Newsletter No. 55
CUHK NEWSLETTER ANNOUNCEMENTS Professorial Appointment Prof. Lesli e Youn g ha s bee n appointed professor o f financ e from 1s t May 1994 . Born i n Chin a i n 1949 , Prof . Young receive d hi s universit y education in Ne w Zealan d an d obtaine d his B.Sc . an d M.Sc. degree s from the University o f Wellington i n 196 8 an d 1969 respectively . H e the n wen t t o Oxford fo r doctora l studie s an d wa s awarded a D.Phil, degre e i n 1971 . After graduation , Prof . Youn g worke d a t Oxfor d first a s a junior researc h fello w fo r three year s an d late r a s lecturer i n economics. I n 1975 , h e returne d t o Ne w Zealan d an d joine d the University o f Canterbury a s lecturer in economics, and wa s promoted t o senio r lecture r ran k i n 1976 . I n 1983 , h e wa s employed b y th e University o f Texas a t Austin a s professor of finance and economics, an d had worked there until 1992 , when he joined Th e Chines e Universit y o f Hong Kong a s Wilson T . S. Wan g Distinguishe d Internationa l Professor . H e wa s appointed visitin g professo r in financ e in 1993 . Scholarships/Fellowship s at the Harvard-Yenching Institute Applications/nominations ar e no w invite d fro m facult y members i n th e humanitie s an d socia l science s fo r th e following Harvard-Yenching programme s i n 1995-96 : 1. V i s i t i n g S c h o l a r s P r o g r a m m e The programm e offer s one-yea r fellowship s t o regula r faculty member s t o stud y an d conduc t researc h a t Harvar d University. Applie d field s o f studie s suc h a s busines s management, librar y science, and the more practical aspect s of la w ar e excluded. Th e stud y o r researc h shoul d no t lea d to a degree . Candidates must • b e age d 4 2 o r below a s of 1s t Septembe r 1994 ; • hav e been teaching for four consecutive years prior to the year o f award ; an d • spea k fluen t English . The awar d cover s round-tri p airfare , a monthl y stipen d o f US$1,800 fo r u p t o 1 1 months , fee s fo r healt h insurance , and th e use o f th e Harvar d Clinic . 2. D o c t o r a l S c h o l a r s h i p P r o g r a m m e The programme support s junior facult y members t o pursu e Ph.D. studie s in the humanities o r social sciences . Practica l fields o f studie s suc h a s busines s management , librar y sicence, mas s communications , teachin g Englis h a s a foreign language , an d socia l wor k ar e excluded . Candidates must • b e regula r facult y member s wh o wil l retur n t o teac h a t The Chines e Universit y upo n completio n o f thei r studies; • si t for the Test o f English a s Foreign Languag e (TOEFL ) before Octobe r 1994 , an d tak e th e Graduat e Recor d Examinations (GRE) ; an d • hav e gaine d admissio n t o Harvar d Universit y o r othe r major universities fo r Ph.D. studies . The scholarshi p i s tenabl e fo r on e academi c yea r (usuall y from September throug h June) an d the recipient ma y appl y for renewal thereafter . It covers transportatio n t o an d from the universit y attended , tuition , healt h fee s an d a livin g stipend (t o b e determine d wit h referenc e t o th e loca l cos t of livin g an d othe r source s o f support) . 3. V i s i t i n g F e l l o w s P r o g r a m m e The programm e provide s junior facult y member s wh o ar e Ph.D. candidate s o f Th e Chines e Universit y wit h a n opportunity t o do dissertation researc h i n the humanities o r social science s a t Harvard University . Th e natural science s and applie d field s o f studie s suc h a s busines s management, library science , an d teachin g Englis h a s a secon d language ar e excluded . Candidates must • b e regula r facult y member s wh o wil l retur n t o teac h a t The Chinese University immediately afte r the fellowship; and • si t fo r th e Tes t o f Englis h a s a Foreig n Languag e (TOEFL). The fellowshi p i s tenabl e for on e academi c yea r (usuall y from September throug h July ) an d th e recipient ma y appl y for renewa l thereafte r (th e maximu m perio d wil l b e tw o years). I t cover s transportatio n t o an d fro m Cambridge , Massachusetts; paymen t of the Harvard University Visitin g Fellows Fee ; healt h fee s and a living stipend . All applications/nomination s endorse d b y department/unit heads an d facult y dean s shoul d b e forwarded , together wit h th e complete d applicatio n forms , requisit e supporting document s an d applicatio n fo r leave, t o Mrs. Am y Leung, assistan t secretar y (personnel ) o n o r befor e 22nd July 1994 fo r presentatio n t o th e University' s relevan t committe e for consideration. Applicant s nominated by the University wil l be interviewe d b y a representativ e o f th e Harvard-Yenchin g Institute in Hong Kong this autumn. Details of the programme s and applicatio n forms are obtainable from the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286) . General Arrangements for the Approach of Typhoons and Rainstorms Circulars o n genera l arrangement s fo r th e approac h o f typhoons an d th e Rainstor m Blac k Warnin g issue d b y th e Information an d Publi c Relation s Offic e were sen t t o variou s units a s attachment s t o th e Weekly Events o n 5t h June . Thos e who hav e no t receive d th e circular s o r wh o wan t t o obtai n more copies please call the office (Ext. 8899) . University Library SystemSummer Opening Hours The openin g hour s o f th e Universit y Librar y Syste m i n summer ar e as follows: NO.55 JUNE 1994 10
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