Newsletter No. 531
續任校董 Reappointed Council Member 何子樑博士續任大學校董,任期三年,由2019年1月21日起生效。 Dr. Ho Tzu-leung has been reappointed as a Member of the Council for a further period of three years with effect from 21 January 2019. 人事任命 Appointments 新任 New Appointment 姓名 Name 上任日期 Start Date 晨興書院院長 Master of Morningside College 汪寧笙教授 Prof. Nicholas Rawlins 7.12.2018 工程學院院長 Dean of Engineering 黃定發教授 Prof. Martin D.F. Wong 4.1.2019 非教學僱員經「中大人事信息系統」(CUPIS)查閱整體表現評分及增薪點 Information on Overall Performance Rating and Merit Increment (for Non- teaching Staff) to be Accessed via CUPIS 全職非教學僱員現可透過「中大人事信息系統」(CUPIS)之僱員自助服務功能(ESS),查 閱其按績效評核和發展制度(PRDS)/ 績效獎賞計劃(PLRS)於2017/18評核年度之整體 表現評分及所獲發的增薪點。僱員可於登入CUPIS 後到以下頁面查閱有關資料: 主要功能表 u 自助服務 u 績效管理 u 我的績效文件 u MI and Overall Ratings 請各部門通知其僱員上述安排。 Full-time non-teaching appointees may now refer to information on their overall performance ratings and Merit Increment granted for the 2017/18 review exercise, under the Performance Review and Development System (PRDS) / Performance-Linked Reward Scheme (PLRS), in the Employee Self-Service (ESS) of CUPIS. Such information may be accessed via the following navigation path after login to CUPIS: Main Menu u Self Service u Performance Management u My Performance Documents u MI and Overall Ratings Departments/Units are requested to convey the information above to their appointees. 鋼琴長號二重奏音樂會 — 遺產:美國作曲家的音樂 Concert by the McCain Duo—Heritage: Music by American Composers 日期 Date 24.1.2019(星期四 Thursday) 時間 Time 8:00 pm 地點 Venue 利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building 鋼琴 Piano Artina McCain 長號 Trombone Martin McCain 音樂系舉辦,免費入座,歡迎參加。 Presented by the Department of Music. All are welcome, free entrance. 「午間心靈綠洲」音樂會 Midday Oasis Lunchtime Concerts 1:30 pm – 1:55 pm 崇基學院禮拜堂 Chung Chi College Chapel 21.1.2019 長笛及鋼琴音樂會 .陳子俊(長笛) .溫可瑩(鋼琴) Flute and Piano Concert .Brian Chan (Flute) .Joanna Wan (Piano) 28.1.2019 鋼琴獨奏音樂會 .李嘉齡(鋼琴) Solo Piano Concert .Colleen Lee (Piano) 11.2.2019 「雅樂合奏團」室樂音樂會 .何永佳(木笛) .楊嘉倫(文藝復興低音管) .鄧宇滅(手鼓及鈴鼓) .李慧珊(管風琴) Chamber Music Concert by Concerto da Camera .Henry Ho (Recorder) .Karen Yeung (Dulcian) .Tang Yukit (Frame Drum & Riq) .Lee Wai Shan (Organ) 18.2.2019 小提琴及鋼琴音樂會 .嚴天成博士(小提琴) .潘曉彤博士(鋼琴) Violin and Piano Concert .Dr. Patrick Yim (Violin) .Dr. Poon Kiu Tung (Piano) 06 # 5 3 1 | 1 9 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 9 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard 宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements t t Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件 密碼 。
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