Newsletter No. 45
No. 4 5 August 1993 CUHK Newsletter HK$30 Million-bill for the p u r s u i t o fnewk n o w l e d g e As reported in the last issue of the C U H K Newsletter, 56 research projects proposed by members of the University have successfully attracted grants totalling HK$29.348 million from the government's Research Grants Council Given below are more details about the 56 projects, grouped under eight categories. Project Title CUHK Investigator(s) Amount Approved (HK$ million) Administrative, Business & Social Studies Impact of transient mood changes on depressive realism Dr. C.S.K Tang 0.275 Decline of authority, social conflict and social re-integration in Hong Kong: patterns of social change in the last years of British rule Prof. S.K. Lau Mrs. S.P.S.Wan Law Dr. T.L Lui Prof. H.F.H Siu 1.2 Sustaining the competitive advantage of Hong Kong: the role of quantity, quality, and tracking in higher education Dr. S.LW. Tang 0.32 A psychologica l study of social axioms Dr. K. Leung Prof. M.H. Bond 0.27 Underpricing of new issues and their volatility in China's stock markets Dr. H.M.K Mok 0.15 Exchange rate policy of a small op en economy in a multi-currenc y world with capital flows Dr. G.W.L Hui 0.26 Attention as self-organizatio n to form special purpose devices: theoretical and applied studies using behavioura l and psychophysiologica l measures Dr. T.C. Chan Dr. D.T.L Shek 0.281 Hybrid connectionis t expert systems for spatial inference and analysis - an integration of neural networks and expert systems technologies Dr. Y. Leung 0.6 An object-oriented knowledge-base d image analysis system for environmenta l monitoring using remote sensing and geographi c information systems Dr. T. Fung Dr. Y. Leung Dr. K.S. Leung 0.8 Architecture Ceremony, legitimacy , and architecture : the Qing dynasty Prof. T.F. Le Mr. A. Li 0.286 Arts & Languages A study of sign language varieties in Hong Kong Dr. J.C. Woodward Dr. G.W.L Tang 0.247 The self-reflecting mirror: early 20th century Chines translations of Western literature Prof. D.E. Pollard Dr. G.C.F Fong Dr. W.C.Wong 0.25 5
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