Newsletter Special Issue
寄:香港新界沙田 香港中文大學 總務處(代收) 《 回 條 》 (請於十月底前回覆,以便初步結算後,轉交羅汝飛夫人; 未能如期惠寄之善款,歡迎陸續寄交香港中文大學總務處,謝謝!) 本人哀悼羅汝飛博士,謹捐助╴╴╴元** 支持『羅汝飛博士紀念金』。 此致 香港中文大學總務處 電話:╴╴╴╴ 單位/部門:╴╴╴╴╴ **劃線支票抬頭寫「香港中文大學」背書「羅汝飛博士紀念金」 簽署︰╴╴╴╴ 一九九三年 月 日 To: Dr. Law Yu Fai Memorial Fund c/o Bursar's Office The Chinese University of Hong Kong Sha Tin, New Territories Reply Slip (Please complete and return the slip at your earliest convenience, preferably before the end of October 1993.) I enclose a cheque* for HK$ being a donation towards the Dr. Law Yu Fai Memorial Fund. Name in block letters Date Contact tel. no. Department/Unit Address Signature * Cheques should be made payable to The Chinese University of Hong Kong, designated to the Dr. Law Yu Fai Memorial Fund.
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