Newsletter No. 228
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 第五十九屆大會特別安排 Arrangements for the 59th Congregation 大學第五十九屆大會(頒授學位典禮)訂於 十月二十四日(星期五)下午四時在邵逸夫堂舉行,由大學校董會主席鄭維健博士親 臨主禮,頒授內外全科醫學士學位予醫科畢業生。大學為方便應屆醫科畢業生取得 英國之專業資格,特為他們提早舉行頒授學位典禮。典禮完畢,大學會於范克廉樓 教職員餐廳設茶會招待來賓。 停課安排 內外全科醫學士課程於當日下午二時三十分起停課,其他課程照常上課。 交 通 典禮當日,邵逸夫堂對面之停車場、田家炳樓及大學圖書館等停車場,皆保留 予嘉賓及公務車輛專用。 范克廉樓教職員餐廳暫停服務 范克廉樓教職員餐廳是日由上午九時至下午七時暫停服務,以便安排典禮後之 茶會。 The 59t h Congregation fo r the Conferment o f Degrees will b e held on Friday, 24t h October at 4.00 p.m. in Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng will officiate at the ceremony as chairman of the University Council and confer the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. This special congregation is held before the end o f October this year to facilitate the professiona l registration of the University' s medical graduates in the UK. The Congregation will be followed by a reception at the Benjamin Franklin Centre. Suspension of Classes Classes of M.B. Ch.B. Programme will be suspende d from 2.30 p.m. on 24th October 2003. Parking Car parks opposite Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, at Tin Ka Ping Building, and near the University Librar y will be reserved for guests with special parking labels. Temporary Closure of BFC Staff Canteen The Benjamin Franklin Centre staff canteen including Lu Ming Room will be closed on the day from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. for the tea reception after the ceremony. 教學僱員考績報告 Appraisal Reports on Teaching Staff 教學僱員二零零二至二零零三年度的考續程序已經開始。人事處已通函知會各 系主任有關安排,並於網上 ( 刊載考績制度的詳情, 以供同事參考。查詢可聯絡人事主任顧佩芬女士(電話二六零九七二四九)。 The 2002-3 appraisal exercise for teaching staff has commenced. A general circular has been issued to all department chairmen announcing the relevant arrangements. Further information on the appraisal scheme is available at the Personnel Office website (http:// Enquiries can b e directed to Ms. Margaret Koo, personnel manager, at 26097249. 崇基神學四十年慶祝活動 40th Anniversary Celebration Programmes of the Theology Division, Chung Chi College (一)本色化聖經研討會 主題:因信稱義對華人教會的意義——以祭祖及吃祭偶象之物為例 講者:伍渭文博士、盧龍光博士、周健文博士、郭漢成博士(十一月七日晚上七 時半至九時半) 黃根春博士、黃錫木博士、刑福增博士(十一月九日下午二至六時) 地點:中華基督教青年會二樓水晶廳(九龍油麻地窩打老道二十三號) 費用:每人五十港元 (二)座談、慶典、聚餐(十一月八日) 「細説從前…… 」座談會(下午二時) 講者:歷屆神學組主任,包括廖新民博士、戴智民博士、歐禮彰博士、潘應求博 士、陳佐才博士、周天和博士 地點:神學樓地下 「四十周年感恩崇拜暨畢業典禮」(下午四時) 地點:崇基禮拜堂 「四十 周年感恩聚餐」(下午六時半) 地點:崇基學院教職員聯誼會 費用:成人每人八十港元;年逾六十歲或未滿十二歲每人四十港元 (三) 神學與社會研討會(十一月十五日下午二時半至六時 ) 主題:七一後香港教會神學反思 講者:龔立人教授、江大惠先生、關瑞文教授、葉菁華先生、成名博士、黃碧雲 博士 地點:循道衛理聯合教會安素堂(九龍油麻地窩打老道五十四號) 費 用 : 全免 The Theology Division is organizing the following events i n November i n celebratio n o f it s 40t h anniversary: I. Contextualized Biblical Seminar