Newsletter No. 143
CUHK Newsletter No. 143 4th April 1999 3 中文大學出版社 CUPress 大學同人在富爾敦樓大學書店購買下列新書 可獲八折優待。 The following books are sold at a 20 per cent discount to University staff at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre: 《甲骨文通檢》(第五分冊:田獵) 中國的甲骨文是目前考古發掘中最早發現的且自成 體系的文字。從甲骨上的記載,我們可以看到古代的風 貌。 《甲骨文通檢》第五分冊以田獵為主題,內容包括田 獵動物的種類、田獵的手段與方法、田狩與祭祀、田獵 術語和同版田獵地名。其中地名部分採取互見辦法,以 便讀者綜覽檢索。所收資料除《甲骨文合集》之外,凡海 內外和周原出土的甲骨,以及所有已發表的甲骨卜辭均 加收錄,對於古代田獵考古學有極大幫助。 主編饒宗頤教授在書中「前言」表示,殷代田獵的 「田」字即習兵之禮,而非遊樂之事,田狩與祭祀之關係 實則出於古之軍禮。他對有關田獵的文字作了新的考 釋,以提高學者對古代田獵研究的認識。 饒教授治學範圍廣及古文字學、敦煌學、考古學、 金石學、史學、古典文學、詞學、目錄學、方志學等, 已出版的各類專著逾七十種,論文四百餘篇,代表作有 《殷代貞卜人物通考》、《中國史學上之正統論》、《老子想 爾注校證》、《詞籍考》、《新加坡古事記》等。 國際統一書號962-201-714-2,精裝本,三百八十四 頁,四百港元。 The Vision of China in the English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Edited by Adrian Hsia, this is not only the first book on the reception of China in English literature, but also the first comprehensive study on the image of China in Western literature written by prominent Chinese scholars. Together with William W. Appleton's A Cycle of Cathay: The Chinese Vogue in England During the 17th and 18th Centuries (1951) and Raymond Dawson's The Chinese Chameleon: An Analysis of European Conceptions of Chinese Civilization (1967), the b o ok provides a study on the last phase of the Chinese mode in England. Some of the articles collected here had actually inspired Appleton's study, at least in part. Last but not least, this volume on the construct of China can be considered the companion study to works such as Edward Said's Orientalism (1979), Gauri Viswanathan's Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India (1989), and Adrian Hsia's Chinesia. ISBN 962-201-608-1, 416 pages, HK$230 A History of Chinese Calligraphy Chinese calligraphy has been an independent visual art form for thousands of years. It has not only fascinated modem Chinese scholars who are part of this continuous tradition, but also captured the interest and imagination of the world. There are many publications in Chinese on the art of Chinese calligraphy and also quite a few in Japanese, but very few on the history of Chinese calligraphy in English. Written by Tseng Yuho, A History of Chinese Calligraphy will certainly fill this gap. There are ten chapters in the book: 'The Beginning of the Written Word'; 'The Oracle Bone Inscriptions, Chia-ku-wen'; 'The Seal Script, Chuan-shu'; 'Spirituality in Chinese Calligraphy and Magic Scripts'; 'A Brief Introduction to Chuan-k'e, the Art of Seal-engraving'; 'TheClerical Script, Li-shu'; 'The Regular Script, K'ai- shu'; 'The Draft Script, Ts'ao-shu'; 'The Action Script, Hsing-shu and Calligraphy in the Modem Age'. ISBN 962-201-426-7, 446 pages, HK$420 The Outlook for US — China Relations Following the 1997-1998 Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on S e c u r i t y , Trade and Cultural Exchange At the end of the 20th Century, the focus of global attention and concern is on the future relationship between the world's most influential nation and its most populous one. The series of high-level meetings and the exchange of unusually long summit visits that occupied the centre of the world stage in the late 1990s reveal that both sides recognize the other's global importance. The years 1997 and 1998 w i ll be remembered by many for the critically acclaimed summit visits of Jiang Zemin to the United States and Bill Clinton to China. Edited by Peter H. Koehn and Joseph Y.S. Cheng, The Outlook for US-China Relations Following the 1997- 1998 Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade and Cultural Exchange, moves beyond the Clinton-Jiang summits of 1997-1998 to explore long- term prospects in the light of recent developments. Nineteen scholars from diverse disciplines address issues including the outlook for security relations in the Asia- Pacific region; prospects for strategic partnership; issues concerning Taiwan, Tibet, and trade; the potential for information, technology, and educational exchanges; future competition for natural resources; changing images of the two nations; and other critical dimensions of expanding nonstate relationships. ISBN 962-201-881-5, 400 pages, hardcover, HK$200 香港亞太硏究所 HKIAPS 研究專論第九十一號 《失業、貧窮與政府的承擔》 香港中文大學社會科學院及香港亞太研究所合辦的 「公共政策論壇」,目的是探討各項與社會民生福利有關 的政策。此書撮錄了其中一個論壇的論點,由呂大樂博 士和王卓祺博士合編。 出席該題為「失業、貧困與政府的承擔」論壇的講 者、評論員和嘉賓,就香港經濟轉型下的民生、就業和 相關的社會政策發表意見,更深入討論再培訓的成效及 綜援金會否「養懶人」的言論。多位與會者均肯定政府在 處理貧窮及失業等問題上已有所承擔。 國際統一書號962-441-091-7,平裝本,四十二頁, 三十港元。 Research Monograph No. 43 Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kong 1997 Edited by Lau Siu-kai, Lee Ming-kwan, Wan Po-san, and Wong Siu-lun, this book presents the findings of the fifth territory-wide social indicators survey conducted largely from May to August 1997. The survey is part of a long-term project undertaken by researchers at The Chinese University, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the University of Hong Kong. The focus of the survey is on subjective indicators, which include the perceptions, aspirations, values, beliefs, behavioural tendencies, grievances, and the degree of satisfaction with the quality of life of Hong Kong residents from different walks of life aged 18 or above. The questionnaire used in this survey is divided into two parts. The first part is a core component to be answered by all respondents on quality of life and degree of satisfaction with different life domains. This core section is a permanent feature of the periodic survey. It enables the measurement of social trends. The second part consists of a number of modules on special topics, each of which is answered by a sub-sample of the respondents. In this survey, there are three special modules: economic culture, popular culture and identity; identity, poverty and inequality; and political attitudes. ISBN 962-441-543-9, 271 + xx pages, paperback, HK$60 Renditions Paperbacks The following book is sold at a 20 per cent discount to University staff at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre: Hong Kong Stories: Old Themes New Voices In telling the Hong Kong story, young local writers face up to such issues as rapid economic and political changes as well as the continuous impact of Western ideas and mores. They make a conscious effort to explore their own identity from a Hong Kong perspective, and to describe Hong Kong's special way of life and the trials and tribulations of a populace caught between two cultures. The six writers represented here have their roots firmly planted in Hong Kong, and they speak in a new voice about the life and thoughts of this place they call home. ISBN 962-7255-20-3, 160 pages, HK$89
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