Newsletter No. 55
CUHK NEWSLETTER HK$20 Millio n Annuall y T o Upgrade Academic & Educational Qualit y VC's Discretionar y Fun d fo r Excellenc e Fund i ng Sourc e HK$2 0 million per year from the block grant and unallocated private funds Objective T o suppor t project s tha t ca n contribut e significantl y t o th e improvemen t o f academic / educational qualit y in the University. Areas Covered Bot h teaching and research activities will be supported, for up to five years: • appointmen t o f o r provision o f top-u p salarie s fo r visiting professor s on specifi c task s from a few months to a few years; • teachin g relief for a staff member to go on a one-term or one-year sabbatical leave for completion of a book or a research project which is of significant academic value and impact; • see d monie s fo r th e developmen t o f ne w o r pilo t programmes/project s tha t ca n significantly improve teaching or research quality, or put the University i n the front line for serving community needs . The above is not exclusive. Each project will be assessed on its own merits . Eligibility Application s ar e invited fro m individuals, groups , o r department s (academic , researc h o r administrative) withi n th e University . Individual s ma y see k suppor t fro m relevan t department head s an d facult y dean s i f additiona l spac e an d othe r departmenta l resource s are needed for their projects. Application Eac h application shoul d be supported by Format 1 - A detaile d proposa l delineatin g th e objectiv e o f th e project , an d a timetabl e fo r completion wit h several dates for interim assessment . 2. A commitmen t statemen t fro m the principa l investigator(s ) o r department(s) , statin g target achievement s and minimum achievements expected . 3. A statement from the principal investigator(s) o r department(s) on how the project can make a demonstrably significan t contribution t o academic/educational quality . 4. A budge t detailin g annua l fundin g requirement s wit h breakdown s o f personnel , equipment an d other expenses (specia l spac e requirements shoul d als o be included, i f appropriate). 5. Th e rational e o f no t seekin g fundin g from other source s suc h a s the Research Grant s Council, th e Croucher Foundation , an d th e government' s industr y developmen t fund . (Or a statement on other funding already received. ) 6. A plan fo r seeking othe r funding during or after the completion o f the project, and on how recurrent costs are to be covered afte r the project period, if appropriate . Each proposal should contain an executive summary of not more than one and a half pages, and b e addresse d t o th e Vice-Chancellor' s Office . All application s wil l b e vette d b y th e Resource Allocatio n Committee , i n consultation wit h internal/externa l experts , i f deeme d appropriate. Deadline Ther e is no deadline for application. Reporting Th e principa l investigator(s ) is(are ) requeste d t o submi t a repor t a t th e en d o f eac h si x months and/o r upon completio n o f the project, whichever i s the earlier. Research project s are normally expecte d t o generate publications in reputable journals or books by reputabl e publishers. Enquiries Enquirie s shoul d b e directe d t o Mrs . Vivia n Ng , assistan t t o th e vice-chancello r an d secretary o f the Resource Allocation Committee (Ext. 7253). The Bursar (Ext. 7241) is also ready t o provide assistance in budget preparation . NO.55 JUNE1994 5
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