Newsletter No. 222
宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS —have sa t for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) b y Octobe r 200 3 a s well a s the Graduat e Record Examinations (GRE) ; and —be/have bee n admitted fo r Ph.D . studie s a t Harvar d University o r other major universities . The scholarship is tenable for one academic year (usuall y from Septembe r throug h th e followin g June ) an d th e recipient ma y apply for renewal thereafter. It cover s transportation to and from the university whic h the applicant wil l attend , tuition, health fees and a living stipend adequate for a single scholar to be determined with reference to the local cost of living and other sources of support. 3. Visiting Fellows Programme This programme provide s junior facult y member s i n the humanities o r socia l sciences who ar e Ph.D. candidates in their own universities with an opportunity to d o dissertation research at Harvard University. Preferenc e wil l b e given to scholars working in East Asian Studies. The natural sciences and applied fields such as business management , librar y science , teaching Englis h a s a second language, etc. are excluded. Candidates mus t 一 be regular faculty members who will return to their home universities to teach immediately afte r the fellowship; and —have sa t for TOEFL by October 2003. The fellowshi p i s given fo r on e academic yea r (from Septembe r throug h the following July) . Fellows may be invited to go to Harvard the preceding July to take an intensive cours e in English. The fellowship cover s transportation to and from Cambridge , Massachusetts , payment o f the Harvard University Visitin g Fellows fee , and a stipend adequate for a single scholar . Detailed programme information and the application forms can be obtained at the Personnel Office's website ( . Nominees should submit a Summary of Submission (PO/SR3) obtainable from the above website, together with the completed application forms, requisite supporting documents and application for leave, with the endorsement of the department chairman/unit head and the faculty dean as appropriate, to Mrs. Betty Lo, personnel manager on or before 18th July 2003 for consideration of the Academic Staff Review Committee. After the University has submitted its nominations to the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the nominated applicants will be interviewed by a representative of the Institute in Hong Kong in the autumn of 2003. For enquires, please contact the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191/7288). 大 學圖書館系統初夏開放時間 Early Summer Opening Hours of the University Library System 大學圖書館系統於五月二十六日至六月三十日的開放時間如下: The opening hours o f the University Librar y Syste m from 26t h May t o 30t h June 2003 ar e as follows: 大學、崇基、新亞及 聯合圖書館 UL, CC, NA&UC 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 週一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m . — 10.0 0 p.m . 9.00 a.m. - 6 . 00 p.m . 9 00 a.m. - 5 . 00 p.m . 週六 Sat 9.00 a.m . - 7 . 00 p.m . 9.00 a.m. -5.00 p.m . 9.00 a.m . — 12.3 0 p.m . 週日 Sun 1.00 p.m.-7.0 0 p.m . 閉館 closed 閉館 closed 所有圖書館於六月四日(端午節)及七月一日(香港特別行政區成立紀念日)閉館。 A ll librarie s wil l be closed on 4th June (Tuen Ng Festival) and 1s t July (Hon g Kong Specia l Administrative Regio n Establishment Day) . 收費及暑期免費校車服務 Fee-Charging and Non-Fee-Charging Bus Service for Staff in Summer 交通組提醒大學同人,由一九九二年起,所有校內穿梭校車之乘客,在下列日 期內乘搭穿梭校車時,每次必須繳交面值一元之乘車券: (一)星期日及公眾假期; (二)每年六、七、八月(選科及註冊日除外)。 乘車券每本十張,費用九元,辦公時間在四院學生輔導處、富爾敦樓大學紀念 品銷售處、研究生宿舍辦事處、威爾斯親王醫院教習醫院院務室、交通組及保安組 (二十四小時)發售。 而校方為方便教職員上、下班,由六月一日至八月三十一日期間,提供不收費 之教職員專用班車服務,每班一車次,按下述時間路線行駛: 上行線 星期一至六(兩班次) 上午八時三十分及八時四十分 由嶺南體育館開出,往新亞書院。中途停大學 體育中心、潤昌堂、馮景禧樓及聯合書院。 下行線 星期一至五(兩班次) 下午五時零五分及五時二十分 星期六(一班次) 下午十二時四十五分 由新亞書院開出,往火車站。中途停聯合書院、 大學行政樓、五旬節會樓及大學體育中心。 查詢請致電交通組(內線七九九零或七九九二)。 