Newsletter Summer Supplement (2005)
新書 NEW BOOKS 香港亞太研究所 HKIAPS 研究專論第一五五號 《泛珠三角基礎建設發展研究系列:II. 鐵路》 楊汝萬、紀緯紋 由於經濟高速增長,國家展開鐵路發展的鴻圖大計,目標是加強 鐵路密度,在各區域建構不同功能的鐵路網,並著力實行鐵路現代 化,包括設立高速客運專線、增建更多複線和在更多路段進行電氣化改 造。泛珠三角區域將因而受惠,有更完善的鐵路網,促進運輸服務。鐵 路因運載能力與速度,成為香港境內外的運輸骨幹,但香港現在只有一 條跨境鐵路,不足以應付未來的運輸需求。作者分析了香港應如何發展境內新鐵路, 更好地融入泛珠三角的鐵路網,以滿足社會需求並發揮香港的優勢。 國際統一書號 962-441-155-7 , 平裝本,三十八頁,二十港元。 研究專論第一五八號 《泛珠三角基礎建設發展研究系列:III. 港口及航道》 楊汝萬、紀緯紋 水運是泛珠三角區域乃至全國的重要運輸模式之一。泛珠三角擁有不少世界良 港,亦位處多條國際主要航道之上。區域進一步開發,商貿活動愈趨頻繁,港口雖擁 有優越的發展前景,但香港港口發展卻有放緩跡象,各地港口亦須面對不少區域協調 和合作的問題。本文探討香港港口應如何融入大珠三角港口群,以發揮既有的實力; 大珠三角港口群應如何整合,以輻射其影響力至整個泛珠三角區域;以及泛珠三角區 域其他沿海港口和內河港口,應如何定位等問題。 國際統一書號 962-441-158-1 ,平裝本,四十四頁,二十港元。 Occasional Paper No. 156 Social Conflicts in Hong Kong: 1996-2002 Wan Po-san and Timothy Ka-ying Wong This study attempts to inventory the everyday social conflicts that occurred from 1st January 1996 to 30th June 2002 as reported by the press. A total of 3,385 social conflict events have been recorded. Most of the recorded social conflicts were of short duration; initiated by named associations; engaged neither allies nor antagonistic parties; had a limited number of participants; and involved the government, either as an object of claim, a party to conflict against, or an arbitrator of conflicts. The majority of conflict actions were peaceful and bounded by mutually agreed-upon principles. Outbreaks of violence were extremely rare and governmental repression self-controlled. The past several years have seen an expanding zone of conflicts and the social base of collective contention has become broader and more heterogeneous. Yet, production workers, people w i th a political party affiliation and students tended to be involved more often in collective action. ' C i v i l r i g h ts and l i b e r t i e s ', 'labour and employment', 'housing', ' c u l t u re and r e l i g i o n ', 'economics' and 'politics and government' were the six most frequent issues leading to c o n f l i c t. The m a j o r i ty o f the c o n f l i ct e v e n ts w e r e a i m e d at p r o t e s t i ng against some specific objects or to demand something or some changes. It was more likely for labour-related, political and housing issues to make use of persuasive action, while issues concerning civil rights were more inclined to lead to protest actions. ISBN 962-441-156-5, 90 pages, paperback, HK$30 Occasional Paper No. 157 Noises and Interruptions: The Road to Democracy in Hong Kong Lam Wai-man and Kuan Hsin-chi This study depicts the extent of the acquisition and consolidation of democratic values in Hong Kong. In an attempt to explain the antecedents to the acquisition and consolidation of democratic values, findings on people's assessment of democracy in the governmental system, their sense of empowerment and their perceptions of the responsiveness of the system, their perceptions of the performance of democracy, and their trust in institutions are also examined. Finally, the paper gives an account of Hong Kong people's perceptions of the prospects for democracy in Hong Kong. For the people of Hong Kong, democracy embodies the political values they treasure. They are attached to liberal values and are making strong demands on the government to guarantee social equality and justice, and to be min-ben. However, their commitment to democracy is ambivalent. Some may not find democracy always suitable and preferable due to their concerns about possible conflicts among democratization, economic development and efficiency in governance. This study also uncovers an enormous sense of political powerlessness and frustration among the people. ISBN 962-441-157-3, 46 pages, paperback, HK$20 翻譯研究中心 Research Centre for Translation 《譯學英華:宋淇翻譯研究論文獎 1999-2004 文集》(第—、二巻) 孔慧怡編 Among The Best: Stephen C. Soong Chinese Translation Studies Awards 1999-2004 (2 volumes) Edited by Eva Hung 「宋淇翻譯研究論文紀念獎」由香港中文大學 翻譯研究中心主辦,宋氏家族捐款設立,旨在獎 勵華人學術界從事創新的翻譯研究,尤其鼓勵以 第一手資料從事歷史和文化方向的探討。本書 收錄共二十篇論文,是近年中國譯學 領域中具代表性的文集。 Set up by the Research Ce n t re f or Translation, CUHK, with a donation from the Soong f a m i l y, the Stephen C. Soong T r a n s l a t i on S t u d i es A w a r ds a i m at encouraging original research in Chinese translation studies, particularly in the use of first-hand sources for historical and cultural investigations. The present volume contains 20 papers. They represent some of the best recent works in Chinese translation scholarship. Limited print edition/CD-Rom edition: vol. 1 (Chinese) 卷一(中文) HK$48 vol. 2 (English) 卷二(英文) HK$48 《重寫翻譯史》 孔慧怡著 本書為作者十五年來根據第一手資料研究中國翻譯史的心血結晶,也是她告別 譯學界的最後一部作品,無論在材料、方法、理解及宏觀史學各方面,都與中國翻 譯學現有的作品明顯不同。 Limited print edition/CD-Rom edition: HK$48 香港敎育研究所 HKIER 《敎育學報》第 32 卷第 2 期 Education Journal, Vol. 32 No. 2 論文 Articles 全球化發展與儒家價值教育的資源一一劉國強 從閱讀中學習歷史:建立個人觀點與批判角度——楊秀珠 教學實習中的專業學習一一鄧怡勳、蔡碧蓮 Self-regulated Learning and Academic Achievement of Hong Kong Secondary School Students by Esther Sui-chu Ho Scientific Literacy of Hong Kong Students and Instructional Activities in Science Classrooms by Din-yan Yip and Derek Cheung A Comparative Study of the Educational Role of Public Art Museums in Three Asian Cities: Taipei, Singapore, and Shanghai by Anne S.K Lam 平裝本,一百五十六頁,五十港元。 156 pages, paperback, HK$50 文物館 《一代草聖:三原于右任書法藝術》 本書是文物館的展覽圖錄,結集一代草聖于右任 (1879-1964) 早中晚各期的書法作品共九十項。于右任是 革命報人、辛亥元老、詩人、教育家和政治家。處身動還 多變的局勢,書法藝術成為他畢生的追求。他早年從王羲 之、趙孟頫入手,其後轉研魏碑,中年以後專攻草書,匯 今草、章草、狂草之美,創立了自成體系的「標準草 書」,書風兼具柔美與沉雄的韻致,影響至鉅。展品精選 自于氏後人及海內外公私珍藏。每一作品附釋文,並有張 清治撰寫賞析文章,傅申、張清治、杜忠誥、李蕭錕、林 章湖為大部分作品撰寫賞析簡介。 國際統一書號 962-7101-72-9 ,精裝本,一百二十頁,二百港元。 9 暑期特刊• 二零零五年八月十九日 Summer Supplement • 19th August 2005
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