Newsletter No. 241
宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 颱風襲港及暴雨的有關安排 General Arrangements for Typhoon and Rainstorm Warning 由行政事務處發出的有關颱風襲港及 暴雨之安排通告,已由新聞及公共關係處於二零零四年五月六日派發,同人亦可致電 新聞及公共關係處(內線八八九九)索取。 A circula r on general arrangements during the approach of typhoons and the hoisting of rainstorm warnings, issued by the Office of the Director of Administrative Services , was sent to various units on 6th May 2004. Those who have not received the circular or who would like to obtain more copies should call the Information and Public Relations Office at Ext. 8899. 教職員暑期免費校巴服務 Free Staff Shuttle Bus Service 大學於六至八月為教職員提供往來大學火車站與辦公室的不收費專用校巴服務, 方便同人上下班。 該服務由六月一日(星期二)起,至八月卅一日(星期二)止,班次及路線如下: 上行車(每班一車次) 星期一至六 上午八時卅分及 八時四十分 由火車站(嶺南體育館側)往新亞書院,中途停大學 體育中心、潤昌堂、馮景禧樓及聯合書院。 下行車(每班一車次) 星期一至五 下午五時零五分及 五時二十分 由新亞書院往火車站,中途停聯合書院、大學 行政樓、五旬節會樓(前研究生宿舍)及大學體育 中心。 星期六 中午十二時四十五分 於星期日及公眾假期,不收費專用校巴停止服務。查詢請致電交通組(內線七九 九零)。 The free staff shuttle bus service for the summe r break will start on 1st June 2004 (Tuesday) and end after 31st August 2004 (Tuesday). The departure times and routes are as follows: Up Route (One bus per departure) Monday to Saturda y 8.30 a.m. an d 8.40 a.m . From train station (beside Lingna n Stadium) to New Asia College, with intermediate stop s at the University Sport s Centre, Y.C. Liang Hall , Fun g King-hey Building , an d Unite d Colleg e Down Route (One bus per departure) Monday to Frida y 5.05 p.m . an d 5.20 p.m . From New Asia College to train station, with intermediate stop s at United College, Universit y Administration Building , Pentecosta l Missio n Hal l Saturday 12.45 p.m . Complex (forme r Postgraduat e Hall Complex) and University Sports Centre The free staff shuttle bus service is not available on Sunday and public holidays. For enquiries, please call the Transport Unit at Ext. 7990. 大學圖書館系統暑期開放時間 University Library System Summer Opening Hours 大學、崇基、新亞及聯合圖書館 University, Chung Chi, NewAsi a and United College Libraries 31.5-30.6.2004 2.7-22.8.2004 from 23.8.2004 起 週一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. 10.0 0 p.m . 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m 8.20 a.m. -10.00 p.m . 週六 Sa t 9.00 a.m. -7.0 0 p.m . 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m 8.20 a.m. - 7.0 0 p.m. 週日 Su n 1.00 p.m. 一 7.0 0 p.m. 閉館 Closed 1.00 p.m. - 7.0 0 p.m. 建築學圖書館 Architecture Librar y 31.5-22.8.2004 from 23.8.2004 起 週一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 5.0 0 p.m . 9.00 a.m. - 9.0 0 p.m . 週六 Sa t 9.00 a.m. -12.30 p.m . 9.00 a.m. - 5.0 0 p.m . 週日 Su n 閉館 closed 閉館 closed 醫學圖書館 Medical Librar y 31.5-30.6.2004 2.7-31.7.2004 from 1.8.2004 起 週一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 6.0 0 p.m . 8.30 a.m. - 7.00 p.m 8.30 a.m. - 9.0 0 p.m . 週六 Sa t 9.00 a.m. 5.0 0 p.m . 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 5.0 0 p.m . 週日 Sun 閉館 closed 閉館 closed 閉館 closed 所有圖書館於六月二十二日(端午節)及七月一日(香港特別行政區成立紀念日)閉館。 All librarie s will be closed on 22nd June (Tuen Ng Festival), and 1st July (Hon g Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day). 