Newsletter No. 521
05 # 5 2 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 8 智能都市排水系統 Smart Urban Drainage System 現代都市的地下渠道系統錯綜複雜,當中 的二氧化硫和沼氣等可能會危害前線人 員,沼氣達到一定濃度更會引起爆炸。中大 電子工程學系吳克利教授的團隊研發出無 線智能排水系統,可實時監測地下渠務管 道、沙井內的水位及氣體變化。電波如何穿 透14厘米厚的鐵製沙井蓋是一大挑戰,研 究團隊將沙井蓋變為無線網絡的一部分, 成功藉4G網絡收集氣體濃度和水位的數 據。團隊已在九龍灣安裝過百個無線探測 裝置,有效監測都市排水系統。 Our complex urban drainage system may impose difficulty and danger on performing onsite inspection and detection of hazardous gases such as sulphur dioxide and methane, and the accumulation of the latter will even cause explosion. A team led by Prof. Wu Keli of the Department of Electronic Engineering has developed a wireless network to provide real-time information on drainage performance, concentration of gases and water level. One of the challenges is to investigate how the wireless signals can penetrate a 14cm-thick iron manhole cover to transmit data through 4G network, but the team has transformed the manhole cover as part of integrated wireless network to detect the gas concentration and water level. The system has been installed and tested in more than a hundred manholes in Kowloon Bay and proven feasible in safeguarding the city’s drainage system. 隨心之旅 Self-paced Heart Journey 香港的上班族工時長,壓力大。為提升他們的精神健康,中大 與香港賽馬會慈善信託基金及新生精神康復會攜手合作,推 出賽馬會心導遊計劃及一站式網上自助心理支援平台。用戶 會定期自我評估,而平台會根據用戶的個別需要建議合適的 課程或服務,助人踏上隨心之旅。 Hong Kong’s workforce is characterized by long working hours. To enhance the employees’ mental health, CUHK joined hands with The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association to launch the Jockey Club TourHeart Project and its one-stop online psychological self-help platform. Having processed the data of online mental health check-up input by its users, the system will recommend appropriate courses or services to them on the go. 復康人士的新希望 New Hope for the Rehabilitees 中風是引致身體殘障的主要病因之一。為改 善中風復康訓練,工程學院生物醫學工程學 系系主任湯啟宇教授(右)及醫學院外科學 系助理教授李崢教授的團隊,結合最新矽 膠列印技術,研發出「自訂3D打印軟體復 康機械手」。傳統的復康機械設備體積龐 大,患者不能每天在家中使用,而軟體復康 機械手可度身訂造,且輕巧舒適,讓患者安 在家中訓練手部機能,改善復康進度。 Stroke is one of the main causes of disability. To facilitate the stroke patients’ rehabilitation, a team led by Prof. Raymond Tong (right) of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Prof. Zheng Li of the Department of Surgery has developed the 3D-printed soft robotic hand making use of the latest silicone printing technology. Not heavy as with traditional mechanical rehabilitation devices, patients can bring the light and tailored-made soft robotic hand home to practice some hand functions for better recovery. 肺癌病人的佳音 Heartening News for the Lung Cancer Patients 肺癌是本港頭號癌症殺手,每年的新增個案逾四百宗, 超過八成肺癌病人為非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者。根 據醫學院莫樹錦教授的國際研究,帶有表皮生長因子 受體基因變異之晚期NSCLC患者接受第二代標靶治療 後,整體存活期較接受常規治療延長了七個月,當中過 半患者更存活超過三十個月或以上,反映新治療方案較 常規治療更有效。研究成果已發表於醫學期刊 Journal of Clinical Oncology 。 In Hong Kong, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths, with over 4,000 new cases per year. Non-small- cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for about 80% of all lung cancers. A global study led by Prof. Tony Mok of the Faculty of Medicine has revealed that a second generation targeted therapy shows a more than seven-month improvement in the overall survival of advanced NSCLC patients with epidermal growth factor receptor mutation, compared with conventional first-line treatment. Over half of them survived 30 months or even longer. The results were published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology . 都市發展的跨文化對話 Intercultural Dialogue on Urban Development 四十五位來自十九個國家 的菁英於7月1至9日聚首中 大,參加英聯邦大學協會暑 期課程,主題為「設計及創 造可持續發展社區」。除了 參與由中大教授、本地專 家及澳洲、加拿大及南非 的海外學者主講的講座及 工作坊,學生更走訪四個 香港社區,包括西營盤、灣 仔、粉嶺及天水圍,親身接觸居民及有關人士,了解規劃社區發展所面對的機遇與難題。 透過課堂所學及考察體驗,學生學會從多角度剖析都巿議題,明白如何有效管理地球 資源。 Forty-five bright-minded students from 19 nations gathered at CUHK for intensive learning and idea exchange during the period 1–9 July at the Association of Commonwealth Universities Summer School. The programme gathered students worldwide to explore the topic of ‘Designing and Creating Sustainable Communities’ in Hong Kong. In addition to attending thematic lectures and workshops hosted by CUHK academics, local practitioners and overseas experts, students also paid visits to Sai Ying Pun, Wanchai, Fanling and Tin Shui Wai and gained exposure to the opportunities and challenges in urban planning faced by residents and stakeholders. They also explored the urban issues from multiple perspectives and sought solutions to better manage the world’s resources. 當文物觀賞融入醫學教育 When Museum Meets Medicine 良好的觀察力是行醫的基 本條件。中大醫學院與文 物館聯手推出新課程,透過 讓醫學生鑑賞文物館的豐 富館藏,提升他們在視覺分 析、觸感及形狀觀察上的 敏銳度,鍛煉觀察力和邏輯 推理,並將觀察所得扼要 表達。 Good observation is the prerequisite of doctoring. Drawing on the University’s rich art collection, the Faculty of Medicine and the Art Museum of CUHK have launched a museum-based programme to enhance the observational and articulation skills of the medical students. The programme will sharpen their sensitivity to visual details, textures and shapes of objects, as well as their articulation skills for logical deductions.
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