Newsletter No. 32
No32 July 1992 CUHK Newsletter- Short Course on Medical & Surgica l Di seases of the Liver The Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology and the Hong Kong Division of the International Academy of Pathology cosponsored a 'Short Course on Medical and Surgical Diseases of the Liver' at the Prince of Wales Hospital onon 13thJune 1992. A total of 68 academics and pathologists from local universities, government and subvented hospitals, as well as private laboratories attended the course. The chief speaker was Dr. Kamal G. Ishak, chairman of the Division of Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Pathology, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington DC, USA. The course consisted of a microscopic workshop on 20 cases of liver diseases, and discussion sessions on these cases and related diseases such as hepatitis, metabolic liver diseases and new entities of vascular and primary liver tumours. 4 3 4 A w a r d e d Diplomas-in-Education This year, a total of 434 students completed the diploma-in-education programme run by the Faculty of Education. Of the lot, 75 were from the one-year full-time programme, 143 from the two-year part-time evening programme, and 216 from the two-year part-time day programme. The School of Education was reorganized into the Faculty of Education only last September, and the 434 students were the first batch of graduates of the new faculty. A graduation ceremony for these students was held on 27th, and officiating at the ceremony was Mr. Cheung Man-kwong, Legislative Councillor and president of the Professional Teachers' Union. Awa r ds & Honours Two staff members of the University were on the Queen's Birthday Honours List announced last month: * Prof. S. W. Tam, the pro-vice-chancellor, was made Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE). * Prof. David Gwilt of the Department of Music was made Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE). NewPublications of t heUniversity Pres The following books will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. • China Review 1992 (in English) edited by Kuan Hsin-chi & Maurice Brosseau, 400 pages, hardcover, HK$280. China Review 1991 & China Review 1992 (in English), set of two books at special price HK$395. • Memories of Peking (South Side Stories) (in English) by Lin Hai-yin, translated by Nancy C. Ing & Chi Pang-yuan, 154 pages, paperback, HK$60. Services to the Community and International Organizations • Prof. T. B. Lin, professor of economics, has been reappointed by HE the Governor as a member of the Air Transport Licensing Au t ho r i ty for two years from 16th May 1992. • Prof. S. W. Tam, pro-vice-chancellor of the University, has been appointed by HE the Governor as a member of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation for two years from 8th June 1992. • Prof. David C, Anderson, professor of medicine, has been appointed by HE the Governor as a member of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board for three years from 1st July 1992. • Dr. Chan Kai-ming, reader of orthopaedics and traumatology, has been appointed by HE the Governor as a Board Member of the Hong Kong Sports Institute from 1st July 1992 to 31st March 1994. Dr. Chan has also been appointed as an honorary member of the China Sports Science Society from March 1992. • Mr. Stephen C. M. Yam, lecturer in accountancy, has been appointed by the Joint Council on Salary and Fringe Benefits in Subvented Organization as its honorary auditor for one year from 1st July 1992. (All information in this box is provided by the Information Office) 5
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