Newsletter No. 540

06 # 5 4 0 | 1 9 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 9 哈佛燕京學社訪問學人資助計劃 Scholarship at the Harvard-Yenching Institute 2020至21年度哈佛燕京學社訪問學人資助計劃現接受申請,獲批者可前往哈佛大學進 修或從事研究工作,為期十個月。資助項目包括單人來回機票、生活津貼(以十個月為 限)、醫療、聘請研究助理及學術研討會津貼。 申請表格可於人力資源處網頁下載( 員工資訊 c 正向工作間與員工發展 c 學習與發展 c External Training Opportunities )。 請把申請表格及有關文件於2019年8月9日或之前,經所屬學系系主任及學院院長送交 培訓事務經理周偉榮先生,以轉呈大學考慮。哈佛燕京學社之代表或會來港接見通過初 部甄選者,查詢詳情可電郵 至。 Applications are now invited for the Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholars Programme tenable in 2020–21. This programme allows younger faculty members in the humanities and social sciences to study and conduct research at Harvard University for 10 months. The Scholarship will cover round-trip airfare, a monthly stipend, fees for health insurance, and funding for hiring a research assistant or an editor and for participating in academic conferences in North America. Application forms are obtainable at the Human Resources Office’s website via the followingnavigationpath: Staff Area c PWSD c Learning&Development c External Training Opportunities Nominees should submit a Summary of Submission (HRO/SR3), also obtainable from the above website, together with the completed application forms and requisite supporting documents, with the endorsement of the Department Chairman/Unit Head and the Faculty Dean as appropriate, to Mr. Daniel Chow, Training Manager, on or before 9 August 2019 for internal review. Shortlisted will be interviewed by the Harvard- Yenching Institute interview panel in Hong Kong. For enquiries, please e-mail 榮休教授 Emeritus Professor 文化及宗教研究系黃根春教授獲頒榮休教授名銜,由2019年 8月1日起生效。 Prof. Wong Kun-chun at the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor, with effect from 1 August 2019. 為研究添色彩 Presenting Research Findings with Posters 由中大圖書館、研究院及自學中心合辦的「研究海報展覽2019」,分別於5月8日至30日在大 學圖書館地下、6月11日至15日在康本國際學術園舉行。展覽鼓勵研究生以海報向大學社群介 紹其專研項目,提升學術簡報技巧。是次展覽共選出二十張六個學院的研究生海報,參展者 於簡報會介紹其研究成果,並競逐三項「最佳海報及簡報」大獎,最終由兒科學系哲學博士 生潘駿生(右二)榮獲冠軍,亞軍為機械與自動化工程學系王乾乾(左一),季軍為兒科學系 陳楓(右一),社會學系哲學博士生Francisco Olivos(左二)則獲海報設計優異獎。 Co-organized by the CUHK Library, the Graduate School and the Independent Learning Centre, the Research Poster Exhibition 2019 for CUHK postgraduates was held in the University Library from 8 to 30 May and from 11 to 15 June in the Yasumoto International Academic Park. The exhibition encouraged postgraduates to present their research to the University community using posters and enhanced their presentation skills. The exhibition this year selected 20 posters submitted by postgraduates across six Faculties. They presented their research to the audience and competed for three Best Poster Presentation Awards in the oral presentation. The champion was awarded to Mr. Chun-sang Pun (2nd right), PhD student of Department of Paediatrics, the first and second runner-ups were Mr. Qianqian Wang (1st left), Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering; and Miss Feng Chen (1st right), Department of Paediatrics, respectively. Mr. Francisco Olivos (2nd left), PhD student from Department of Sociology, was awarded Honourable Mention of Poster Design. 認識晚晴照顧 Exploring End-of-Life Care 賽馬會老年學研究所在3月至5月期間舉行四場有關生死教育的講座和工作坊, 包括CU@Death Caf é X 真人圖書、音樂治療、吾好吾理@EOL及晚晴照顧。參加者 逾一百二十人,包括長者及超過五十位正在中大修讀老年學和社會工作學系的本科生 和碩士生。 講座和工作坊的講者包括輔導 心理學家、遺體防腐師、音樂治 療師等。學生透過與長者和真 人圖書的互動和體驗活動,探討 生死和晚晴話題,例如將來病 重時可以怎樣面對、規劃及選 擇合適的醫療和照顧模式,以及 他日工作時碰上晚期病人或家 屬,可以用甚麼方法溝通等。 The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing held four talks and workshops on life and death topics between March and May. More than 120 participants, including seniors and some 50 undergraduates and postgraduates studying gerontology and social work at CUHK, took part in the events. The speakers were professionals from various sectors, such as counselling psychologist, embalmer, and music therapist, etc. On the other hand, students were motivated to explore and analyse the issues of life and death through experiential activities and interacting with seniors and human books. For example, they thought about how they would handle, plan and choose medical treatments and care if they suffered from severe illnesses and how they would liaise with the terminally-ill and their family members in their future workplace. 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard 宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements Information in this section can only be  accessed with CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。