電子化付款通知書 Electronic Payment Advice 財務處將於五月底使用新的電子化付款通知書系統。由六月起,若款項是經由自 動轉脹支付,付款通知書將會以電郵形式發放予大學同人;除非有特別要求,不會印 發。若校方以支票方式付款,付款通知書將 隨支票印發。 The Bursary's new Electronic Payment Advice System is scheduled for implementation in late May 2004. From June 2004 onward, payment advices on re-imbursemen t or payment to bank accounts will be issue d and sent to recipients in electronic form via e-mail if payment is made through the auto-pa y system. Hard copies of payment advices will be printe d only upon special request. For payment to staff members by cheque, a printed payment advice will be issued. 飯堂維修停開 Canteen Overhaul and Renovation 大學部分飯堂於下列日期維修,暫停服務。 The following canteens will be closed for renovation during the specified period: 范克廉樓大膳堂 BF C Student Canteen 9-18.7.200 4 范克廉樓教職員餐廳 BF C Staf f Canteen 9-18.7.200 4 范克廉樓咖啡閣 BF C Coffee Corner 19-28.7.200 4 范克廉樓快餐店 BF C Fas t Food Shop 21-28.6.200 4 基本醫學大樓飯堂 BMS B Canteen 17-22.6.200 4 李慧珍樓咖啡店 L i Wai Chun Buildin g Coffe e Shop 5-10.7.200 4 崇基眾志堂 Chun g Ch i Tang 7-13.6.200 4 崇基教職員聯誼會 CC C Staf f Clu b 2-8.8.200 4 新亞飯堂 Ne w Asia College Staff/Studen t Canteen 22.5-12.6.200 4 新亞雲起軒 Ne w Asia Yun Chi Hsie n 31.5-6.6.200 4 聯合飯堂 Unite d Colleg e Cantee n 14-20.6.200 4 逸夫飯堂 Sha w Colleg e Cantee n 7-13.6.200 4 中國文化硏究所參考圖書室暫停開放 中國文化研究所舊翼大樓於暑期裝修,位於一樓的參考圖書室及地下的黃寶熙齊 樂軒暫停開放至八月底,敬請留意。 男士健康講座 保健處將於五月十九日下午一至二時假邵逸夫堂舉行男士健康講座,由鄭志偉醫 生解釋勃起功能障礙與前列腺增生病。現場提供三文治、飲品、小冊子及禮品。查詢 請致電保健處(二六零九六四三六或二六零九六四二八)。 儲蓄互助社周年會議暨聯歡晩宴 香港中文大學僱員儲蓄互助社二零零四年社員周年會議暨聯歡晚宴,訂於五月二 十八日(星期五)假大埔新達廣場潮江春酒樓舉行,並公布今年派息率。 晚宴由著名歌星表演助慶,而幸運大抽獎總值逾三萬元,包括特獎乙名(現金獎 $3,388 ,寓意「生生發發」)。每位社員席券為一百二十港元,非社員為二百港元。 查詢請致電二六零九七八七四(吳先生)。 「瑞墨繽紛:杜祖貽教授伉儷捐贈中國書畫」展覽 Currents in Art: A Collection of Modern Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy — Gift from Prof. and Mrs. To Cho Yee 文物館將於六月三日(星期四)下午四時三十分,舉行「瑞墨繽紛:杜祖貽教授伉 儷捐贈中國書畫」展覽啟幕禮,由金耀基校長主持。 展覽由六月四日至八月二十九日舉行,展出杜祖貽教授伉儷捐贈所藏的現代中國 書畫二百餘項,出自書法家如李文田、桂南屏、謝家寶、馮康侯、李棪、賴恬昌、陳 秉昌;畫家如趙少昂、王季遷、劉海粟、何漆園、李撫紅、董壽平、歐豪年、吳灝; 學者如饒宗頤、羅慷烈、朱光潛、王力、臺靜農、季羨林、蘇文擢、劉殿爵、周策 縱;科學家如吳大猷、盧嘉錫、朱光亞、高錕;教育家如吳俊升、譚維漢、黃公覺、 劉隨之、李琇璘;女書畫家如蕭蕙蘭、梁潔華、許月白、朱慕蘭、區二連、何鳳蓮、 伍月柳、關天穎、潘小嫻、余麗燕。佳作如林,各自表現不同的藝術風格。 杜祖貽教授服務中文大學二十餘年,現任美國密西根大學教育學教授兼研究科學 家。杜教授早歲肄業於本港中文小學及中學,得到桂南屏太史、謝家寶先生和曾璧山 校長等的指點,涉獵傳統文學書畫。及長,既專志於學術科研及教育事業,復從遊於 鴻儒碩學,與各地文教人士多有交往。杜教授伉儷為誌念師友情誼,乃將歷年的收藏 捐贈中大文物館,讓年青學子亦可得睹當代名家的風流餘韻。 Date: 4t h June — 29th August 2004 Venue: Ar t Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong The exhibition will feature some 200 pieces of modem Chinese paintings and calligraphy recently donated to the Art Museum by Prof. and Mrs. To Cho Yee. Prof. To, an accomplished calligraphist, has maintained a collection of works by renowned calligraphers, painters, scholars, scientists, education professionals, and women artists from multiple disciplines. The exhibition marks Prof. and Mrs. To's generous gift to the University as well as their friendship with the featured artists. The opening ceremony of the exhibitio n will be held at 4.30 p.m. on Thursday, 3rd June 2004, with vice-chancellor Prof. Ambrose King as the host. 4 No. 241 19th May 2004
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