Passengers of the University shuttle buses have since 1992 been required to tender one-dollar coupons on the following days : 1. Sunday s and public holidays ; 2. A l l days in June, July, and August except course selection and registration days. Such coupons come in booklets o f 1 0 at the price o f $9 each and may be purchased (during office hours) from the four College Dean of Students' Offices, the University Souveni r Counte r a t John Fulton Centre, the general office of the Postgraduate Hall, Clinical Sciences Administration (Prince of Wales Hospital), the Transport Unit, and the Security Unit (24-hour) . The University also provides a non-fee-charging bus service during the months o f June, July, and August (except on Sundays and public holidays) to facilitate staff members who travel to and from work by train. T o tie in with University working hours, the bus will run as per the following schedule from 1s t June to 31st August this summer. Up Route Monday t o Saturda y At 8.3 0 a.m . an d 8.4 0 a.m . (two trip s pe r day ) Lingnan Stadiu m → Universit y Sport s Centr e → Y.C. Lian g Hal l → Fung King-he y Buildin g → United Colleg e → Ne w Asi a Colleg e Down Route Monday t o Frida y At 5.0 5 p.m . an d 5.2 0 p.m . (two trip s pe r day ) Saturday a t 12.4 5 p.m . (one tri p pe r day ) New Asi a Colleg e → Unite d Colleg e → Universit y Administration Buildin g → Pentecosta l Missio n Hall Comple x → Universit y Sport s Centr e → University Trai n Statio n Enquiries ca n be directed to the Transport Unit (Ext . 7990 or 7992) . 游泳池重開 University Swimming Pool Reopens 大學游泳池已於本月十二日重新開放,每週七天,假日照常。開放時間為: 第一節:上午十時三十分至十一時四十分 第二節:中午十二時三十分至下午一時四十分 第三節:下午三時至六時十五分 為避免非典型肺炎傳播,游泳池特於非繁忙泳季(五月十二日至六月初)每日 上午十一時四十五分至中午十二時三十分增設清潔時段,以保障泳客安全;游泳池 暫只開放予學生/教職員/校友及其直系親屬使用,不招待其他訪客,至另行通告 為止。 The University swimmin g pool has been re-opened from 12t h May 2003 (Monday) . Daily openin g hours are: 1st session: 10.3 0 a.m. - 11.4 5 a.m. 2nd session: 12.3 0 p.m. - 1.4 0 p.m. 3rd session: 3.3 0 p.m. - 6.1 5 p.m. (including public holidays ) In order to prevent possible SARS transmission and infection, an extra sterilizing session is scheduled from 11.4 5 a.m. to 12.3 0 p.m. during the non-peak swimmin g season from 12t h May 2003 to early June. Meanwhile, the University swimming pool will initially open to students/staff/alumni and their immediate family members only. No visitors ar e allowed to use the facility until further notice . 申報個人資料變動情況 Updating of Staff Personal Data 大學同人的個人資料如姓名、婚姻狀況、子女、學歷等倘有更改,請填妥「更改 個人資料表」,並把有關文件正本或獲確認的副本一併交回人事處;同人的地址、電 話或在緊急事故時的聯絡人及方法如有更改,亦務請以書面通知人事處,以更新資 料。「更改個人資料表」可於人事處網頁( 下載或致 電二六零九七二九一索取。 部分個人資料的變動可能會影響僱員的附帶福利,同人務必即時申報。 To ensure the accuracy of staff data records, staff members with changes of personal data such as name, marital status, birth of child, emergency contact, or acquisition o f additional qualifications ar e requested to submit the form 'Change of Personal Data' to the Personnel Office with the originals or certified true copies of relevant supporting documents attached . Staff members with any change in address or telephone number should also inform the Personnel Office of the same in writing. The form 'Chang e o f Personal Data ' ma y b e downloade d fro m th e websit e ( / personnel) o r obtained from the Personnel Office by calling at 2609 7291. Any chang e of personal data needs be reported if i t may have implications o n staff members' benefits entitlement at the University. 保健處延期舉行肝炎疫苗注射 UHS Hepatitis Vaccination Postponed 受非典型肺炎影響,原定於四月份舉行的第二及第三劑肝炎疫苗注射,順延至 五月二十二及二十三日(星期四及五)。不便之處,敬請原諒。 Due to the unforeseen SARS situation, the University Healt h Service has decided to postpone the second and third dose of Hepatitis vaccination to 22nd and 23rd Ma y (Thursday an d Friday). Sorr y for the inconvenience . 3 No. 222 19thMay 2003
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