Newsletter No. 521

04 # 5 2 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 8 都怪多巴胺作祟 Blame Dopamine for Muddle- headedness 辦公室搬遷過後,偶爾去錯舊樓層並非怪事,但 有些人或需要多一點時間適應,原來是因為缺乏 多巴胺。醫學院的神經科學家容永豪教授(右)及 柯亞教授(左)發現大腦的多巴胺系統失調可致 「認知靈活性」受損。研究可以解釋為甚麼柏金遜 症、強迫症行為等患者較不靈活,經常堅持某種處 事模式,有助專家尋找治療方法。 Many people may have mistakenly gone to the old office once or twice after office relocation, but some may take a longer while to adapt to the change. It is due to the depletion of dopamine, according to the neuroscientists of CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine Prof. Yung Wing-ho (right) and Prof. Ke Ya (left). Their study has indicated that dysregulation of dopamine systems in the brainmay impair cognitive flexibility. The findings may explain why some patients with brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and obsessive-compulsive discorder often stick to rigid rules, which help identify therapies for them. 營造正向教育環境 Creating a Positive Learning Environment 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金與中大社會科學院攜 手推出「正正得正」教育計劃,冀與本地學校師生 及家長協力營造正向教育的環境,促進大眾心理 健康。計劃以正向教育研究為基礎,中大亦派出 顧問到校提供教學建議,協助校方改善教學法、 課堂活動、評核模式及校園環境,締造正向學習 氛圍。 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and CUHK’s Faculty of Social Science have jointly rolled out a positive education project ‘Ascend and Radiate’ to co-create a positive environment for local students, parents and teachers and promote mental well-being among them. Firmly grounded in positive education research, the CUHK consultants offer advice on teaching practices to help schools redesign their pedagogy, learning activities, assessments and school campus to cultivate a positive atmosphere. 正視腸病根源 Getting Down to the Gut Issues 中大腸胃病研究團隊發現與肥胖相關的大 腸癌趨向年輕化,呼籲大眾關注問題。團 隊搜集來自香港、英國、美國和瑞典等六個 國家及地區的數據,分析自1988年起各地 方的大腸癌發病趨勢,結果顯示香港及美 國罹患結腸癌的年輕患者顯著增加。醫學 院雷諾信醫生指出肥胖可引致腸道微生物 群轉變,增加患大腸癌的風險。 CUHK’s gastroenterology team rang the alarm bell of the ‘young- shift’ in the incidence of colorectal cancer. They analyzed the data of six selected developed countries and regions, including Hong Kong, the UK, the US and Sweden, and looked into their colorectal cancer incidence trends over 20 years since 1988. Results revealed the young generation in Hong Kong and the US diagnosed with colon cancer is on the rise. Dr. Rashid Lui of the Faculty of Medicine opined that growing obesity changes the gut microbiota which may in turn increase the risk of colorectal cancer. 中大學者入選人工智能專家智庫 AI Think-tanker from CUHK 工程學院副院長(外務)黃錦 輝教授加入中國人工智能學會 智庫,為首批入選「自然語言處 理與理解」組別之專家,六十 一名入選者當中,黃教授是唯 一本港土生土長的學者。黃教 授認為香港在中國人工智能發 展中擔當重要角色,冀把中大的科研成果推向國 際,引領本港發展成為亞洲人工智能研發基地。 Prof. Wong Kam-fai, Associate Dean (External Affairs) of the Faculty of Engineering, has been appointed as one of the first batch of 61 national experts by the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence under the category of natural language processing and understanding. Among the experts selected, Professor Wong is the only scholar from Hong Kong. With a staunch belief in Hong Kong’s unique role in advancing the AI development in China, he hopes that CUHK will shine and stand out as Asia’s AI research and innovation hub. 為青光眼治療掀新章 Glaucoma No Longer Nerve-racking 機械與自動化工程學系陳世祈教授(右)及其團 隊,成功研發首台「數碼全息雙光子激發」顯微 鏡,拍下細胞實時螢光成像和同步多點光學刺激, 詳細記錄細胞之間的活動情況,有助研究視覺神 經疾病的成因,如常見的青光眼便可藉該顯微鏡 掃描視網膜神經節細胞,了解發病機制,研發治療 方案。 A team led by Prof. Chen Shih-chi (right) of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering has developed the first digital holography-based (DH) two-photon excitation (TPE) microscope to generate simultaneous video- rate fluorescent imaging and multi-point optical stimulation. This allows the tracking of nerve cells activities and helps advance the study of neurological diseases, such as glaucoma, a very common eye disease. By scanning the retinal ganglion cells using the DH-TPE microscope, scientist can understand the molecular mechanisms of optic nerve degeneration in glaucoma and develop therapies for patients. 中大(深圳)夥企業推動人工智能 CUHK (SZ)’s Industry Partnership on AI 中大(深圳)與兩大企業合作,於6月分別成立中大(深圳)– 京東集 團人工智能聯合實驗室和中大(深圳)– 騰訊 AI Lab機器智能聯合 實驗室;兩者均專注研究計算機視覺、自然語言處理和機器學習等領 域,悉力培養博士生。 CUHK (SZ) collaborated with two leading corporations to establish the CUHK (SZ)-JD Joint AI Lab and the CUHK (SZ)-Tencent AI Lab Joint Laboratory of Machine Intelligence in June. Both laboratories focus on computer vision, natural language processing, machine learning and doctoral student training. 人口遷移研究新里程 Synergy on Migration Research 大學聯同西安交通大學設立人口遷移聯合研究中心,鞏固兩校的策略 夥伴關係,並於6月15日在中大舉行聯合研究中心成立典禮。兩校的團 隊一直走在人口遷移研究領域的前線,將共同研究中國的國際移民、 流動人口、國內遷移等廣泛領域,並會着眼於國際移民、流動人口及回 流人口融入社會的狀況,探討其對中國社會經濟影響,以及粵港澳大 灣區的人才流動等問題。除了為中國的移民政策出謀獻策,聯合研究 中心亦會聯手展開跨學科研究,為各地研究者提供交流平台。 CUHK and Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) have forged a strategic partnership by jointly establishing a research centre on migration. An inauguration ceremony for the joint centre was held on campus on 15 June. CUHK and XJTU research groups have been at the forefront of migration research. The joint research centre will look into extensive topics covering international immigration, floating population and internal migration in China, with foci on the social integration among the international migrants, floating population and the returning migrants, their socio-economic impact, and talent migration in the Greater Bay Area. Besides offering insights to the nation’s migration policy, the centre will serve as an interdisciplinary research and exchange platform for international scholars.