Newsletter No. 102
4 No. 102 4th February 1997 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 講座教授 Professorial Appo i n tment 大學委任 Prof. Charles Arthur Ingene 爲市場學講座敎授,任期由一九九七年 一月六日起生效。 Prof. Ingene— 九六九年取得華盛頓 大學文學士學位後,轉往布朗大學進 修,分別於一九七二及七五年獲授文科 碩士和哲學博士學位。 Prof. Ingene — 九七三年起開展其敎硏生涯。他在東南麻省大學 任助敎一年後,獲奧克拉荷馬大學聘爲助理敎授,一九七九年轉投 達拉斯德州大學,八二年回母校華盛頓大學任客座副敎授,兩年後轉爲副敎授,八六年晉 升爲正敎授,一直服務至本年初加入中大止。 Prof. Ingene 曾以客座或訪問敎授身分在維珍尼亞大學和中文大學任敎。 Prof. Charles Arthur Ingene was appointed professor of marketing on 6th January 1997. Born in the United States, Prof. Ingene completed his undergraduate studies at Washington University in 1969. He then went to Brown University where he obtained his AM in 1972 and Ph.D. in 1975. From 1974 to 1979, Prof. Ingene was assistant professor first at the University ofOklahoma, and then the University of Texas at Dallas. In the subsequent two years he was visiting associate professor at his alma mater, the University of Washington. He became associate professor in 1984, and professor in 1986. During Prof. Ingene's term ofprofessorship, he was also Nordstrom Professor of Retail Marketing at the University of Washington (1986-93), the Frank Talbot Jr. Visiting Professor of Marketing at the University of Virginia (1988-89), andWilson T. S. Wang Distinguished International Professor at The Chinese University (1992). 公積金投資成績 Investment Returns of Superannuation Schemes 總務處公布公積金各項投資基金於一九九六年十二月份之投資增長如下(斜體數字爲 一九九六年下半年之增長): 1995 計劃 1983 計劃 基準指數 (未經審核數據) 增長基金 (0.15%) 8.20% 0.66% 10.50% (0.72%) 7.77% 平衡基金 (0.38%) 7.51% (0.34%) 7.75% (0.89%) 6.68% 穩定基金 (0.42%) 6.70% (0.04%) 6.75% (0.74%) 6.01% 貨幣市場基金 0.44% 3.01% 0.42% 2,75% 0.46% 2.90% 銀行存款 0.46% 2.71% 0.46% 2.71% 0.46% 2.71% From the Bursary: The returns in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme for the month of December 1996 are as follows (figures for the six months up to 31 st December 1996 are given in italics): 1995 Scheme 1983 Scheme Benchmark Return (unaudited) Growth Fund (0.15%) 8.20% 0.66% 10.50% (0.72%) 7.77% Balanced Fund (0.38%) 7.51% (0.34%) 7.75% (0.89%) 6.68% Stable Fund (0.42%) 6.70% (0.04%) 6.75% (0.74%) 6.01% Money Market Fund 0.44% 3.01% 0.42% 2.75% 0.46% 2.90% Bank Deposit Fund 0.46% 2.71% 0.46% 2.71% 0.46% 2.71% 97 中大新春公益行大運 Come Join the 97 Spring Wa l ka t hon 中大評議會將於二月廿三日(星期日)聯同香港公益金再度在中大校園合辦慈善步行。 是次活動名爲 「97 中大新春公益行大運」,籌募善款資助威爾斯親王醫院燒傷組、香 港公益金和中大「校友徑」興建經費。 「97 中大新春公益行大運」起訖點均爲崇基嶺南體育館,沿途可眺望吐露港及八仙嶺 的怡人景色。大會設 A 線(全程兩公里,需時約三十分鐘)和 B 線(全程四點八公里,需 時約九十分鐘)供步行者選擇。 當日在火車站對面之停車場有新型號房車和老爺車展覽;崇基學院同日則舉辦「荷花 池畔嘉年華」。節目豐富,可謂一「行」多得。 「97 中大新春公益行大運」是中大評議會繼九五年與公益金合辦「中大校園公益行」 後,再度爲中大校友及師生特別安排的籌款項目,旨在邀請中大校友攜同親友,重返校園 參與慈善步行,並與師友聚舊,加強校友和母校的聯繫。評議會更借此回饋社會和母校, 意義重大。 是項活動蒙大學校長李國章敎授、大學司庫林李翹如博士、醫學院院長李川軍敎授和 香港公益金籌募委員會主席李業廣先生等允諾出任贊助人。籌備委員會則由超過四十位來 自不同屆別的校友組成,主席由汪長智博士擔任;中大校友事務處及公益金作後勤支援。 評議會希望再接再厲,創籌款佳績。歡迎中大校友及師生攜手參加 「97 中大新春公益 行大運」,爲中大、爲公益,新春結伴齊邁步。有關步行籌款的海報及贊助表格,已分發 校內學系及部門,務請大學敎職員及家屬大力支持。查詢及索取贊助表格,請致電校友事 務處(內線七八七零)。 The CUHK Convocation and the Community Chest will stage acharity walk on 23rd February at the University. The event aims at raising funds for the Bums Unit of the Prince of Wales Hospital, the Community Chest, and the construction of the Alumni Trail on campus. The 97 CUHK Spring Walkathon will start and finish at the Lingnan Stadium of Chung Chi College. Walkers can choose between a 2-kilometre and a 4.8-kilometre route, both of which are graced by the scenic views of Tolo Harbour and Pat Sin Range. A number of car dealers invited by the Convocation to sponsor the event will display their latest models at the starting point. Chung Chi College will also stage a Pondside Carnival on that day. The walkathon is the second of its kind jointly sponsored by the Convocation and the Community Chest, following the success of the Round-the-CU Walkathon in 1995. Other sponsors include Vice-Chancellor Prof. Arthur K. C. Li, University Treasurer Dr. Alice Lam, dean of medicine Prof. Joseph C. K. Lee, and Mr. Charles Lee, chairman of the Community Chest's Campaign Committee. Dr. Charles Wang, an outstanding alumnus, chairs the organizing committee of the walk. The event is open to staff, students and alumni of the University as well as members of the