Theme: Th e Significance of Justification by Faith in Chinese Churches - Ancestral Worship and Eating of Idol Meat as Cases Speakers: Dr . Andrew Ng Wai-man, Dr. Lo Lung-kwong, Dr. Chow Kin-man, and Dr. Ezar Kok (7.30 p.m. — 9.3 0 p.m., 7th November 2003) Dr. Eric Wong Kun-chun, Dr. Simon Wong Shek-muk, and Dr. Ying Fook- chun (2.00 p.m. — 6.00 p.m., 9th November 2003) Venue: Kowloo n Centre, Chinese Young Men's Christian Association of Hong Kong (23 Waterloo Road, Kowloon) Fee: HK$5 0 II. Sharing, Celebration, Thanksgiving Date: 8t h November 2003 (Saturday ) Sharing Session (2.00 p.m.) Speakers: Th e former Heads of the Theolog y Division: Dr. Paul Newman, Dr. Richard Deuthsch, Dr. John Olley, Dr. James Pan, Dr. Alan Chan, and Dr. Daniel Chow Venue: Lounge , G/F, Theology Buildin g Thanksgiving Service and Dedication Service (4.00 p.m.) Venue: Chun g Chi College Chapel Thanksgiving Dinner (6.30 p.m.) Venue: Chun g Chi Staff Club Fee: HK$8 0 for adults; HK$40 for children below 1 2 and elderly over 60 III. Theology and Society Seminar Theme: Theologica l Reflection of Hong Kong Churches after 1s t July Speakers: Prof . Kung Lap-yan, Mr. Joseph Kaung Tai-wai, Prof. Simon Kwan Shui - man, Mr. Francis Yip Ching-wah, Dr. Shing Ming, Dr. Wong Pik-wan Date: 15t h November 2003 (Saturday ) Time: 2.3 0 p.m. -6.00 p.m. Venue: War d Memorial Methodist Church (54 Waterloo Road, Kowloon) Free of charge 音樂節目 Music Programmes 音樂系本月下旬舉辦以下免費音樂節目︰ 非洲鼓大師班 主講者:帕斯加爾•楊格博士 時間:十月二十一日中午十二時三十分 地點:許讓成樓 L G 0 1 室 早期鋼琴演奏會 演出者: Leslie Tun g 時間:十月二十三日晚上七時半 地點: 許讓成樓 LG03 室 The Department of Music will present the followin g programmes free of charge in October 2003: African Drum Masterclass by Dr. Paschal Younge Date and Time : 12.3 0 p.m., 21st October 2003 (Tuesday ) Venue : R m LG01, Hui Yeung Shing Building Fortepiano Recital by Leslie Tung Date and Time : 7.3 0 p.m., 23rd October 2003 (Thursday ) Venue : R m LG03, Hui Yeung Shing Building 「身心康泰在中大」體適能測試 由體育部主辦的「身心康泰在中大」之體適能測試(二零零三至二零零四年度上學 期),將於本月廿二及廿三日上午十一時半至下午二時半,在富爾敦樓一零三室舉 行。測試項目包括心肺功能、脂肪含量百分比、肌肉力量、肌肉耐力、柔軟度和精神 壓力,所採用的測試方法分別為踏台階測試、皮脂測試、手握力測試、仰臥捲腹測 試、坐體前伸測試和問卷調查,需時二十至三十分鐘。曾參與上學年度測試者,可再 參與以審視自己的體能狀態有否改進。歡迎所有中大員生即場參加,費用全免。 訃告 Obituaries •外科學系計劃協調員蔡婉儀女士於二零零三年九月十三日辭世。蔡女士於二零零 一年加入本校服務。 •生物化學系研究助理李忠雄先生於二零零三年九月十四日辭世。李先生於二零零 一年加入本校服務。 • Ms . Cho y Yuen Yee, Alianna, project coordinato r i n the Department o f Surgery , passed away on 13th September 2003. Ms. Choy first joined the University in 2001. • Mr . Lee Chung Hung, research assistant in the Department of Biochemistry, passed away on 14th September 2003. Mr. Lee first joined the University in 2001. 4 No. 228 19thOctober 2003
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