多名選手參加,初試啼聲的素 寧,因狀態不斷提升,也期望可會爭取到四十 多名,最後卻因游泳時抽筋,影響之後的發 揮,最終未能完成賽事。素寧對這成績稍有 失望,但認為有份參與已是一份獎賞。 素寧於2005年透過「運動員獎學金計 劃」入讀心理學系,後入選大學田徑 隊及越野隊,使她有不少出賽機 會;而擔任大學泳隊隊長,更訓練 了她的領導才能。她曾獲頒崇基學 院的傑出運動員獎學金,對大學及 書院的支持,她滿是感激:「除了 減輕財政負擔,也是對學生運動 員的肯定,推動我繼續代表大學 及香港往外比賽。」她在9月已重拾 書本,返回校園。 於奧運期間同樣赴京的,還有時任 中大人事處助理處長的譚壽森, 他是二百九十位在京參與義務 工作的香港義工之一。譚壽森 自小熱愛運動,認為既可結識 朋友,又可強身健體。他服膺 於老子的名言:「自勝者強」, 認為運動的真諦也在於此。這亦 啟發了他不論在工作或控制情緒各 方面,都力求進步,加入奧運義工行 列,便是印證。譚壽森於8月2日北 上,獲安排於奧運選手村當註冊助 理,負責接待工作,「雖然不是很 高層次的工種,但有機會參與,有 份為祖國服務,與有榮焉。」二十 二天的北京之旅,收穫是大批與金 牌選手的合照,難怪令他興奮莫名。 Over 50 triathletes all over the world took part in the 2008 Olympics. Tania had expected to finish in the top 50 as she was in top form. However an attack of cramps during the swim meant she could not finish the race. Tania was disappointed but thought it was already a bonus to have taken part in the Games. Tania was admitted to the University’s psychology programme in 2005 through the Sports Scholarship Scheme. She is a member of the CUHK athletics team and athletics (cross-country) team. As the captain of the CUHK swimming team, she developed leadership skills. She was the recipient of a Chung Chi scholarship for outstanding student athletes. Tania has started school again in September. She expressed thanks to the University and College for their support. ‘They eased my financial burden and affirmed my efforts and that encouraged me to give my best in the competitions.’ Another CUHK member who participated in the 2008 Beijing Olympics was Mr. Tam Sau-sum, then assistant director of personnel, who was one of 290 Hong Kong volunteers serving in the Games. Thinking that playing sports is a good way to keep the body in shape and to make friends, Tam Sau-sum has been a sports lover since his youth. He also believes that Lao Zi’s famous saying ‘He who overcomes himself is strong’ captures the essence of sports, and it has motivated him to keep making progress both in work and in the control of his emotions. Volunteering for the Olympic games was proof of his quest for excellence. Mr. Tam arrived in Beijing on 2 August and served as a registration assistant in Olympic Village. ‘It was my honour to serve my homeland even though my responsibilities were little,’ he said. What thrilled him most was taking photos with medalists from the world over. The 22-day journey brought him unforgettable memories and abundant pictures. A fter the curtains fell on the 2008 Beijing Olympics in late August, some 30 sports representatives returned to Hong Kong. Among them was a CUHK student—Tania Mak So-ning, a Year 4 psychology major and a triathlon athlete. Tania had not expected to participate in the Games this year, and although she did not win any prizes, she felt happy and honoured. Dark and muscular, with scars on her wrist, Tania has clearly been undergoing long and arduous practice. In childhood she demonstrated a gift for running and swimming. Six years ago, her coach in the Hong Kong Sports Institute invited her to join the triathlon event of the Olympics (which consists of a 1.5 km swim, a 40 km bike and a 10 km run). Tania’s target had been the 2012 London Olympics. However, encouraging results in the Asian Games in Doha 2006 significantly upped her chances of taking part in the 2008 Olympics. Therefore she decided to suspend her studies for a semester in 2008 to prepare for the Games. Her efforts paid off. Her world ranking rose and with hard practice and participation in different international contests, she finally won the ticket to the 2008 Games. 譚壽森參與京奧義務工作 Mr. Tam Sau-sum volunteered his service at the Olympics 麥素寧代表香港出征奧運 Tania Mak So-ning, Hong Kong's triathlon representative
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