public. Sponsorship forms have already been distributed to all departments and units. For further information and forms, please call the Alumni Affairs Office at Ext. 7870. Personal Data Controlling Committee The Personal Data Controlling Committee has recently been set up. Its composition and terms of reference are as follows: Composition Convener: University Secretary Members: Bursar Deputy Registrar Director of Personnel Director of Administrative Services and Head of Alumni Affairs Office Director of Computer Services Centre Secretary: Mrs. Amelia Wong, nominated by the Convener Terms ofReference (a) To oversee compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance by the University, its units, appointees and members. (b) To liaise with the various administrative offices on acontinuing basis to prepare, implement and announce policies and procedures for complying with the said Ordinance. (c) To determine the fees to be charged for making data access/correction requests. (d) To maintain and review the record of data access/correction requests made under the said Ordinance, no matter whether they are complied with or refused. (e) To publicize the policies and procedures related to the said Ordinance within the University and be responsible for training the staffmembers with duties for handling personal data. (f) To submit periodic reports to AAPC from time to time on matters relating to compliance with the said Ordinance. 甚麼是性騷擾? Pamphlet on Sexual Harassment 由本校性騷擾政策委員會屬下之敎育及訓練工作小組編製的「甚麼是性騷擾? 」 單 張,已於一九九七年一月廿一日分發予大學全體員生,提高員生對性騷擾的認知。同人也 可透過國際網絡參閱性騷擾政策全文,網址爲: The Task Force on Education and Training established under the CUHK Committee on Sexual Harassment Policy has published a pamphlet on sexual harassment. The pamphlet has been distributed to staff and students on 21st January 1997 to heighten their awareness of sexual harassment. University members are welcome to read up on details (in English and Chinese) of the Sexual Harassment Policy at the following web site: 圖書館新春開放時間 L i b r a ry Hours du r i ng Chinese New Year Holidays 大學各圖書館於一九九七年二月六至九日停止開放。李炳醫學圖書館由二月十日起回 復正常開放時間,其餘各館由二月十三日起回復正常。大學圖書館及成員書院圓書館於二 月十至十二日之開放時間爲上午九時至下午七時;建築學圖書館則爲上午九時至下午五 時。 The University Library, college libraries, the Architecture Library and the Li Ping Medical Library will be closed during the Chinese New Year holidays from 6th to 9th February 1997. The Li Ping Medical Library will resume normal opening hours from 10th February while all other libraries from 13th February. From 10th to 12th February, the opening hours of all libraries other than the Li Ping Library and the Architecture Library will be from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. The latter will be open from 9.00 a.m. to 5.0 p.m. 敬悼陶德勳爵 I n Memo ry of L o r d Todd of T r ump i ng t on 終身校董陶德勳爵 (Lord Todd of Trumpington) 於一九九七年一月十日辭世,享 年八十九歲。 陶德勳爵在國際科學界及敎育界具有崇高的地位,爲諾貝爾化學獎得獎人,前英國皇 家學會會長。他曾擔任裘槎基金會主席及會長,熱心支持本港高等院校的培訓及硏究工 作,對促進香港科技事業的發展,不遺餘力。他於一九七七年出任本校自然科學學術顧問 委員會主席,一九七八年起擔任校董,多年來對大學推贊扶助,貢獻至鉅;一九九零 年,陶德勳爵成爲終身校董。大學近二十年來的迅速發展,實有賴陶德勳爵的關懷和指 導。 The University records with deep sadness the passing away on 10th January 1997 of Lord Todd of Trumpington, OM, FRS, Life Member of the University Council. A distinguished scientist, past president of the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, a Nobel Laureate in chemistry, and an educationalist, Lord Todd was astaunch supporter of the advancement of science and technology in Hong Kong. As chairman and president of the Croucher Foundation, he had been actively involved in providing support for training and research in local institutions of higher learning. Lord Todd's association with the University began in 1977 when he served as chairman of its Academic Advisory Board on Natural Sciences. He became amember of the University Council in 1978 and was made a Life Member in 1990. Over the years, Lord Todd had given the University his staunch support and wise counsel and contributed much to its phenomenal growth. His wealth of experience and wisdom will be long remembered by his fellow Council members, as well as other members of the University.
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