Newsletter No. 279
E-NEWSLETTER ABSTRACT I Volume 3 No. 6 | CUHK Invention Wisers System Gains National Recognition Wisers Knowledge Management and Content Service System (Wisers System) developed by Prof. William Wong Kam-fai, associate dean of the Faculty of Engineering and professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, has received the Innovation Award of the China Computer Federation. The Chinese University is the only university outside mainland China to win the award. CUHK Professor Wins Two Hong Kong Institute of Architects Awards Prof. Edward Ng, professor in the Department of Architecture, has recently won two awards in the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) 50th Anniversary Annual Awards 2005. They are: ‧ Award for Members' Work Outside of Hong Kong for 'A Bridge Too Far, A Dream Come True'; and ‧ Special Architectural Award — Architectural Research for 'Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment Systems'. MBA Students of CUHK Win Third Place in International Internet Strategic Competition Full-time MBA students of The Chinese University, Peter Liu, Phoebus Ng, and Caly Xiao, won the championship of both the Hong Kong Division and the Geographical Zone Division (covering mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong) of the MBA Category of the L'ORÉAL e-Strat 6 Challenge. The students then went on to compete with the winners of the other seven zones in the international finals held on 12th April 2006, at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, coming third place. Volume 3 No. 7 | Sun Hung Kai Properties and The Chinese University of Hong Kong Present Public Lectures by Five Nobel Laureates The fifth widely acclaimed 'Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures' will be presented on 22nd and 23rd May 2006 by Sun Hung Kai Properties and The Chinese University. Five Nobel laureates from the fields of economics, physics and chemistry will address the Hong Kong public in respective public lectures. CUHK's Green Practices Recognized with Gold at First Energy Efficiency Awards The Chinese University won the gold award, the highest honour in the Schools (Tertiary) Category of the First Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Awards. The award is a recognition of its achievements in raising energy efficiency, renewing resources and promoting energy saving practices. The awards ceremony took place on 9th May; it was officiated by Dr. Sarah Liao, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works. The University will have the honour of using the award logo for promotional and publicity purposes for one year from the date of the award presentation. For details, please visit The New CUHK-Chiang Ching Kuo Foundat ion Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies S ome 30 guests attended the opening ceremony of The Chinese University of Hong Kong-Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (APC) on 28th April 2006 at the Institute of Chinese Studies. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left), vice-chancellor of the University; Prof. Hsu Cho-yun (right), director, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (CCKF); Prof. Ambrose Y.C. King, chairman, APC Steering Committee; Prof. Billy K.L. So, APC director; and Prof. Jenny So, director, Institute of Chinese Studies. Prof. Lau gave a we l c ome speech at the ceremony, which was followed by speeches by Prof. Hsu and Prof. King. The APC is funded by a generous donation from the CCKF, and a matching grant from the University. It is the third overseas Chinese studies centre of the CCKF, and also its first centre in the Asia-Pacific region. The APC is founded to promote Chinese Studies w i t h in and beyond the Asia-Pacific region. Molecular Parasitologist Explains How Genes Affect Vulnerability to Infectious Disease P rof. Jenefer Blackwell, Glaxo Professor for Molecular Parasitology of the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, spoke on 'Genetic and Infectious Diseases: Candidate Genes and Genome Scans' on 27th April 2006 at the Clinical Sciences Bu i l d i ng, Prince of Wales Hospital. Prof. Blackwell's visit to The Chinese University was sponsored by the Wei Lun Foundation Ltd. Prof. Blackwell explained in her lecture how genetic variation in response to infection provides a powerful tool for analysing infectious disease susceptibility. She has studied extensively the role of candidate genes in infectious and autoimmune disease susceptibility, and in determining response to vaccination against pathogens causing tuberculosis, leprosy, salmonellosis, leishmaniasis and toxoplasmosis. In her lecture she detailed the interplay between the infectious disease TB and the susceptibility gene NRAMP1. Prof. Blackwell has made significant contribution to infectious disease research. She has research initiatives worldwide, including Hong Kong, Brazil, pan-Europe, India, Malawi, Sudan, USA and Vietnam. She has published over 200 papers in international journals. Prof. Blackwell obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Western Australia in 1974. After that she joined the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and later became head of the Immunobiology of Parasitic Disease Unit. She also helped Cambridge establish the new Camb r i dge I ns t i t u te for Medical Research. She is currently a member of the institute's S t r a t e g y Committee. 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter No. 279 19th May 2006 1
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